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Chapter 922

Several other reporters spoke up as well, "Ms. Lane, considering theprestige of the Barrett Group's CEO and the prominence of the Barrettfamily in Bern City, it's unlikely that he would take on the role of a merebodyguard by your side."

"While we did notice a resemblance between the bodyguard wearingsunglasses and the CEO of Barrett Group, it's insufficient evidence toconfirm his identity.”

"Ms. Lane, is it possible that Mr. Barrett is pursuing a personal interestin you, prompting him to act as your bodyguard?”novelbin

At the moment, this seemed to be the most reasonable explanation.Otherwise, why would the CEO of the Barrett Group come to Nord Cityand assume the position of a mere bodyguard? Such a narrative wouldbe difficult for anyone to believe.

Connie interrupted the reporters, wearing a displeased expression."What kind of questions are these? The bodyguard may resemble Mr.Barrett, but he's certainly not the CEO of the Barrett Group.

"Besides, why would someone as esteemed as Mr. Barrett take anyinterest in Mia, especially considering she's a divorced woman?"Connie couldn't tolerate these speculations. It was obvious that Miawas reaping the benefits of Lewis" interest in her.

However, despite this, the Lane family had turned down the proposalfor a marriage alliance with the Bowen family.

For Connie, it felt like a personal affront. What value did a divorcedwoman like Mia hold, anyway?

As a divorcee, Mia should consider herself fortunate to have any maninterested in her.

Just then, a luxurious car pulled up outside, immediately capturingeveryone's attention.

Mia glanced over and calmly remarked, "It's about time. They should bearriving soon."

No matter how tardy Caleb and Timothy were, they couldn't possibly bethis late.

Observing the luxury car outside, Lewis turned to Mia and quipped,"So, are you saying that the penniless bodyguard and the phony Mr.Gomez have arrived? It seems they've even managed to secure afancy car this time. I wonder where they rented it from?"

With that, the Bowen family's relatives joined in on the mockery as well.Connie chimed in, "Lewis, you've got a keen eye! It's clear their car isrented. How could a financially strained bodyguard possibly afford sucha luxurious vehicle?"

A sly smile painted Mia's lips as she glanced at Lewis and Connie.Soon, their moment of embarrassment would unfold before their eyes.Mia couldn't help but feel a twinge of excitement as she anticipated theupcoming scene.

As the car door swung open, Timothy and Caleb emerged.

Timothy was dressed in a finely tailored suit, reflecting his usualprofessional attire. With each step, he exuded an aura of authority.Timothy entered the hotel lobby with a serious expression, causingalmost everyone to turn their heads toward him and Caleb.Considering the prominence of the individuals present, it was oftensimple to gauge someone's wealth with just a single glance.

At that moment, a subtle tension filled the air.

As Timothy caught sight of Mia, he headed straight toward her, hissteps unwavering and his gaze intense.

Reaching Mia's side, Timothy leaned in and murmured, "Apologies forthe delay; traffic held us up.”

Mia responded casually, "I happened to be nearby running errands, so Iarrived a bit earlier.”

Some journalists nearby couldn't help but comment, "Wow, this guyreally does resemble Mr. Barrett.”

“I've seen interviews with Mr. Barrett before. It's not just a similarity;he's practically a dead ringer.”

"Could it really be... him? Mr. Timothy Barrett himself?"

Connie interjected with a scoff, her disdain evident, "It's just aresemblance, nothing more. Just because someone looks like Mr.Barrett doesn't mean he's automatically the CEO of the Barrett Group.Can you imagine a CEO stooping to the level of a pennilessbodyguard?"

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