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Chapter 37

Mine – The Alpha’s Possession By Kylie CHAPTER 37

When I went back up to my bedroom I grabbed out a notebook and pen and started writing down a fewnotes of things that I had noticed around the fae world. Things that needed to be remembered. I knewwhat they were capable of. I mean, my father had a fae watching me for years and I had no idea.

How do I know that they can’t get into someone’s head and make them forget all about their lives.That’s the one thing that I wasn’t going to let them take away from


I knew that something wasn’t right here, but I couldn’t get out of here on my own and they would killLayla if she took me away. So I needed to make sure that I played along with whatever they weredoing. And I needed to be damn good at fooling them too.

When I was finished with that I hid it at the bottom of my drawer and I walked over to

my balcony doors and opened them and I stood on the small balcony outside my room looking down atthe village.

I could see torch’s burning while people were still awake and I could see people, who looked like ants,from where I was standing, walking around the village like they didn’t have a care in the world and theydidn’t have a problem walking around at night time. We couldn’t do that back home.

I wonder how many of them know more than I do about this place? Or have they just been told thesame as me. I don’t think Vincent would want his people turning

against him. But on the other hand, I’ve heard that there are still fae’s in the human world. Maybe thesefae’s are the ones that agree with his rules and agree with whatever agenda is going on here.

I had so much stuff going through my head right now that I was starting to give myself a headache. So Iwalked back into my room and I closed the doors to the balcony and I

climbed into bed. I pulled out my phone

from the bedside table and I started flicking through the photos of all my friends. And of course, thephoto that I took of Jackson.

I had to admit, I did miss him. We were still mated, after all. Those weren’t feelings that just went away.I wish they could, because even though we weren’t in the same realm, I still felt like the pull of our bondwas getting stronger. Like I needed to find him and seek him out. Ava was clawing inside my head,which was making my headache worse.

I needed to push her back and lock her up for a while because the pain in my head was getting toobad. I know that she didn’t like being locked up, but I didn’t have a choice. She was causing me a lot ofpain. I know that she would never intentionally hurt me, but her feelings were a factor here too. Shewas also being denied something that she really wanted.

When dinner was ready that night I headed to the dining room and Eric and Stefan were

there once again. I guess this was going to be a nightly thing. Never just Vincent and

myself. It would always be the four of us.

“How was your day today Taylor?” Eric


“It was good. My wolf was getting a bit restless, so I went for a run in the woods.” I

say. And he stopped chewing on his food immediately.

“Oh. And how did that go? See anything interesting?” He asked looking at my father out the corner ofhis eye.

“No. Should I have seen something interesting? You and Vincent have both reacted weird to me goinginto the woods today.” I say examining them both.

“Well, things aren’t always what they seem. We just want to make sure that you’re safe.”

Eric says.

“Why wouldn’t I be safe here? I’m the princess.” I say looking at him curiously.

“I know that. I’m sorry. But there have been

some unsavoury characters in the woods

lately. Fae’s that we have banished from this village because they were using black magic and theyhaven’t left the realm like they were supposed to. Their still here and

they’ve been spotted in the woods more than once.” Eric explained. 1

I had to give it to the guy. He knew how to lie and lie fast. Unless he was always planning on using thatexcuse and came up with it when I got here. Who knows. But he was damn good at it.

“I didn’t see anyone. I’ll definitely let you know if I do though. I don’t want to be

around any black magic. That sounds

dangerous.” I insisted. I guess I could lie just as well as Eric could.

“It is dangerous. That’s why we need to make sure that you’re safe at all times. Maybe we shouldassign a guard to the princess.” Eric suggested.

“No. That’s really not necessary. I’m a werewolf. I don’t need a guard. I insist.” I

say looking Vincent dead in the eye, making

sure that he knew I was serious.

“Well, I think that might be jumping the gun a little Eric. She’s safe for now. We haven’t heard anythingabout the outcasts in a while. I’m sure that they have moved on.” Vincent says.

“Or they just want us to think that they’ve moved on so that they can attack the

princess and take her away from us.” Eric insisted.

“I am in charge of my own body. And I am telling you, I don’t need a guard.” I demanded. And Vincentnodded his head when he saw the look on my face. I wasn’t going to have someone following mearound and reporting my every move back to my father. There is not way in hell that I was not going tolive a free life here. Not when Layla has promised to start training me. Because Inovelbin

know Stefan isn’t going to want to train me. Not if it means that I can leave whenever the

hell I want to.

When I got back to my room that night after dinner I closed my door and I had a shower and gotdressed for bed. I then grabbed my phone out of my bedside table and I could see that the batterywasn’t going to last much longer. But I checked to see if any calls or phone calls got through today. Butnothing did. So I tried to call Jackson myself.

It didn’t go through either, so I put the phone back and then I went out onto the balcony looking over theKingdom and the people in the village that were settling down for the night. I only had Jackson on mymind right now. I was wondering what he was doing, where he was, how he was feeling. We hadn’t

marked each other, so I had no idea of his feelings. I don’t even know if I would be able to feel him herein this realm. But if

we were marked then we would have a better chance.

I looked back down at the villagers at the bottom of the cliff that led up to the castle. I couldn’t help butbe envious of them. Or wonder if they knew exactly what was going

on when I had no idea what was going on around here.

Was bringing me to this realm just a big joke for everyone to play on? Was it just some sort of plancooked up by Eric who fed it to Vincent so that he could bring me here? Who the hell knows? At themoment, I only

trusted Layla. And even that trust didn’t go too far. I was still being weary of her. I don’t know whatanyone’s intentions are around here. But I was going to find out. If I couldn’t get out of here then I amgoing to find out the truth about what is going on around

here. And as my birthright, I was going to make it right. I was going to fix all the wrongs that Eric haddone and possibly Vincent as well.

I hated playing nice and pretending like I didn’t know anything. It wasn’t exactly one

of my strong suits. I usually like to say what’s on my mind. But that wasn’t an option here and it wasdriving me crazy. But I didn’t know what else to do.

I then heard my door open so I went into my bedroom from the balcony and Stefan was standing there.

“What are you doing here?” I asked surprised.

“I’m surprised. I didn’t think anyone was as good a liar as my father.” He says.

“What are you talking about?” I asked.

“I’m talking about that run that you went on today. You said that you didn’t see anyone. But I know thatyou saw Layla. And her pet dragon.” He says smirking at me. But I was at a loss for words. I didn’tknow what to say.

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