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Chapter 1349

Chapter 1349

Ethan was a romantic and attentive partner. He was skilled in bed and was willing to go the extra mileto please her. Aside from his looks, Sophia was quite satisfied with this relationship.

When Sophia saw that it was Albert calling, she held down Ethan’s hand and said, “Hold on. My dad’son the phone.”

Ethan released her hand, rolled off the bed, and lit a cigarette. He leaned against the headboard andsmoked as he watched her.

Sophia picked up her phone and said, “Hey, Dad, what’s up? Why are you calling so early in themorning?”

“Sophia, how are things with the marriage? Any word from the Shaws? “Albert inquired.

Sophia was taken aback. ‘Why is he suddenly asking about this? He literally said there was no need torush, and we should take our time.’

“Ethan’s parents are fine with it. But, since Ethan and I haven’t been dating for long, I thought we couldgive it a bit more time.”

Ethan exhaled a puff of smoke and closely observed Sophia without saying a word.

“You should get married sooner if possible. You’re not getting any younger,” said Albert.

After a brief pause, he added, “I’ve been thinking of transferring some shares to you to boost yourassets.”novelbin

Sophia’s interest was piqued when she heard that. “You want to give me your shares?” she asked.

“Well, you’re my daughter. Everything I have will eventually be yours, no? I didn’t do it earlier becauseyou had just graduated, and your relationship wasn’t stable yet. But now that you and Ethan are talkingabout marriage, I can’t just stand by without showing any support. Or do you want me to give youmoney when the time comes?”

Naturally, Sophia wanted the shares. Any dowry worth a few million dollars would be more thanenough. However, shares were different. With the company still running, she could receive annualprofits. So, she quickly replied, “I’d like to have the shares. In case I decide to step down from thisbusiness and help out at the family company in the future.”

“I was thinking the same,” Albert said in a low voice. “I initially planned to transfer ten percent of myshares to you, but I can only do five percent right now. I must have at least half of the company’sshares to maintain control. But I’m having trouble freeing up even five percent. Coincidentally, Mr.Everett is looking to sell his shares because he is in need of money. Would you consider buying hisshares?”

Sophia was a bit skeptical, but Albert continued, “I wanted to buy them, but we’ve invested nearly ahundred million in several projects lately. All our funds have been used in these projects, and I need topay the staff. So, I can’t buy them. However, Mr. Everett’s offering price is quite low. It would be great ifyou could buy it since the dividends alone could be worth millions each year. You’ll have tons to spend.If

Ethan’s eyes gleamed when he heard the prospect of earning millions in dividends. With his cigarette inhand, he continued listening attentively.

“How many shares is Mr. Everett offering, and how much does he want for them, dad?”

“He’s selling four percent for eight million dollars,” Albert replied. ‘Based on the current stock market, itwould likely cost at least ten million dollars if you buy it somewhere else. If

Sophia was tempted, but she could not immediately come up with eight million dollars. She was in adilemma when Ethan put out his cigarette and whispered something in her ears.

Sophia paused and said, “Dad, can you ask Mr. Everett to put the shares on hold for me? I need sometime to come up with the eight million dollars.”

“Sure. But you have to be quick. I can only hold it for two days at most,” replied Albert.


“Are you going to buy the shares?” Sophia asked Ethan after hanging up the phone.

Ethan put his arm around her shoulders and said,” Opportunities like this don’t come by often, Sophia.How can we let this one slip away? Plus, having a larger stake will give you more say in the company’saffairs.”

“But, eight million dollars isn’t a small amount, and your company needs the funds right now,” saidSophia.

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