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Chapter 79


Standing there facing the hunters, I got a really weird feeling from them.

The leader in front wearing the really nice suit was rigid and a little fidgety when he saw me appearfrom the trees and not Jackson.

At least, that's what I thought at first.

"Luna Taylor.This is a surprise." He says.

"Do I know you?" I asked, standing firmly in the middle of the road.

Making sure that he didn't see any nerves or weaknesses coming from me.

"Of course not.We've never been properly introduced.I'm Colonial Stevenson." He says.

And I looked at him curiously fora moment while I noticed the people behind me getting a littleuncomfortable.

"That can't be a coincidence." I simply say.

I didn't know who this man was.I'd never seen him before, but we shared the same last name.

The same last name as my mother.She never gave me my father's name.

And now I think that was because she wasn't sure who my father was.But I had never met this manbefore.

"It's not a coincidence.I am your grandfather."He says.

And I stood there staring at him.

Not moving.

No emotion at all.I didn't want him to think that he was getting to meat all.

"And why have I never met you before?" I asked.

"Because when your mother was born, I found out that your grandmother was a werewolf.I didn't knowuntil that day.And then your mother went and got pregnant to a fae.That was more than I couldhandle.So I left." He says.

"Why are you here now and why are you trying to kill me?" I asked.

"I'm not trying to kill you.I'm trying to save you.You can't be mated to Alpha Jackson.That will be theend of you.That thing will be the end of you." He yelled.

But Jackson's brother's started snickering behind my back.

"Did I say something funny?" Colonial Stevenson asked.

"Yeah.If you think she can't handle Jackson, then you definitely don't know your granddaughter."Declan scoffs.

"Turn around and leave us the hell alone." I demanded.

"I can't do that. I'm on a mission.It's a military operation now.I can't walk away without destroying yourpack." He says.

"You know that I will never let that happen." I said through gritted teeth.

I wasn't going to let him destroy the only thing I knew.

Colonial Stevenson might be human, but I didn't grow up around human's.I've only known werewolves,and pack life and this is where I belonged.I didn't care about their miserable existence.I didn't care ifthey wanted us gone.

We weren't hurting them.

Werewolves don't attack humans.We had no reason to.

"You are a threat." He demanded.

And I got into a defensive pose.

"Only to you, asshole." I say.

"Taylor.I don't want to fight my own grandchild.That's why I was trying to sedate you and get you out ofthe way." He says.And I looked around at Jackson's brothers and then back at Colonial Stevenson.

"Well, you sedated and almost killed Alpha Jackson.Not me." He says.

"Well, it's a little hard to tell since you two are identical." He scoffed at me.

"You attacked my mate.You almost killed my mate.I am not going to let you get away with that." Igrowled.

And all of his soldiers raised their weapons at me and a collective growl surrounded from behind meand around me from the woods.But we couldn't exactly tell where the wolves were in the woods.Andthe humans definitely had no clue.

They didn't have the senses that we had, so they were shooting blind if they started shooting into thewoods.

"You're outnumbered.You're never going to walk away from this." I insisted.

"Well, at least then I will go down fighting." He says drawing his own weapon.

I then saw more of his soldiers appear from the darkness who thought that they were hiding, but theywere the ones being watched by our wolves in the woods.

So, some of our wolves started showing themselves.

But that wasn't all that we had.

I could feel someone trying to break through a mind link, but I had to block them out because I had toconcentrate on what I was doing right now.I had no time for distraction right now.

All of the soldiers were looking wide eyed at the massive werewolves baring their teeth and gettingready to attack at my signal.I looked around me and I knew that they were outnumbered.

They were skilled soldiers, and I knew that they would take down as many of us as they could.

But in the end, we all knew who the winner would be.

"Once I am killed, they will just replace me." Colonial Stevenson says.

"Then we'll deal with those bastards too." I say.

We were standing there in a Mexican standoff practically with no one willing to make the first move.Thefirst move meant that the war was starting.

And I wasn't willing to be the start of the war.

If they wanted this war, then they were going to have to start it.

Suddenly I heard a car speeding towards us and it screeched to a halt at the back of their cars and Isaw the two front doors open with people coming running towards us.

"Dad.Don't do this."

Mom yelled at Colonial Stevenson.

"Mom." I screamed.novelbin

And then the deafening sound of a gunshot was heard and then silence.

Moments passed before I heard Isaac start screaming my mother's Name and I stood there in shockbefore I started feeling the festering anger boiling up inside of me.

"Who shot that weapon?"

Colonial Stevenson screamed.

But he looked back at me when he heard the snapping of bones and I shifted right in front of him untilthe massive black wolf with a white diamond between its eyes and white paws was standing directly infront of him.

I then started running straight into the crowd of soldiers with my warriors behind me and I latched ontothe soldier that I knew shot my mother and I ripped him from limb to limb.

I looked up and Isaac was cradling my mother in his arms on the ground, bleeding from the chest andshe wasn't moving.I was alerted to another soldier sneaking up behind me so I spun around and tookhis head off without a second glance.I then went barrelling through the soldiers and all warriors weregetting in on the fighting.

There were fights everywhere.

The occasional gun shot that we could hear going off but not distracting us from attacking each andevery soldier that we saw.

The hunters knew that they had no chance, but I looked up and Colonial Stevenson was standing tothe back of everyone.He wasn't getting involved in the fighting at all.

Not even when he also pulled his gun while talking to me.I started running towards Colonial Stevensonand soldiers were constantly standing in the way trying to protect him.

But no one was stopping me from getting to the Colonial.His soldier shot my mother for no reason.Heallowed one of his men to shoot his own daughter, my mother, and he wasn't getting away with that.

If he thought he was pissed off before, then he had no idea how pissed off I was now.

I managed to get through all the soldiers that were protecting him until I was facing him.

Just him and me.

"I didn't mean for that to happen.I told them not to shoot unless I gave the order.One of the men justpanicked." He insisted.

But I growled and I crouched down ready to attack

"I swear.I never meant to hurt my own daughter." He pleaded.

I growled, baring all of my teeth.

And I looked at him with a cocked head, watching him tremble in fear.

He fumbled with his gun for a moment before trying to point it at me and that's when I lunged at himand knocked him to the ground.He fell flat on his back, dropping his gun and I stood over him.

Face to face, snarling and growling in his face.He was pleading for his life, but there was absolutely nosympathy for him.

And I raised one paw off the ground.I took one swipe across his throat and watched as he clutched histhroat as he bled out.I turned around and saw the battle continuing around me, but [ just walkedthrough it until I got to Isaac sitting on the ground with my mother lying in his lap and blood all over thefront of her shirt.I lied down next to her and I knew the horrible truth as soon as I got close enough.

Werewolf hearing, mom had no heart beat.

She was dead.

And I let out a huge howl in the middle of the night, which caused everything to go silent.My motherwas dead.

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