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Chapter 940

Mia added, "I did all this for fun. Nothing more. And it's surely not because I have lingering feelings for Timothy."

"Are you telling the truth?"

"Yes, I swear to God. There's another reason why I made him stay. Sage's treatment isn't going as smoothly as planned. He has not fully recovered


"At that time, I thought Timothy could be of use when we needed something else from him. That was why I made him stay for a while."

Mia put on her best sincere expression so that Dominic would believe her.

"If so, why didn't you tell me that he was here? I could've just locked him up so that he couldn't go anywhere."

She broke in a cold sweat. "You know his character. I've been keeping from him that Sage is the patient, not Ginger. If you had done that, Timothy

would've smelled the rat."

"So what? It doesn't matter. I can do whatever to him in Nord City. If I want him dead, he will be."

"Still, he is the father of my children. I don't think we should kill him," said a level-headed Mia.

She would never have any lingering feelings for that bastard.

"Fine. Consider him lucky. I'll let him off the hook for now."

Surprised, she questioned, "Did you do something to him?"

Could Dominic possibly be that quick?

"Not yet. I just sent an assassin after him for a talk, 'telling' him to vanish from your life."

Inhaling a deep breath, she inwardly exclaimed how modest that talk would be.

"Any updates from your side?" she asked gingerly.

"Timothy knew that I sent over an assassin to him, so he bought the earliest flight ticket to return to Bern City.

“He's lucky that he could escape ~.

sooner. Gtherwise, I would've made

him led that Nord City isn't a place

he could come and go as hewished

the'hard way." Content belangs to

§wnovel.net ©

Learning that Timothy had taken the flight back to Bern City gave her peace of mind.

Fortunately, he knew that survival would always come first.

Dominic said sternly, "Mia, I should reprimand you seriously for this—"

Before he gould finish, Ginger x,

scurried to the living room. "Mommy,

Uncle. Bominic, I'm home! Lookawhat

I drew today. My teacher praised me

forit." Content belongs to.

§wnovel.net ©

She sat on Dominic's lap and proffered the drawing.

Now that Ginger was around, Dominic's features softened. He admired the drawing. "It's pretty. Your teacher has taste."

She nodded: "I know! I told her that.novelbin

Sage wasgoing to school soon. kv”

introduéed him to some friends too.

Thatway, he won't be lonelyat

school." Content belongs te

§wnovel.net <

Mia's heart melted at that. Ginger was indeed a considerate one.

Since Ginger was around, Dominic stopped asking questions about Dominic.

Before dinner, Dominic received a message from Walter. "Timothy Barrett didn't take that flight. He's still in Nord City."

Dominic's eyes narrowed as he thought, "Very good. Since you didn't run away while you had the chance, I might as well send you to hell.”

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