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Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell Chapter 199

Chapter 199

It turned out the Luminous Pearl was about to be presented. Stella unconsciously moved toward it, andKeegan followed her.

When all the lights from the cell phones were turned off, the lights overhead were also turned. off.There was only the soft glow from the infrared light of the surveillance cameras and the green light fromthe emergency exits. The surrounding was pitch black. Even if someone was standing nearby, onecould not see their face clearly. It was total darkness.

“We appreciate your cooperation,” the host’s voice boomed again. “Next, we will have our staff pull thecurtains, and we shall admire this rare treasure that had been uncovered after two thousand yearstogether.”

As his speech ended, everyone saw the soft glow emitted from the stage. As the curtains were pulleddown, the glow started to spread toward its surrounding. The soft purple light immediately covered thefront stage when the curtains were pulled down completely. At the same time, the original source forthis glow was a bead the size of a ping-pong ball covered in a glass dome.

Everyone erupted in gasps. It was not like everyone there had not seen Luminous Pearls before.However, they usually emitted light green or whiteish yellow lights. Most people saw those that castlight purple glows like this one for the first time. Those further away could not see clearly, so theypushed to squeeze forward.

Stella staggered from the squeezing, but the person beside her stretched out his hand to hold onto herwaist. He brought her into his arms and used his body to shield her between the display set andthemself.

‘Keegan acted like a man for once and knew to protect me. Could it be that the things I said earlierhave caused him to feel some guilt?’ Stella thought.

The host on stage was introducing the Luminous Pearl’s origins. The surrounding people weresqueezing to the front. Once in a while, a nail or handbag would touch Stella, and she would shrinkfurther into his embrace.

Keegan’s body froze, and his body subconsciously moved away and kept a distance from her.

Stella furrowed her brows. ‘Bastard. If he resented me so much, why did he sleep with me?’

She gritted her teeth and leaned closer, but he still dodged her. Stella grew frustrated and stretched herhands out to hug his waist. “If you push me away, I’ll tell grandma that you have a mistress and want todivorce me!”

Keegan’s movements halted and did not move any further.

Stella maintained this position while looking at the Luminous Pearl on stage. The glow emitted from thepearl was breathtaking, and the host on stage told the pearl’s origins at a moderate pace.

The pearl originated from the Swallow Kingdom and was gifted by an unknown king to his belovedconsort. Then, it changed masters a few times before becoming an accompaniment for the burial of amadam during the Astor Dynasty. After that, the tomb was raided, and the pearl was lost overseas.Under a stroke of good luck, Irene Moore saw it during an auction and used eight million Union dollarsto bid on it.

In order for the people in the country who were interested to gaze upon the brilliance of the pearl, thepearl would be exhibited once in the middle of every month. At the end of the year, it would be officiallydonated to the national museum. Stella listened to it for a long time. She realized that the pearl was just

a gimmick to attract people to the jewelry exhibition. Their true intention was actually to sell theirjewelry.novelbin

“On this night, the volume of jewelry about to be sold would far exceed the money required to bid forthe pearl. By exhibiting the pearl eight or ten times, the money they would have earned would beenough to buy tens of those pearls. From the looks of it, Mr. Moore’s aunt is quite similar to you. Bothyour hearts are rotten to the core,” said Stella.

The person in her arms froze, and Keegan’s voice came from behind. “Stella, who are you talking to?”

Stella was stunned.

‘Why was his voice coming from behind me? If Keegan was behind me? Who am I hugging in myarms?’ She thought.

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