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Chapter 1100

Chapter 1100

Felicity screamed in fright. She grabbed an object nearby and threw it at Vermont. “You pervert!” sheyelled.

Vermont panicked and watched as a bottle of ink grazed past his crotch through the opening inbetween his legs and shattered into pieces as it hit the ground. That was when he broke out in coldsweat, thinking, ‘My junk would actually be dysfunctional if that thing had hit me in the crotch.’

Seeing Vermont just standing there, Felicity gritted her teeth and said, “Go get dressed, you mutt!”Topless still, he had put on his pants by the time he reappeared.

Felicity was sitting at the desk, staring at her phone with a bitter look on her face. Vermont put a cup ofcoffee on the table and leaned over. “Why didn’t you say anything when you came in? I thought aburglar broke into my apartment.”

“You thought there was a burglar and decided to confront them without any clothes on?”

Vermont laughed. “I mean… They could’ve been a woman. I could seduce her and prevent her fromtrying to rob me.”

“You’re really something,” said Felicity in disgust.

Hearing that, Vermont chuckled. He did not mean to scare her. He usually slept without any clothes onand was about to wash up when he heard someone in his study. He thought that it was strange, so heopened the door to see what was going on.

Even though Felicity did ask him to put on some clothes, he was not wearing a shirt on purpose. ‘Menand women are the same. They tend to fall for lust. Felicity first fell for Corbin because of his abs. Idoubt I would lose to that man in terms of looks. She’d definitely fall for me now,’ thought Vermont.

However, Felicity clearly did not pay much attention to Vermont. After complaining about him, she wentback to looking at her phone. ‘Am I losing to an electronic device right now?’ Vermont leaned over thetable and asked in a low voice, “Why do you seem so serious? What are you looking at?”

“It’s that bitch, Mistress Young. She gave an interview about the incident and kept hinting that Stellapushed her for revenge,” Felicity gritted her teeth and said.

“There’s no need to get mad. She has no evidence. I don’t think the netizens would believe her.”

“If only that was true. Listen to this,” Felicity said as she played the audio clip she had just heard earlier.[I’m not apologizing. She deserves the broken leg.]

Vermont was stunned. “Stella said that?”

While gritting her teeth, Felicity replied, “That is Stella’s voice, alright. But the audio is edited. I’velistened to it a dozen times and could tell that at least some parts were cut out. Someone had set up atrap and tricked Stella into saying those words. They then edited the clip and created this audio.”

Vermont listened to the recording again and realized that there were slight pauses between the lines. Itwas professionally edited, making it hard for those who were not in the editing field to notice the cutsand stitches.novelbin

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