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Chapter 51


I got out of bed and I started looking around my room for everything that I needed to find my way backto the portal.I knew that the chances were low that the portal would still be in the same place.

They would have changed the location for sure, but it was the closest thing I had to go by.I knew thatthe cloak would be in the same place.I just needed to find the portal from there.And I was determinedto do it.

"Taylor. Are you serious right now? You're not going back there." Jackson demands getting out of bedas well.

"I have to.I should have forced him to come with me in the first place. He betrayed his father. And nowhe's paying for it.He's suffering for it.I know that it was him.He was calling to me earlier. " I say lookingaround my room in a frantic state.

I realised that the voice I heard earlier wasn't angry, it was in pain.

It was Stefan pleading for help.

He was calling to me.He wants out of there.

I needed to get him out of there.I was more determined now then ever before to get back to Morda toget him out.

"It could be a trap.Did you think about that?" Jackson asked me.

"Of course I thought about that.But I also know to go with my gut.And my gut says to get him out ofthere.He saved my life and now I have to save his." I yelled while grabbing a bag down from thecupboard.

"Alright.But you need to have a plan if you are going to go barging in there." He says grabbing myhands to stop me for a moment.

"I don't have a plan.I just know that I need to get him out." I say with desperation in my voice.

He could tell that I was serious and I was going, whether he was with me or not.I needed to get Stefanout of there.

But Jackson was jealous of Stefan.

I was afraid that he wouldn't help me at all.

That he would do everything he could to stop me.

Jackson is very possessive.

Even for an Alpha.

And I knew that I basically belonged to him since I was his mate.

He wouldn't like me racing off to save another man.novelbin

But that man was my friend and he saved me.

"Jackson.Please help me do this.I need your help.I need you to come with me.We can get Stefan outand bring him back to his mother." I pleaded.

And that's when Jackson looked at me differently.He didn't realize that we were still keeping a sonaway from his mother.

A woman that was desperate to see him again.She needed to see him again.

He was stolen 12 years ago and she hasn't heard or seen him since.

"Alright.I'll help you.But we're going to need a few warriors with us." He says.

And I nod my head.

So he went to his room and started getting a few things ready and I heard the mind link go out as hecalled for warriors to volunteer for this mission. He said that someone was in trouble and they neededour help to get them out.

I could hear the hesitation in some warriors voices and I could hear that they were confused about whyI wanted to go back to Morda.

But warriors volunteered so that we didn't have to go back alone.

That's all I wanted.

So we packed just a bag each and left the house.

We met the warriors outside the packhouse and we all shifted outside the packhouse.

I knew that it was the middle of the night but I didn't care.I just knew that I couldn't waste a second.

We ran through the woods with Jackson and myself at the front of the pack running to the location ofthe last known location of the portal.

And that's where we stopped.I shifted back and quickly got changed, after Jackson warned everyone tolook away.

They weren't allowed to look while I was naked.

And I didn't really expect anything else from him.I raised my hand and I immediately felt the shield thatwas around Morda.I knew that it was still there but it felt strange.

It burnt my hand the second I touched it, which was really weird.

Why would it burn my hand? No cloaking shield can do that.

The more I felt around the shield, the more I realized that something was really wrong.

There was too much ground to cover and I was afraid that we wouldn't make it in there in time.

I was afraid that Stefan would be dead before I got there.

So I stood back from the cloak and I started taking a couple of deep breaths before I raised my handsand pointed them at the cloak.

"What are you doing? The portal isn't here." Jackson mind linked me.

"I'm creating one." I replied.

And I started shooting energy out of my hands without stopping.

They weren't energy balls, it was constant energy pointing straight at the cloak until I saw it startcracking.

I could feel the energy building up inside of me.

And the light started spreading down my arms.

I watched it spreading without breaking my concentration on the cloak and I pushed forward again tomake it more powerful but it wasn't until I heard murmuring behind me that I realised that my wholebody was now glowing with energy. I knew that it was working.

I was getting through the cloak.

It was starting to shatter and actually break away.

I wasn't just creating a portal, I was breaking the cloak altogether.

Something that I never realised that I was capable of.

I could feel Jackson coming up behind me, he was worried.

I could sense it.

He was worried that I was pushing it too hard.

But I couldn't stop.I was letting these people out of their prison.

The outsiders that wanted out, they could get out now.

They didn't think they needed it before, but I knew that they needed it now.

I had broken a piece of the cloak away that was big enough for us to fit through and Jackson nudgedme on the back, telling me that it was enough.

I had to stop.

And I felt something liquid on my face, so I wiped it away and it was blood coming from my nose.

I guess I did push it a little further than I should have.

I had never done anything that powerful before, so I slowly lowered my arms and the glow around mybody slowly disappeared as well.

I turned back to look at all the wolves behind me and I nodded to them to let them know that we wereready.

So I turned back to the hole in the shield and I was the first one to step through it with Jackson rightbehind me.

But when I got to the other side, I stopped dead in my tracks.

My mouth fell open at the site before me.

What was once a beautiful forest in front of me was practically burnt away.

There was nothing beautiful left about it.

It was burnt trees, no grass, no greenery at all.

It was a disgusting sight and I didn't know how to react to it except stand there in shock.

Suddenly I was grabbed from the side and thrown against a boulder that was next to the once beautifullake and waterfall with a sword to my throat.e.b.o.o.k

Jackson growled and was about to attack when my eyes adjusted to what I was looking at right in frontof me.

"Stop." I yelled at Jackson.

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