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Chapter 1661

The executives realized that the presentation was not a stalling tactic; it revealed significantadvancement in Alex’s research and development. It successfully addressed a fundamental aspect ofphotolithography technology.

This achievement was nothing short of sensational for the entire industry.

Upon approval of the experiments and the feasibility of mass production, it could shatter the foreignmonopoly on this technology, presenting immeasurable commercial value.

The executives whose views initially aligned with Chandler’s were left momentarily speechless.

After Jasper explained everything, he summarized, “Our R&D has reached the final experimentalstage. It’s inadvisable to introduce new team members at this point. If the results of this stage’sexperiments are leaked, the repercussions will be beyond imagination.”

Everyone comprehended the gravity of the situation, given their shared industry background.

While Chandler might harbor intentions of gaining control over Vinci Rivera, the prospect of puttingshareholder interests at risk for this purpose was not a proposal anyone was willing to entertain.novelbin

The financial windfall and enhanced reputation from a breakthrough in this new technology were ofsubstantial magnitude, causing everyone to have concerns.

Someone voiced their opinion, “Mr. Kane, Mr. Powell makes a compelling case.

Introducing someone new into the team could cause issues, and it would be a considerable challengeto handle them.” Hearing that, the others followed suit, “I agree. Introducing anyone new at this criticalstage is risky. Let’s hold off from making any adjustments until the experimental stage is completed.”

“Mr. Kane, our top priority should be the progress of the experiments.”

Chandler’s expression remained cold and stern as he kept his gaze fixed on Stella, his eyes lackingany semblance of friendliness.

Keegan had never disclosed this breakthrough to the company. If he had presented this trump cardduring the election meeting, it would undoubtedly have caused many people to switch sides.

Chandler understood that profit is what binds the people together.

With Keegan temporarily out of the equation, this research and development achievement safeguardshis entire team. The forceful inclusion of a new member might allow Aldor and the team to exploit thesituation. This, in turn, could jeopardize shareholder interests and contribute to a potential breakdownin trust,’ he thought.

‘It would be tough to influence Alex in light of this. Unless…

Keegan doesn’t come back.’ Stella met Chandler’s eyes confidently and openly. Her gaze resembledthe confrontational look Keegan had given him before, sending an inexplicable chill down his spine.

Chandler quickly dismissed her and thought, ‘She’s just a girl relying on Keegan’s reputation to try andmake a difference. I’m sure she’s incapable of making a significant impact if Keegan never returns. Ijust have to wait.’ “Given the circumstances, waiting until the experiments conclude is reasonable.

However, I propose sharing Alex’s experimental data with the senior management work group. Thisway, everyone can be informed of the progress and prevent intentional delays,” he said.

Stella, not comprehending these intricacies, looked at Aldor. He nodded, and Stella said, “Alright. Aldorwill be in charge of the reports.”

The shareholders voiced no objections when faced with such assurance.

After the meeting, Stella went to the restroom. On her way out, she bumped into Jackson, who blockedthe restroom door.

Now clad in a suit, Jackson appeared somewhat more presentable than before, with a height not muchdifferent from Keegan’s. However, his presence was far less powerful.

‘Keegan emanated charm and authority, while Jackson…’ Stella glanced at his perpetually slouchedback and somewhat emaciated face, ‘He seems frail and weak in terms of physique and demeanor.’

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