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Chapter 1241

Chapter 1241

As Felicity listened to Marshall’s response, she could not help but admire his professional andcommanding presence as a lawyer. “Mr. Moore, what we just did earlier, was it considered self-defense? We won’t be held responsible for that abusive man’s injury, right?” she asked.

Marshall smiled and said, “With me here, don’t worry.” His eyes then shifted to Stella, who seemed lostin thought. He softly called her name. “Stella? Are you okay?”

Stella nodded and turned to see blood seeping through the tie that Marshall had tightly wrapped aroundhis hand.

Felicity also noticed the blood and exclaimed, “You’re bleeding a lot, Mr. Moore. It’s like you hit a majorartery or something.”

Marshall was amused by her statement and replied, “It’s just a cut. My blood doesn’t clot well, but I’ll befine.”

“Felicity, can you accompany Marshall to the hospital to stop the bleeding while I head to the policestation and make a statement?” Stella asked. She knew that Marshall had hemophilia, and things mightget serious if the bleeding continued.

Initially, Felicity thought of pointing out that she and Marshall were not that close and Stella shouldaccompany him instead. However, she recalled that Keegan had entrusted her with the task ofpreventing them from getting too close to each other. So, she decided to cooperate and

said, “Sure.”

“That’s okay. We can give our statements together. I’m fine,” said Marshall.

“No. Your well-being is more important right now,” Stella replied.novelbin

Marshall fell silent for a moment and said, “I’m sorry for bringing you two into this.”

“There’s nothing to be sorry about. We’re friends, and friends help each other out,” Felicity quicklywaved off his apology.

Marshall smiled upon hearing that. He then turned to Stella and said, “Thank you.”

Stella paused for a moment and did not respond. She felt guilty because she did not intend building ifFelicity had not rushed up first. Instead, she was scared for Felicity’s safety.

Keegan had advised her to prioritize herself when helping others since she climbed out the window onthe 12th floor of a hotel to save Jaylene. But, Stella was not the kind of person who would feelcompelled to save everyone. She understood that climbing out a 12-story window was dangerous, butit was a situation she could handle.

However, things were different this time. Stella found the circumstances to be much more risky with aknife involved. Not only she might fail to save the person from the assailant, but she could also end uplosing her own life.

Stella knew that she was not as fearless as Felicity when it came to standing up for justice. Beforejumping into rescue, she would assess her abilities and the likelihood of success.

She felt undeserving of Marshall’s gratitude, and she also could not ignore the frequency of unexpectedevents happening whenever she was with Marshall.

‘First, it was the horse racing incident with Keegan. Next, it was me being splashed with hot water byAurora. Then, I was surrounded by Bella’s fans at the mall. And now, this?’ Stella did not know if shewas just overthinking, but these incidents were too hard to ignore.

Sensing Stella’s gaze, Marshall turned to her and asked, “Is something bothering you?”

Stella shook her head and said in a warm voice, “No. Just take care of yourself, and try to avoid gettinghurt again.”

Marshall smiled and replied, “Okay.”

With that settled, Felicity accompanied Marshall to the hospital while Stella headed to the police stationto give her statement.

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