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Chapter 1102

Chapter 1102

Felicity wanted to ask Vermont when he became her boyfriend, but when she heard about the assets,she immediately became curious and asked, “How many do you own, exactly?”

Vermont shrugged and calmly replied, “Around ten figures.”

“Oh,” Felicity said with disinterest. “That’s average?

Vermont was puzzled. “Average?”

‘An unemployed person is saying that my ten-figure assets are average? Is she so used to being poorthat she has no concept of money?’novelbin

Just as he was about to explain how much ten figures of assets were, Felicity said, “There’s quite adifference between Keegan’s assets and yours. Before the divorce, Keegan told Stella that he wouldgive her a billion dollars, which is ten figures, yet you only own ten figures?”

This left Vermont speechless. “I’m only talking about real estate and liquid assets. I haven’t includedany stocks or investments yet!” he argued.

“Is your total as much as Keegan’s, then?”

Vermont went quiet. He then gritted his teeth and defended himself. “I started my business from scratchwhile Keegan had the wealth of his family.”

Hearing that, Felicity nodded. “Your family’s financials aren’t comparable to Keegan’s, yet he’s stillfriends with you.

Hmm. This makes him seem rather easygoing, huh? And, I thought the rich discriminated against thosewho weren’t from the same class as them.”

Vermont was taken aback by Felicity’s words. ‘How is he getting the praise when I literally started fromthe ground up? ‘ he thought. ‘I guess having a great friend isn’t always a good thing, especially whenyour crush keeps comparing the two of you.’

Felicity quickly pointed out the cuts and edits that were made in the audio, attached a description, andsent the newly processed clip to a few of her friends who had a following on Facebook. She also askedthem to help spread the word. However, all of them brushed off the idea of posting something like that,as they feared that they would be boycotted. They advised her to wait until everything subsided beforemaking such a post.

‘We have to take advantage of the situation and try to clear Stella’s name before the trend dies down.Who would care about the audio when they’ve already pinned her as the perpetrator if we wait?’Felicity was getting anxious as she tried to convince her friends to help her.

Vermont saw how desperate she was. He reached out to grab her phone and deleted those peoplefrom her friend list one by one. Felicity’s face changed when she realized what he had done. She gotup, snatched her phone back, and angrily said, “Why did you remove my friends?!”

“You call those friends?” Vermont’s voice was cold. “They’re

marketing accounts, yet they don’t know what’s the best time to make some noise? There’s only onereason for their excuses. I bet they received some sort of payment from the other party. That’s whythey’re not willing to help you release the audio.”

Felicity was stunned after hearing Vermont’s prediction. “I only know these people. I don’t know who toask for help anymore. Plus, I’ve helped them before. Maybe they’ll open up their hearts if I beg.”

“Don’t pin your hopes on other people’s sympathy. Sympathy is worthless when there’s moneyinvolved,” Vermont said while he showed her a number. “Add this person on WhatsApp and send thevideo to him. You can send him any follow-ups if you want. He’ll help you deal with it.”

Felicity clicked on the person’s profile and saw that he was called “S’. He had a picture of a goldenretriever with a flower in its mouth as his profile picture. “Who’s this?” she asked.

“Yosef Yarden.”

Felicity was shocked when she heard that name. ‘The top PR manager in the industry?! He hashandled so many cases regarding public relations!’

A few years ago, a celebrity came out to clear things up about an illegitimate child. Yosef was the onewho suggested coming out to the public while there was an ongoing case about another celebrity whoallegedly abused and abandoned their child. The netizens praised the star who had the illegitimatechild for taking responsibility rather

than just abandoning the kid. Soon, it became a multimillion dollar PR case, and Yosef Yarden rose tofame.

Since he did not lack wealth, one would need to have the right connections to get in touch with a PRmanager like him. Stella’s situation was a piece of cake compared to the cases that Yosef had dealtwith before. This meant that Felicity would not have to beg her so-called friends to help her out.

Felicity was excited. “D-Do you think he would accept my request?”

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