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Chapter 32

Mine – The Alpha’s Possession By Kylie CHAPTER 32

As we were walking through the castle, I couldn’t help but notice the artwork on the walls and thesculptures lining the hallways. The only word I could come up with was incredible. He showed me thegrand ballroom on the bottom floor of the castle, and it was big enough to fit Jackson’s entirepackhouse in it.

And after that he showed me the kitchen, but there was no point for me to go in there. He had staff inthe kitchen 24 hours a day. Even if I wanted a midnight snack then I would just have to call down to thekitchen and they would bring it up to me. And the dining room, throne room and the playroom was onthe bottom floor as well. The playroom was exactly that, where they put on plays for the King.

We went to the second floor, and I saw the music room, library, sitting room, office and four bedroomswith their own bathrooms.

We finally got to the third floor and there was another office, sitting room, TV room, another grand ballroom, a smaller kitchen and much more informal dining room and then the King’s bedroom and oneother bedroom across from his.

He opened the doors to that other bedroom, and I walked inside to see a huge four poster oak bed thatlooked like it was two king size beds pushed together, a sitting area in front of the fireplace, a walk inrobe and the bathroom was just as huge and as elegant.

Vincent walked over and opened the walk in wardrobe and it was full of beautiful clothes that lookedlike they belonged here and not on Earth at all. But everything in there was beautiful. I walked right intothe closet and started walking around looking at everything. And it was so large that I almost got lost inthere alone.

“Why are you doing all of this for me?” I asked while I saw Vincent standing there with a smile on hisface.

“You’re my daughter. There’s nothing that I wouldn’t do for you.” He says.

“I can’t believe that I am actually living in a castle now.” I say.

“I know. I actually designed this bedroom with you in mind. I knew that you would be living here oneday. It’s been very lonely here all these years. I know that the servants live here as well, but that’s notthe same as family.” He says.

“No. It isn’t. And I’m glad that I finally found out the truth. But I do need to know one thing from youfirst.” I say looking at him seriously. And he looked a little nervous.

“And what’s that?” He asked.

“I’m not going to have to report my every movement to you, am I? I mean, I don’t do good with that sortof thing. I like to exercise and jog and my wolf definitely likes to go on runs through the woods. I don’twant to have to ask permission whenever I want to leave the castle.” I explain.

“You don’t need to ask permission to do anything. As long as you’re here for meals so that we can sitdown and eat and talk together and get to know each other, then that’s fine.” He says. And I smiled athim.

“I can do that.” I say.

“Okay. Now, I do want to throw you an Introduction Party when you’ve settled in here and gotten usedto being here. It obviously won’t be today, but in the very near future. The next week or so. I wouldreally like to do that.” He says.

“Is that to introduce me to all the people of the village? Or are you trying to marry me off? You betternot be trying to marry me off already.” I say pointing my finger at him. And he started laughing.

“Of course not. It’s to introduce you to the fae’s of this world. They’ve been waiting just as long to meetyou. Believe me.” He says.

“Alright. I can do that.” I say smiling to him.

“Alright. I’m sure that you want to have a shower and get out of those clothes. They’re a littl He says.unusual for this world.”

“I noticed. What actually constitutes casual around here?” I asked.

“Every rack in the closet has a tag on them. It will let you know what those clothes are worn for.” Hesays.

“Okay. I can do that. I’ll have a look. Do women wear pants here? I didn’t see any. “I say.

“Not many. No.” He says.

“Damn. I don’t usually wear dresses.” I say.

“I think that might be one thing that you have to get used to.” He says.

“It looks like it is. Thank you for all of this. It’s amazing.” I say.

“You’re very welcome. Well, I’ll let you get settled in.” He says turning and leaving. He closed the doorbehind him. and I walked over and looked out my huge floor to ceiling windows that were luckily farenough away from the bed that no one could see in while I was sleeping. Not that anyone couldbecause we were so high up.

I sat on the bed to look around the room when I realized that there was something in my back pocket. Igot up and pulled out my phone that I completely forgot that I had. But I was in a different realm now soI doubt it even worked. So I put the phone in my bedside drawer and left it there. I went into thebathroom and I stripped down and got in the shower with the entire ceiling being the shower and it feltlike it was raining down on me. It was inconceivable.

When I got out I wrapped a towel around me and I walked to the wardrobe to start looking for the rackthat said ‘casual’. And when I found it, I started looking through the clothes thinking that it had to be ajoke. But I had a feeling that none of these clothes were a joke. It was just something that I wascompletely not used

“Hello, miss.” A women sang out as she opened the door slightly.

“I’m in the closet.” I sang out. And a woman in her 30’s came into the closet and saw me standing therewearing a towel looking through everything that was in my wardrobe.

“I’m guessing that you’re having a little trouble.” She says looking me up and down.

“Is it that obvious?” I asked.

“Well, I used to live in the human world as well. We wanted nothing to do with the human life so wecreated our own style.” She explained.

“It’s very old fashioned. Girls not wearing pants.” I say.

“It does seem like that. But don’t worry, you will do just fine here. My name is Ruth. I’m yourhousemaid.” She introduced herself.

“You mean, just for me?” I asked.

“That’s right.” She says.

“Alright. I wasn’t expecting that.” I say.

“Come now. Let’s get you dressed.” She says looking through the cupboards.

“I don’t even know where to start.” I say.

“Well, you’re the princess. Which means you need to look better than everyone else in the village. Youalways need to be dressed and well-groomed at all times. You can never be seen after you just wakeup. You need to be wearing make-up and dressed with jewellery and everything.” She explained.

“Wow. This is going to take a lot of getting used to. I’m not really a girly girl. “I say.

“I know. I was told. Which is why I’m here. I will help you with everything that you need.” She says.

She finally picked out a dress with a white bodice and black tulle knee length skirt and black tulle off theshould cap sleeves and matching black high heels. She then styled my hair and applied a little make upso that she wasn’t overwhelming me on my first day and then I looked at myself in the mirror and Icouldn’t believe that it was actually the same person. I went to go find Vincent and show off my newlook to him and he looked more than impressed. I saw a few people wondering around the castle andthey would all bow to me as I passed them and I was going to tell them not to but Ruth told me thatthey had to. There was no debating that.

They had to show their respect whenever they saw me. They needed to bow to me.novelbin

I guess there was going to be a lot about this world that I needed to get used to.

And after I went to see Layla to have a quick chat and she told me that I looked like I have lived heremy whole life I went back up to my room and I closed the door to be alone again for a bit.

I sat on my bed looking out my massive windows and I finally looked at my bedside table and I openedit and pulled my phone out.

I unlocked it and I got in the photo gallery and I started going through the photos until I finally came tothe one that I was looking for. Jackson sitting behind his desk in his office while I was working there.

I took that photo one night when we were working late and I was getting tired so I started foolingaround with my phone. and I took that perfect photo of Jackson while he was actually looking at me. Itwas a perfect photo of him and he actually had a slight smile on his face. Not his usual sour look. It wasthe best photo I had of him and we both started joking around that night. He knew that I was tired, andso was he but we had a lot of work to do. So we started goofing around but that was the best picture Ihad of him. I finally just shook my head and I put the phone back in the bedside table and I closed itagain. Trying not to think about it. He was never mine to begin with. I knew that. He never really wantedme.

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