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Chapter 21


I was lying in bed that night with Jackson lying in bed next to me and he pulled me closer to him and Irested my head on his chest.

“When I got out of the shower you were already in the hallway. You looked pretty troubled aboutsomething.” I say.

“Yeah. I was really troubled about something.” He says.

Are you going to tell me what it was?” I asked looking up at him. And he let out a deep breath andlooked hesitant about talking about it.

“Honestly, it was hearing about what that guy was going to do to you.” He says.

“That he was going to rape me?” I asked. And I could feel Jackson tense up as I said

“I don’t want to think about anyone else touching you like that.” He says rubbing little circles on myback and I smiled a little.

“You mean, besides you?” I asked looking at us both under the covers naked. And he kissed the top ofmy head.

“I’m not sure that this was such a good idea.” He says. And I stopped moving. Are you saying that youalready regret it?” I asked.

“What? No. I don’t regret it. It’s just, that I’m the Alpha and you’re still in high school.” He says.

“I’ll be 18 soon. Very soon. Besides, since when does that matter around here?” I asked getting a littleoffensive.

“No. Don’t get upset. I wouldn’t take this back for the world. Believe me. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have saidanything. I don’t regret it. And it’s not just because you were here. It was because it was you that I didit.” He says.

“I’ve noticed that you haven’t had any girls’ coming or going since I moved in.” I commented smirking.

‘Well, I haven’t been interested in any of them.” He says flatly.

If you say so.” I say. And he wrapped his other arm around me and pulled me closer and squeezed meto him. Like he didn’t want to let me go.

I could tell that he didn’t regret it. And I could tell that it wasn’t as mistake. I didn’t feel like it was amistake. But I knew that it wasn’t something that we could announce to the whole pack either. Weneeded to be very careful about who found out about this. People thought I was sleeping with the Alphabefore and the rumours went wild. Now that it’s the truth, it would be even more insane.

I didn’t want Jackson to be distracted by any of that. I could handle myself and the rumours, but he wasthe one that I needed to really think about here. He had the most to lose.

“Taylor.” Jackson says after a long pause.

“Yeah.” I say.

What did your mother do that made you want to move out?” He asked. And this time I took a deepbreath. I knew that it was time to tell someone. I just hoped that he wouldn’t treat me differently.

“Well, I don’t want anyone to know because they might start acting weird around me. I don’t wantanyone to know. “I say making sure that he got the point.

“I have no intention of telling anyone. He says. And I sat up with the sheet wrapped around my chest.And he sat up behind me. Do you promise not to look at me differently?” I asked looking straight ahead

and not at him.

‘What is it?” He asked putting his hand on my shoulder.

“My dad isn’t my dad. Thomas thinks that he is as well because my mother lied to him about getting aDNA test done. She told him the results came back positive that he was the father but she never evengot the test done. When you said that you could tell that there was something different about me, mymother knew that she was wrong all along about Thomas being my father.” I explained.

“Does she know who your father is?” Jackson asked.

“You’re not going to believe it. I still have trouble believing it… He’s a faerie.” I say. Holy shit.” Hemuttered in shock.

“Do you understand now why I didn’t want to tell anyone?” I asked.

“Definitely. But hey, this doesn’t change the way I feel about you. And I’m not going to treat you anydifferently. I promise.” He says putting his arms around me from behind.

“Thank you.” I say looking over my shoulder at him and he leaned forward and kissed me.

“This does make a lot of sense though. Wolfsbane doesn’t hurt you. My Alpha aura didn’t hurt you.Because you’re not a full werewolf.” He says.

“But I can turn into a wolf. I’ve been doing it since I was 13.” I say.

“13 We don’t shift until we’re 16.” He says.

“I assumed that I was an early bloomer.

And I never told anyone. I just pretended that I shifted when I was 16.” I explained.

“You really are full of surprises.” He says.

“Yeah. I guess so.” I say. And he pulled me back down to the mattress and close to him again. Hepulled my head onto his chest and kept running his arm around my back.

“I’m sorry if I ruined the moment by asking these questions.” He says.

“You better not have just used sex to get this information out of me.” I say. And he chuckled when I saidthat.

“Of course not.” He says kissing the top of my head.

The next morning when I woke up the sun was just starting to rise and I was lying on my side andJackson was asleep next to me with his arm wrapped around me. I didn’t want to get up. I felt toocomfortable in his arms to want it to end.

So I just stayed there looking out the window and revealing in the feeling that I had never felt before.

It was at least another hour before Jackson started to stir and I rolled over to face him and I was lyingon his arm but he still had his eyes closed when he leaned forward and kissed my nose.

“You faker.” I say.

“Not faking. Just not wanting to get up.”

He says smirking.

“I know the feeling. Can’t we stay in bed all day?” I asked.

“I wish I could. But I’ll be needed soon. And we don’t want anyone to see me coming out of your room.”He says.

“No. That would be a big mistake. You saw how they reacted when they thought it was just a rumour.” Isay.

“Exactly.” He says looking at me and he leaned over again and kissed me.

He had to get up and he put his shorts on and made sure that no one was in the packhouse yet beforehe went back to his room. And I went into the bathroom to have a shower and I got dressed into a bluesweater, jeans and sand shoes. 3 I went downstairs to get a coffee and I saw Alpha Jackson downthere talking with Beta Wyatt. Morning Taylor.” Wyatt says.

Morning.” I say heading straight for the coffee pot. I was good at pretending nothing was going on withme and Alpha Jackson. I’d been doing it for ages with

Ethan in Richmond Pack. So it was nothing new.

“How are you after last night?” Wyatt asked. And I turned to look at him.

“Does the whole pack know?” I asked.

“Unfortunately. Word gets around in this pack, doesn’t it?” Wyatt asked.

“Unfortunately. It’s a smaller pack than what you’re used to. So don’t do anything or say anything thatyou don’t want anyone to know about.” I say.

“Fair enough.” He says.

I then took my coffee outside and I had a smoke while I was watching warriors training and other thingsgoing on around the packhouse this early in the morning. And I had a lot going on in my mind as well.

When I finished my coffee I took the cup inside and I washed it up and drying rack and then I sawAlpha Jackson and Beta Wyatt in the living room.

Are you going out?” Alpha Jackson asked.

“Yeah. I won’t be out long.” I say.

Are you sure that you’ll be alright?” He asked.

“Yeah. I won’t accept a drink from any weird guy that passes me on the street.” I say sarcastically and Iturned around headed for the front door.

I walked into town and I went to Emily’s house where the party was being held the night before andthen I walked up and knocked on the door.

Emily opened the door looking worse for wear and I heard a guy inside talking which means that shedidn’t spend the night alone either.

“What are you doing here?” She asked shocked that I was standing at her door. But without sayinganything I punched her in the face and she fell back into the house.

So I walked inside and closed the door behind me. I saw Caleb coming into the room and he startedyelling about what was going on.

“When did they get you in on the plan?” I asked.

“What?” She asked holding her face.

“I know that you knew what they were planning. You knew they were planning on drugging me and thatguy was going to rape me.” I say.

“I swear, I didn’t know anything about it. “She says coming closer to me, pleading with me. And I kneedher in the stomach.

“Don’t fucking lie to me.” I screamed. She jumped up and charged back up at me and I dodged out ofthe way.

I was standing behind her and as soon as she got up I rushed her and threw her up against the wallwith my hand around her throat.

“Tell me the fucking truth.” I demanded squeezing harder around her throat.

Alright. They came to me and told me to throw the party. It wasn’t until the last minute that I found outwhat they were planning. When Missy was going to be here then it wasn’t going to go that far. Theywere just going to teach you a lesson. All of them against you. But then Missy was arrested and herfriends wanted you to really suffer for it.” Emily says struggling to breathe.

“I can’t believe you would do that to your own friend.” Caleb says.

“I had no choice. They threatened me.” Emily says and I let go of her throat.

“That might be the case Emily. But from right now, you and me are done. As far as I’m concerned, youdon’t exist anymore. So stay the fuck away from me.” I demand leaving the house.

I only got to the footpath when I heard the door open and Caleb came running out putting his shirt onand he caught up to me.

“Taylor. Wait up.” He sang out. So I slowed down a little bit.

“What is it Caleb? Shouldn’t you be worried about your girlfriend in there?” I asked.

“She’s not my girlfriend. We were both drunk and hooked up. That’s it. Listen, I didn’t know anythingabout what happened. I swear.” He says.

“I never said that you did.” I say as I kept walking.

“I am really sorry that it happened to you. “He says grabbing my arm and he stopped me from walking.

“I know that you are. I’m sure everyone in town is sorry about what happened to me by now.” I say.

“Why the hell would Emily do something like that?” Caleb asked.

“I don’t know. And I don’t care. She’s dead to me.” I say.novelbin

“We all know that Missy’s friends can be intimidating.” Caleb says.

“Yeah. And so can I. She should have picked the right side to be on. With her friend. But she didn’t. Soshe go to hell now.” I say starting to walk again.

“Taylor. Where are you?’ Alpha Jaska- mind linked me.

‘On my way back to the packhouse. Why?’ I asked.

‘We’re being attacked on the Northern Border. Get back here immediately.’

Alpha Jackson demanded. And then the sirens started going off and people came running out of theirhouses everywhere around us.

“Come on.” Caleb says trying to grab my hand.

“Screw that. I’m not sitting in a damn shelter this time. You get to the packhouse and make sure thateveryone gets there safely.” I say running off towards the fighting. Taylor. Taylor. Don’t do anythingstupid.” Caleb screamed out after me. But I kept running and I didn’t look back.

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