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Chapter 1214

Chapter 1214

Although everyone was holding up their phones, the dim light made it hard to see clearly in thedarkness. Vermont skillfully blended into the crowd with Felicity alongside him.

It was the weekend, and the people in Greenwood Grove were supposed to be having a relaxingevening. However, they could not binge-watch their favorite shows or play any video games due to thepower outage. The residents were annoyed and gathered in front of their homes to engage in livelychatter.

Vermont whispered a few words in Felicity’s ear, and she immediately said, “Hugo, why are you outhere?”

As soon as she finished speaking, another female voice said, “Hugo! Who said you could come out?Where are you, you rascal?”

Vermont grabbed Felicity’s hand and led her toward the source of the voice. The woman continuedcalling Hugo’s name, searching outside and inside the building until she finally found him in one of therooms.

Infuriated, she scolded the child for not listening to her and wandering around.

After giving the child a piece of her mind, the woman stormed out of the room and slammed the doorbehind her. Vermont seized the opportunity to enter the room, picked Hugo up, and walked out of thekindergarten with Felicity.

Felicity’s heart was pounding as they slipped through the crowd. Though, Hugo remained calm inVermont’s arms, seemingly unfazed by the commotion around him. No one paid them any attention.With that, Vermont and Felicity succeeded in taking the child away.

After entering their car, Vermont dialed 911. “Hello? I found a child on the side of the road.”

Felicity was baffled. ‘Isn’t he afraid that the kid would blow his cover if he gets questioned?’ shethought. However, she was overthinking things.

Hugo was autistic, which meant he had difficulty concentrating on his surroundings. He was oftenimmersed in his own world. So, they managed to take the child to the police station without arousingany suspicion and were even praised by the authorities.

Felicity felt bothered by the situation, but Vermont was not. “We’re just doing our jobs as good citizens.I’m sure anyone would do the same if they saw a kid alone on the road,” he said.

His words left Felicity speechless. ‘I guess I’m not as shameless as I thought,’ she said to herself.novelbin

Knowing Hugo would likely wander off at times, the Jewell family placed their contact information in hispockets in case anyone found him. So, the police were able to make a phone call to Albert. Once theyconfirmed Hugo’s identity, they allowed Albert to pick him up from the station.

Initially, the police on duty wanted to take a photo of the incident and post it on their social mediapages. However, when he looked up, he realized the two helpful citizens had already left.

While they were on their way back. Felicity empathized with the child. “I feel sorry for Hugo,” she said.

“For having autism or for having parents like Albert and Hylda? Though there’s no exact cure forautism, there are still a lot of ways to help improve his situation. But I don’t think his parents really carethat much. They should enroll him in a special education program that can accommodate his needs,”said Vermont.

However, Felicity could not help but feel bad that they had to involve Hugo in their affairs. Vermontnoticed this and gently patted her head. “Don’t worry. It’s not your fault. I’m the one who carried out the


Felicity felt better upon hearing that and pushed away his hand. “Hands on the wheel,” she said.

After a whole night’s worth of turmoil, Stella woke up the next day around noon. When she opened hereyes, she recognized the familiar ceiling above her head and slowly recalled what happened the nightbefore.

Various explicit images flashed across her mind, and she remembered yelling Keegan’s name as theyhad sex.

She rolled over, wanting to bury herself under the covers, only to find Keegan lying next to her on hisside with his head propped up. Keegan smiled as their eyes met and said, “You’re up.”

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