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Chapter 88

Chapter 88

Jackson and I stayed hidden in the woods as we watched these girls dressed in very scantily cladclothing, especially for this weather, and they were crying and being manhandled by warriors that weremuch larger than they were.

The van started up and headed down the driveway so Jackson and I started running through the woodsto follow the van and it eventually pulled up outside the abandoned school. Carter said that the schoolhad shut down.

The girls were taken out of the van and ushered inside so Jackson and I slowly and quietly approachedthe building and we looked in the front door but we couldn’t see anyone in the hallway there. So wewalked inside and started following their scent down the hall and around a couple of corners until wegot to the closed doors of the gymnasium.

Jackson made sure that I stayed behind him in case we got caught but he opened the door slightly,hoping that it wouldn’t make a noise, and we saw mattresses all over the floor of the gymnasium andthe girls that were brought in right now were just a fraction of the girls that they had in that room.

They all looked mistreated and malnourished and they weren’t being treated right. One of the guardsgrabbed a girl by the arm and pulled her up from her mattress. She started screaming when he slappedher across the face and told her to shut up and he pushed her into the locker room. And from there wecould still hear her screaming, and we knew exactly what he was doing to her.novelbin

I had to suppress a growl that was about to erupt from my throat and Jackson could feel what I wasfeeling so he closed the door and he pulled me away so that they didn’t hear me.

“You need to calm down.” Jackson says.

“How the hell can I calm down? I know all those girls. I went to school with them.” I say.

“I know. But we can’t just go barging in. We need reinforcements and we need to find Alpha Richmond.You said that he was a good man. And if he was dead then Carter would have felt that tether snap. Sohe’s still alive around here somewhere.” Jackson says

“There’s no way he would be a part of this.” I say.

“I’m not saying that he is. But we need to find him. Come on. We need to get back to our pack andmake a plan.” He says.

“Alright.” I say reluctantly. So we snuck back out of the building and back through the woods to the carand headed back to our pack.

We got back in the middle of the night and I headed up to our room but we saw Joseph sitting at thetop of the stairs.

“What are you still doing awake? “Jackson asked.

“Where have you two been? You’ve been coming and going all night.” Joseph says.

“Alpha business.” Jackson said, holding my hand as we walked past him.

“How can you do this Jackson? How can you actually execute the people that brought you into thisworld?” Jackson asked. (2

Because they hired people to kill me. I think that’s a good enough reason.” Jackson says trying to pullme further down the hallway but then I stopped and stood frozen where I was.


I suddenly saw Jackson as a child. A young teenager who was lying in his room late at night when hisfather barged into his room in the middle of the night. He dragged him outside into the snow whileJackson was still only wearing shorts but his father was all bundled up. His father pointed to the woodsand Jackson started pleading not to do this, but his father hit him across the face and ordered him tostart running. He’s not going to be a good Alpha if he’s weak. So he started running towards the woods.

He didn’t come back to the house until sunrise and he was blue and freezing and his father wasstanding there waiting with the hose. He hosed him down with really cold water from the outside tapand then forced him inside.


I looked up at Jackson and he didn’t know what I saw, but he could feel what I was feeling. He knewthat I just found something out and he obviously didn’t want me to say anything. He dragged me downthe hall to the bedroom and shut the door quickly.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked.

“Tell you what?” He asked.

“Running through the snow in your shorts. Being hosed down with freezing cold water before you couldgo back inside. You can’t be a good Alpha if you’re weak.” I repeat the words that I heard his father say.

“You saw all of that?” He asked, looking at me strangely.

“Yeah. I did.” I say.

“No one knows what that prick used to do to me. That’s why when he tried to take the Alpha title awayfrom me because I was too strict, I lost my shit and almost killed him.” Jackson says.

“Yeah. Kind of mixed signals there. Wasn’t it?” I asked.

“Something like that.” He says.

“Alright. It doesn’t matter. Don’t worry about it. You don’t need to prove anything to that traitor anymore.You just need to be the man that you are. The man that I love.” I say.

“And that’s what I’m trying to Except for when other men show up.” He says.

“Well, we’ve dealt with that. And now we’ve got another issue to deal with.” I say.

“I know. But we need some rest. I know that you do.” He says.

“Yeah. Alright. Just don’t sedate me this time.” I say. And he laughs as we walk to the bathroom.

We had a shower and Jackson got out of the shower first and I came out wearing a towel, drying myhair when I saw that he was already lying in bed. Before I had a chance to walk over to the wardrobe,Jackson grabbed my towel and pulled me over towards him.

He pulled me on top of him and ripped the towel off me and threw it on the ground so that I wasstraddling him and he started kissing me.

“Are you right there?” I asked.

“Oh hell yeah.” He wrapped his arms around me and kept kissing me. I moved up further and I felt hisrock hard cock adjust between my legs and he thrusted it into me all the way to the hilt, which took mybreath away for a moment. I gasped and Jackson left it there for a moment, while I got used to thefeeling.

I slowly started moving up and down on his long length and Jackson pushed my hair behind my earsand he pulled my face down to his where he started kissing me slowly and passionately. He put hishands on my thighs to control how fast I was moving.

He was going at a really slow rate and moaning as much as I was, wanting this feeling to last for aslong as we possibly could. Too much had been going on lately, and we hadn’t had any time with eachother.

He finally sat up with me on his lap and I was still moving at a slow pace and I put my arms around hisneck and Jackson started kissing down my jawline and along my mark, which coaxed a loud moan outof me. He moved down further until he stopped at my left breast and sucked it into his mouth and thenmoved to the right breast and did the same thing.

I could feel myself climbing my peak and I threw my head back while Jackson was kissing my neck andJackson started moving me a little faster and faster and I was moaning even more. BUT I threw myhead forward again as I reached my peak and I rode out my orgasm while sticking my fingernails intoJackson’s back. But not hard enough to break the skin.

Jackson grabbed my thighs again and kept me moving while I rode out my orgasm until I felt him stillinside of me and spilled his seed inside me. And I sat there for a moment while Jackson looked up andstarted kissing me again.

“I love you.” He says.

“I love you too.” I say.

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