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Chapter 1895

At the Saun residence, after Wenham had a cup of ginger lemon tea to sober up, Darcie helped himupstairs to rest.

The maids cleaned up the mess they had made.novelbin

Trevor came out from the washroom and saw Jaylene holding the photo album from Stella’s childhood.

Her fingers clenched tightly on the album. However, her facial expression was concealed in theshadows, making it difficult to discern.

Nevertheless, her protruding knuckles revealed her current unsettled emotions.

Trevor did not say anything as he quietly watched her from afar.

After staring at the album for a few seconds, Jaylene slammed it onto the table.

Then, she turned around and went upstairs.

Once she walked away, Trevor walked over and picked up the album.

The leather cover still bore the imprints of Jaylene’s forceful grip from earlier.

Trevor silently smoothed out those marks and then opened the album.

He intended to look at Stella’s childhood photos. However, as he flipped through the pages, he noticedsomething.

‘Where’s the photo where Stella was covered in mud?’ He frowned and flipped through the album fromthe first page again. ‘It’s not here,’ Trevor thought to himself.

He then turned to the maid, who was cleaning the table, and asked, “Besides Jaylene, has anyone elsetouched this album?”

The maid thought for a moment and answered, “Mr. Kane flipped through it. At that time, you and Mr.Wenham Saun had gone out to move things into Ms.

Saun’s car. Mr. Kane looked through it for a while.

Trevor’s eyelid twitched. ‘Did he steal that photo? How civilized of him.’ Trevor thought to himself.

He pulled out several photos from the album, then closed it and put it back in the box. He told the maid,“If my dad asks about the photos, tell him I took a few to put in my office.”

“Sure, Mr. Saun.”

Having stayed up late and being drunk, Keegan slept exceptionally soundly that night. When heopened his eyes, it was already very bright outside.

He tried to lift his arm to check the time on his phone, but his arm did not budge when he tried to moveit.

He paused, turned around, and saw Stella sleeping with her arm around him.

His eyelids twitched. Then, he suddenly realized that both of them were barely wearing any clothesunder the blanket.

His entire body went numb as he quickly pulled his arm back.

Stella’s head dropped onto the pillow, and she woke up. She frowned and said sleepily, “What are youdoing so early in the morning?”

Keegan sat up and covered his lower body with the blanket, looking somewhat upset, “Why are you inmy bed?”

‘What?’ Stella was shocked. She then opened her eyes, “Are you still drunk?”

She reached out to touch his face as she spoke, but he immediately ducked and rolled to the foot of thebed.

Stella was speechless. The corner of her lips twitched, “Is my hand poisonous or something?”

Keegan remained silent.

Stella was wearing a slip dress. As she sat up, one of the straps slipped off her shoulder, and Keeganinstantly noticed the faint red marks on her neck.

‘Damn it!’ he cursed inwardly.

His expression was tense with a hint of frustration. After clutching the blanket while mumbling tohimself for a while, he said, “Get dressed. We’re going to the hospital.”

Stella was confused. She then asked, “What for?”

The prenatal check-up was scheduled for next week.

Keegan clenched his fists as his chest heaved violently. ” Why didn’t you push me away?” he asked ina hoarse voice.

Stella was completely puzzled, “Why would I do that? You already rolled so far away from me.”

“I’m talking about last night!” Keegan’s lips trembled. “If you had just pushed me away, I wouldn’thave… I wouldn’t have…

” He struggled to continue, his eyes filled with panic and selfdisgust.

“Hospital,” His voice sounded husky. “We need to go to the hospital right now.”

Stella looked at Keegan and her expression changed.

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