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Chapter 1245

Chandler’s expression turned cold upon hearing Keegan’s request. Cordelia glanced sharply atJackson, who wore a gloomy expression and said, “You better start taking this job seriously, boy. Yourcousin is giving you a golden opportunity here. I’ll have no choice but to send you to the westernbranch if you don’t keep your act up.”

“Yes, Grandma,” Jackson replied with a tense look.

Then, Cordelia put down her cup and said, “Keegan, you should consider giving Aurora a job as well. Itdoesn’t have to be a high position, just one where she can learn something.”

Keegan glanced at Aurora, who stiffened her back and pursed her lips. She avoided making eyecontact with him because if she did, her mind would be flooded with memories of how he dragged herout of Chandler’s house and handed her over to the police. All the care and affection she had receivedin the past became a nightmare. Her days in the detention center haunted her, filling her with fear andresentment.

Keegan fell silent for a moment before saying, “She can enter the secretary department. I’ll have Aldormentor her.’

Aldor was baffled by the suggestion. He looked at his boss somewhat d isg runt led ly and thought,‘Couldn’t they just hire a nanny to look after that girl?’

Cordelia seemed satisfied with the arrangement. Aldor was Keegan’s protdg£ and would undoubtedlybecome a key figure in the company’s leadership. His capabilities and approach to handling matterswere excellent. By assigning Aurora to Aldor, Keegan was showing that he was taking her under hiswings.

“Do you accept your brother’s arrangement, Aurora? Or do you have anything to say?” Cordeliainquired.

Aurora kept her head down and replied, “I accept.”

Cordelia nodded and said, “That’s settled then. Aldor, take Aurora to complete the onboarding processso that she can start working tomorrow.”

Aldor reluctantly accepted the task and said, “Follow me, Ms. Kane.”

Aurora hesitated and followed Aldor out.

Cordelia then turned her attention to Chandler and Jackson. She rubbed her forehead and waved herhand dismissively, saying, “You two should also leave. I can’t believe you asked me to come down herefor such a trivial matter. You’re giving me a headache.”

‘I wasn’t the one who asked you to come down here,’ thought Chandler. However, knowing Cordelia’sbias towards Keegan, he took his son and left with a sullen face. Baldwin also left the room shortlyafter.

Once everyone was gone, Cordelia glared at Keegan and expressed her frustration. ’It was reckless ofyou to cause a scene like that. Aren’t you afraid of getting beaten up by those shareholders?”

Keegan loosened his tie and said, “I’d get to fire them from their positions if they do, so no.”

“You’re so thick-skinned,” Cordelia grunted. She remembered him picking up a phone call and pausedbefore asking, ’Was it Stella who called earlier? n

“Yes,” Keegan replied.

This piqued Cordelia’s curiosity. “Is she still living with you?” she asked.

“No. She moved back to her place.”

Cordelia frowned. “You’re useless!”

Her words left Keegan speechless. “Stella is an actress now and has paparazzi following hereverywhere. It wouldn’t be suitable for her to stay at my place.” He explained.

Cordelia was annoyed when she heard that. “Can’t you stay at her place? How come you’re so cleverwhen it comes to messing with your Uncle Chandler but not when it comes to pursuing a girl?”

“But I’m already dating her, Grandma,” Keegan felt the need to clarify.novelbin

Cordelia had her doubts. ‘If what you say is true, why haven’t you proposed? I want a great-grandchild,Keegan. I’m not getting any younger. And why the hell would you let her go back to her place?”

Keegan did not know how to respond. He knew he could not tell his grandmother about his vasectomy,so he said, “Stella has just found her footing in her career. I don’t want to rush her.”

“Are you sure it’s not because she doesn’t want to remarry you?” Cordelia asked.

Keegan remained silent.

“You only started treating her better after the divorce. Maybe she’s afraid you would revert to your oldways if you two get married again. I don’t blame her for wanting to test the waters,” she continued.

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