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Chapter 1378

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted Chapter 1378 [Eleven Jewell]

Keegan was aware of how strict the family rules were within the Moore family.

Back then, Vermont had beaten up a school bully, and the bully sought revenge on him with a group ofaccomplices from outside of school. Keegan and Marshall were forced to get into that brawl. The incidentescalated, and their parents were all called to the school.

However, after the matter was resolved, Marshall did not come to school for two days.

He and Vermont went to Marshall’s house to look for him, and the nanny told them that Marshall hadbeen admitted to the hospital.

Keegan still remembered what he saw when they arrived at the hospital to this day. Marshall was lyingon the bed, and his face was covered in whip marks. He looked defeated while Ariel was shedding tearsnext to him.

Keegan was raised by Cordelia from a young age. She loved children very much and would only giveKeegan a few spankings on the buttocks or palms when he misbehaved. When he grew older, Cordeliawould punish him in different ways like making him recite books or memorize them.

The disciplinary measures of the Moore family were shocking and despicable.

Keegan and Vermont were worried that Marshall would feel embarrassed, so they looked at him throughthe window and left the hospital without going in.

Molly was Frederick’s favorite child, yet he did not go easy on her. It was evident how angry he reallywas.

Marshall could not get up after being disciplined, and Molly had it even worse. It was said that she spenta few days in the hospital.

Irene was very mad, and she had been looking for the person who leaked the photos.

Trevor was one of her main suspects, so Keegan figured that it would not be a good time for him to askfor the Moore family’s help.

Not only that they would not help him, but they might even seek revenge on him.

At that thought, Keegan could not help but say, “You’re so childish. You should have at least waited forsome time before doing that. They just warned you about it, and the photos were leaked. How could theynot suspect you?”

Trevor was displeased. “They asked for it when they did that to Stella. They should be glad that I didn’tend her life!” Then, he shifted the blame to Keegan, “You’re the fool. You should have gotten someone tobroadcast everything live at that time. Why bother putting on a show? You should embarrass her rightthere and then and show her who she shouldn’t mess with!”novelbin

Keegan kept quiet.

‘What a crazy man! Our families are all friends with each other and doing that would only make thingsworse!’ Keegan thought to himself.

‘I should keep Stella away from her impulsive brother in the future.’

After contemplating for some time, Trevor suddenly suggested, “Why don’t we try to contact that gigolo,Marshall? He’s her relative, after all.”

Keegan’s face darkened. “Are you trying to give him an opportunity to prove himself?”

Trevor snorted. “You get anxious every time I mention his name. What are you afraid of? Stella falling forhim?”

“Hmph.” Keegan scoffed. He was about to flaunt his new diamond engagement ring but changed hismind after some thought.

He knew Trevor too well. He figured that Trevor would probably steal the ring from Stella and throw itaway when she was not paying attention.

So, he said in a flat tone, “We’ll talk about this again after he gets plastic surgery to have a face likemine.”

Trevor kept quiet.

‘Is he that proud of his looks?’

In unit 902 of Clouditude International, Felicity curled up on the couch while editing her script.

She had adapted well to her new company, and her

coworkers were all very friendly. She no longer had to deal with matters that were irrelevant to her workand could finally focus on writing the script.

Sewyn lay beside her, licking its fur occasionally and nuzzling her.

When Vermont came back, he saw this peaceful moment.

He paused briefly before hanging his coat on the rack. Then, he softly asked, “Why haven’t you sleptyet?”

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