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Chapter 795

Chapter 795

“Enough, now’s not the time for that. | was going to give you the reishi mushrooms after | return to Nord City anyway.” Miaintentionally avoided his question. She wasn’t in the right state of mind to process that.

Timothy loosened his tie. Knowing that it was an untimely moment to talk about that, he said, “Let’s go to the hospital.”Mia followed him out of the office silently. She realized that many people were watching her.

Perhaps, news of her slapping Timothy had spread within the company.

She pretended not to notice anything. After all, she wasn’t the one who was slapped.

Timothy wore a stoic expression, completely unbothered by the curious stares.

The duo waited in front of the personal elevator.

The opposite elevator door opened and Luna walked out of it. “Tim, this woman suddenly barged into the building. | already toldher that you don't like to be bothered by outsiders at

work.”Timothy responded coldly, “She’s not an outsider to me.”That earned Mia’s attention as she looked at him, flustered.

Luna couldn’t mask her feelings upon hearing that. She just couldn’t understand why Timothy, a man of principle, would treat thiswoman so well. Was it because of her looks that resembled his ex-wife?

Mia and Timothy entered the personal elevator. Luna stood outside, watching them with hatred in her eyes.

Timothy looked at Luna, his tone indifferent. “This is the top floor. According to the company rule, you don’t have the authority tocome here. Hand in your resignation letter to HR immediately.”

In the face of embarrassment, she didn’t have enough control to manage her expressionanymore.

She barked, “But according to the rules, she’s an intruder as well! She even hurt the security guards! Why aren’t you holding herresponsible?”

“Because she’s my wife!” Timothy shot back.1/2

Mia chuckled. “So, you're just an average employee here, and a busybody one at that. Instead of thinking about how to becomea mistress, why don’t you spend more time honing your working skills?”

The elevator door closed as soon as she finished.Luna stood there all alone, almost losing her sanity to fury.

But a smirk played on her lips. She knew why Mia was so eager to see Timothy.


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