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Chapter 45


I stood there looking at Layla for a long while realizing that she believed that this was also a realm. Iknew that she needed to know the truth, I was just dreading having to be the one to tell her the truth. Iwas about to turn her world upside down.

And she looked so innocent about the whole thing.

“This isn’t a realm.” I say as gently as possible. And she stared at me like I had grown two heads orsomething.

“What do you mean?” She asked very innocently and confused.

“This is a piece of land that is cloaked by some sort of spell done by a witch or a powerful fae orsomething. But your ‘ realm’ is still on Earth. It’s not a different realm. He’s just made it look that way.” Iexplained to Layla. And she stood there looking completely speechless.

“He lied to us. The King has been lying to us?” She asked.

“Yeah. I’m sorry about that. But he has been. Now, where is this castle? I’m going to go and find mymate.” I insisted.

“I can show you the way. But I can’t be seen at the castle. I’m now considered a traitor.” Layla says.

“That’s fine. We can take it from there.” I say.

“Alright. Everyone, stay here. I promise that I will be back as soon as possible.” Layla tells the outcasts.

“Find out about Stefan for me. He lives in the castle. He’s my brother.” A guy said to

“Why is he important?” I asked.

“Because he’s Taylor’s friend. But he was acting like he betrayed her and led the warriors here. I don’tbelieve that Stefan would do that. Please make sure that he’s alright. And don’t kill him.” The guy saysalmost pleadingly.

“If he’s hurt Taylor, then I make no promises.” I say turning around and leaving.

Layla took us back into the woods and she saw the number of wolves that were there and stopped for amoment to take it all in.

“You don’t intend on losing, do you?” Layla asked.

“I never intend on losing. Now, about that damn dragon.” I say. And she looked at me smiling.

“He’s cute, isn’t he? It was good that you all shifted when you did. If he thought you were a simple faethen he would have killed you. But being a creature like himself, he brought you to me.” Layla sayssmiling about her dragon.

“Oh. So, that’s why he didn’t kill us.” I say.

“Yeah. It’s the same reason he never killed Taylor. She was in her wolf form when they met.” Laylasays.

“How bad is she?” I asked.

“You’re going to have to see for yourself. Because I don’t know. Now, when we get to the tree line, Iwon’t be able to take you any further. There is a village at the bottom of the cliff, but it has a stone wallaround it, to protect it. You can go around the village and climb up the hill through the woods to get tothe castle. It will give you cover but if you all go at once then the villagers will notice the trees moving.You need to be careful there. Go in small groups at a time. No growling or howling or anything like that.

That will just tip them off. You need to get to the front door, and it will guarded, but they won’t be hardfor you to take out.

And then storm the castle. I’m not sure what security is like now since they found Taylor with theoutcasts, but before, it wasn’t too bad. And there were only four people living in the castle. The King,the Princess, Eric, who is the King’s right- hand man and Stefan, Eric’s son. And the servants in theirquarters.” Layla explained to me while I was trying to keep up with all the instructions as we werewalking through the woods together.

“Alright. How big is the castle?” I asked.

“It’s a castle. So, it’s massive. But they all live in the west wing. That’s where you need to get to. Andlike I said before, I don’t know if Taylor will be in her room or not. I don’t know what they’re doing to herup there.” Layla explained.

“We’ll find her. Don’t worry about that.

And thank you for your help.” I say.

‘I really like Taylor. She would make such a better ruler for this world, whatever this world is, thenanyone we have in control right now. Please make sure that you get her out alive?” Layla asked withgenuine concern in her eyes.

“Well, that is the plan. Don’t worry about that.” I say absolutely determined to get

Taylor out alive. I just spoke to her on the phone, so I know that she was still alive. And the closer wegot to the castle, the more I could feel the mate bond pulling me. I knew that it pulled you to each othernaturally, but this was like something I had never felt before. Like Taylor was willing me to be near heror something. It’s like she was calling to me.novelbin

We hadn’t marked each other yet but I could feel how she felt. I could feel her desperation, herdepression, her determination, her misery, her guilt. It was unbearable. I thought I was going to breakdown right here.

Layla started heading back to the outcasts and we split up into groups of 20 to get across the clearingoutside the village wall and into the woods that climbed the really steep hill to the castle. It took foreverjust for us to get to the top of the hill because it was 300 warriors split into groups of 20. That alonetook two hours. to do.

But by the time we were up the hill we were all in wolf form again and I looked up at this massive castlethat you would normally see in a fairy tale or something like that. Not something that you would see inreal life.

I walked around to the side of the castle and that’s where I saw the front door. I had four wolves on myflanks as we rounded the corner and there were still only two guards on duty. So, I ordered two of mymen to take them out

My wolves attacked before the guards even knew what hit them and then everyone got into place. Wewere all stationed at doors and windows, and we weren’t leaving any room for escape. We wereattacking on the bottom level of the castle so that they had nowhere to go.

When I gave the signal we all charged the castle and broke all the windows and doors and we heard alot of yelling and running inside. Guards were coming at us and the wolves were able to take them outpretty easily. But there was one man that I saw running down the hall to a room and he shut the dooron the other side.

I heard men inside the room yelling and I heard the name Eric. So I knew that’s where I needed to go. Itold my men to spread out and find

Taylor while I shifted back and with

Wyatt and three other soldiers and we put on a pair of shorts and went towards that room at the end ofthe hallway. I tried to open it using the door handle, but it was locked. So I put my shoulder into it and itcrumbled under my weight and us five walked into the office and found two men standing in there.

“What is the meaning of this?” The older man yelled. Obviously the one in charge.

“You must be King Vincent.” I say.

“That’s right. And who the hell are you?” He asked.

“Jackson Cooper. You may have heard of me.” I say smiling at him.

“How the hell did you get here?” He asked.

“Oh, you mean this fake realm that you created on earth? It wasn’t hard when I found a couple of fae’sthat really wanted me to put an end to you.” I announced smirking back at him.

“Well, you’re too late. Taylor isn’t here.” Vincent says slumping back into his chair.

“What are you talking about?” I asked.

“She’s dead. She was with the outcasts yesterday and she was killed in the battle. She was trying toprotect a child.” Vincent told me. But that made no sense. I spoke to her only a couple of hours ago.And then I looked at Vincent. 2

“It looks like you wasted your trip for nothing.” Eric said smugly. And I got a mind link from one of mywarriors saying that they couldn’t find her anywhere.

They were going to start searching other parts of the castle.

“She’s not dead Vincent.” I say.

“You weren’t here. How the hell would you know that?” Vincent spat at me.

“Because the weaker the shield around this place, the easier it is to get reception. And Taylor still hasher phone. I called her a couple of hours ago and she answered me.” I announced to everyone.

And Vincent picked his head up and looked at me like I was crazy.

“Eric. You told me that she was killed. She died two months ago.” Vincent says standing up and lookingstraight at Eric. 6

“She was. This mutt is obviously lying to you so that we turn against each other. Now is the time to sticktogether.” Eric says trying to convince the King.

“Wow. You really do want your son to take the throne next, don’t you?” I asked looking at him with acocky smile on my face.

“That’s not true. The King hasn’t chosen a successor.” Eric says.

“But you want Stefan to take over. Which means you will then have control of the Kingdom. Don’t tellme I’m lying. I know a backstabbing power hungry prick when I see one. I’m an Alpha. I’ve seen plentyof them in my time.” I growled at him. And Vincent stood there looking at Eric.

“Jackson is telling the truth.” Someone said behind us. So we turned around and there was a youngman standing there with reddish brown hair that was really messy and who looked like he’d been putthrough the ringer.

“Stefan, I presume.” I say.

“Yeah. And you’re right. Taylor’s alive.” Stefan says.

“Stefan. What the hell are you doing?”

Eric snapped at him.

“Telling the truth. Taylor is my friend and you had me betray her and then lock her in the dungeon.”Stefan says.

“She’s in the dungeon.” Vincent roared at Eric. And then we heard a crash from upstairs and we lookeddown the hallway to see several guards falling down the stairs and slowly walking down after them wasTaylor.

“She’s not in the dungeon now.” I say as I watch her casually walk towards the office and she stoppedat the door.

“Hello Eric.” Taylor says as her eyes went completely black and her wolf took over. Which I knew wasnot a good sign and I stepped out of the way with the rest of my warriors.

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