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Chapter 90

Chapter 90

Jackson eventually got everyone out of our packhouse, even his siblings, and he took me to the diningroom where we waited for

our dinner but he knew that I was still really pissed off. They were questioning me about those photos.Why would I lie about them? I was trying to get Jackson to mend things with his father. I wouldn’t startshit between them if it wasn’t true. Jackson knew that I was still irritated and he was doing everythingthat he could to calm me down.

But the more I thought about it, the more I got pissed off about it. The council were coming back thefollowing day to interview Elias and Gladys. But we had a lot of- work to do before this whole

thing went to trial. Like creating bigger packs and it was going to be nearly impossible to do unless wecompletely cut out sleep altogether. We need to make sure that it looks like Jackson did everything he’sdone for the good of the pack.

He might not have done that at the time, but I know that he’s not the same man that he was back

then. And I’m sure that even his parents and siblings can see that. And then there were the problems atRichmond pack. I was getting so overwhelmed with everything.novelbin

I felt Jackson’s hand on top of mine while we were sitting at the table and he brought me out of mythoughts.

“Are you alright?” He asked with a lot of concern in his voice.

“I am far from okay.” I say.

“I know. But we’ll get through all of this. No one is taking the pack from us. And mom and dad will bedealt with.” He says. And I nodded my head to that.

“Stefan’s back in town. Ran into him today right after he saw his burnt down house.” I say looking-straight at Jackson. And he looked at me with a little guilt on his face.

“I know that I shouldn’t have done that. I was out of my mind that night.” He says.

“I know. I had already arranged another fully furnished house for them. And they are getting settled inthere now.” I say. “Okay. So, they’re staying in the pack?” He asked. “Well, this is all his mother knows.They don’t really have anywhere else to go.” I say. “It’s alright if they stay. I know that you and Stefanare just friends. I just have to learn to get over my jealousy and deal with that.” He says.

“Yeah. You do.” I say.

The cook bought our dinner to us and I could only eat a little bit of I didn’t have much of an appetite. Iwas just glad knowing that the council wasn’t staying on pack grounds. They were staying in a flashhotel in the nearest city. They were too good to stay in a small motel like the one that we have in townhere. It was their loss. It was a good motel.

When we finished dinner we went back to the office and kept

working on what we could do to improve the packs that Jackson owns and we finally figured out whichones we would merge together. And now it was just a matter of acquiring the land needed to assist themerging of these packs.

But we couldn’t do that tonight so Jackson insisted that we go to bed and try and get some sleep.

Neither of us got much sleep that night. But it was to be expected. The council came back the followingmorning and when I- came inside after having a cigarette we saw the council going into the conference

room with Gladys. Usually the Alpha and Luna sit in on the interrogations, but because Gladys andElias were family, we weren’t allowed to.

So I went to the office and I started doing more work to try and purchase the land the was needed tobring all these packs

together. The way we arranged it last night. I was on the phone for hours trying to find the right peopleto pitch an amount to for the land and they all said that they would get back to me.

I then got onto g****e maps and I pulled up the Richmond Pack. I scoured the entire pack and it wasshowing a whole lot of differences from when I was living there. So I called Carter to the packhouse.

When he got there a guard brought him into the office where Jackson and I were working.

“Is there something wrong?”

Carter asked.

“No. We just need to ask you a few things about the Richmond pack. Have a seat.” I say.

“Alright.” He says walking over to the desk and sitting down. But this time, Jackson and I were finallysharing his desk with two chairs. Luckily it was big enough. I just didn’t have my own desk yet.

“Listen, we went and checked it out the other night. The school is being used to hold girls there. And itlooks like they are being held against their will.” I explained. And he looked down at the ground. I knewright then that he knew what was going on, but he didn’t want to tell me.

“Listen, I came here seeking refuge. I don’t want to be killed for being a snitch.” He says

“Carter. Those girls are in serious trouble. We went to school with them. We know them. We can’t justsit back and do nothing.” I say.

“This is why I didn’t tell you. Because you never back down from a damn fight.” He says. And Jacksonscoffed at that. So I kicked him under the table.

Carter looked at me weird for doing that. He still saw Jackson as the blood Alpha. I just saw him as mymate and someone that I knew wouldn’t hurt me. And Jackson knew that I was going to kick him forthat.

“We know that Alpha Richmond isn’t dead. So, where is he?” I asked.

“We haven’t seen him or Luna in ages. They haven’t come out of the packhouse.” Carter says.

“The dungeons.” I say.

That would be my guess. There was a coup and the Beta took over. He had a lot of warriors on hisside. That’s how they managed to do it.” Carter says.

“What about the warriors that weren’t supporting the Beta?” I asked.

“They were either killed or I think they were thrown in the dungeon as well.” Carter says.

“Are they trafficking these girls? “Jackson asked. And Carter looked down while nodding his head. Helooked ashamed of himself. Probably for running and not getting help. He came here to help himself. Tosave himself and he never told anyone else about what was going on.

“Do you know how many there are now?” I asked.

“No. Not the exact number. But I know that there’s a lot. And their not all werewolves.” Carter says.

And Jackson and I looked at each other in confusion.

“What are you talking about?” I asked.

“There was this man called Axel Roberts. He’s human. And we don’t know why he’s involved in all ofthis.” Carter says. But as soon as he said that name, I sat up straight knowing that I recognised thename.

I grabbed some paperwork and photos off of the desk and started going through them until I found thename Axel Roberts and I showed it to Jackson. It was a photo of one of the documents I took from theHunters headquarters.

“He’s a Hunter.” I say.

“Holy shit. What the hell do the Hunters have with trafficking she -wolves?” Jackson growled.

“Well, they already think that we’re scum. They’re obviously treating us like that now too.” I say.

“How high up do the Hunters go?

Jackson asked.

“I can’t find any record of who they report to. So, I’m thinking it goes to the top.” I say.

“You mean the President?”

Jackson asked, raising his eyebrows at me.

“It’s the only thing that makes sense to me.” I say. And Jackson leaned back on his chair and

breathed out a loud breath, trying to take in everything I just said. Thinking that we’re going up againstthe President of the United States, wasn’t really a fight that we were prepared for. But if he waspersonally attacking werewolves, for no reason, then something needed to be done. 2

Werewolves are more likely to protect humans then hurt them. There are a lot more dangerouscreatures out there that will hurt them before we will.

“We’re really going to do this?” Jackson asked.

“What?” I asked.

Take on the President?” He asked.

“We have to.” I say matter of factly.

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