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Chapter 1547

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted Chapter 1547 [Eleven Jewell]

‘Keegan had completed his postgraduate studies. Even though he didn’t pursue a Ph.D., he did spend ayear studying

abroad at a prestigious institution… It’s true that Keegan lacks conversational skills. But, even so, histongue can be quite

sharp. As for kind-hearted?’

Stella pondered for a moment. Before she officially met Keegan, Wenham had visited their home underthe pretext of

seeing Luna. There, he encountered Keegan, who managed to keep Wenham standing for a solid twentyminutes with a

slant board.

‘Well, being kind-hearted isn’t exactly Keegan’s strong suit.’

Stella struggled to find any strong arguments in his favor considering these aspects.

Wenham’s friend could not help but wonder, “With all these points against him, why did you agree to letyour child date


Wenham waved a hand dismissively. “It’s not like he doesn’t have any merits. He’s reasonably good-looking and on par

with Trevor. He runs a successful chip-making company, which is no small feat. While he’s not overlytalkative, he’s sharp minded. Did you see the robot I posted on my Twitter recently? He built it and gaveit to me. Although, I can’t say it’s my

cup of tea.”

Stella was stunned to hear that. Keegan never mentioned gifting Wenham a robot. She only found outabout it through

Wenham’s social media account.

Before knowing that Wenham was her father, she even considered selling Luna to him to help Keegan’sbusiness. She

had forgotten about this, but Keegan did not. As soon as the upgraded version was ready, he promptlysent one to


He was evidently putting in considerable effort to maintain a favorable image in the eyes of his father-in-law. And, from the

looks of it, it seemed to be working to some extent.

Although Wenham appeared outwardly disdainful, there was an undertone of smugness in his voice. Hisfriends, who had

witnessed this change, immediately chimed in and jested,” Oh, you old rascal. You’ve bragged aboutyour daughter, and

now you’re bragging about your son-in-law!”

“You really shouldn’t have asked. Look at how proud he is!” one of them said to the person who askedabout Stella’s


“Who do you think you’re fooling? You say you’re not fond of the robot, yet you post it every day on yoursocials. Give it to

me if you don’t like it.”

Darcie listened to the conversation without much expression. She then turned to Stella and asked,“Stella, did you find out

long ago that the design was stolen? Is today’s product launch event part of a calculated publicity stunt?”

Stella offered a faint laugh. “Of course not, Mrs. Saun. I wouldn’t use plagiarism for a publicity stunt. The

consequences are beyond my control if it were to backfire.

“I understand your concern about The Velvet’s reputation. After all, you built it from the ground up. Eventhough you’re no

longer directly involved, it’s still a brand you hold dear. I’ve already reported the matter to the police. Wewill

uncover who leaked our designs. Please rest assured, The Velvet’s reputation won’t suffer on my watch.I won’t tolerate

anyone, regardless of who they are,” she added.

Darcie gazed at her for a moment and offered a smile.” That’s good to hear,” she said.

After bidding farewell to the elders, Stella went to search for Keegan.

Jaylene observed her as she walked over, and Keegan’s once icy demeanor quickly softened. Herfingers instinctively

tightened when she saw that.

Upon returning to her seat, Stella assessed Keegan while suppressing a smile.

Keegan, who was slightly unnerved by her scrutinizing gaze, could not help but ask, “What’s with theintense stare?”

Stella patted his hand and whispered, “My dad was just talking about you with his friends. Do you want toknow what henovelbin


Keegan’s ears perked up, and he glanced at her, feigning indifference. “Well, I don’t mind knowing.”

Stella cleared her throat. “My dad said that you don’t have a higher education. You’re sharp-tongued andmalicious at

heart. He also said you don’t respect your elders and behave like a spoiled brat. He also mentioned howyou have a

resting bitch face.”

Keegan could not believe what he was hearing.

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