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Chapter 757

Chapter 757Upon observing Monalize heading to visit Patricia, Timothy became convinced that Monalize was, in fact, Mia!Throughout this period, Timothy had harbored suspicions regarding her identity. However, he lacked concrete evidence.

As a result, he secretly assigned someone to monitor Patricia’s movements, anticipating that if Monalize was truly Mia, shewould visit Patricia.

Finally, his patience paid off.

As Timothy glanced at the picture on his iPad, his emotions grew complex.

Heath chimed in, “So, Mr. Barrett, Ms. Monalize is actually Mrs. Barrett, huh? It seems she didn’t die after all; she’s still alive.”“Hmph, not just alive but doing pretty darn well,” Timothy replied.

The memory of their encounter on Xanier Island lingered in his mind. He felt manipulated by Monalize at the time, to the pointwhere he began to doubt whether he had misunderstood her identity.

Now, it turned out that Mia had orchestrated her own death and vanished for fouryears.

Indeed, it was quite a remarkable feat.

“Mr. Barrett, what’s your next move?” Heath inquired.

Timothy fell silent for a moment. He had been searching for proof that Monalize was Mia. However, now that the evidence wasright in front of him, he felt unsure

about what to do next.

Gazing at the woman in the photo, Timothy pondered, “Mia, what am | supposed to do with you?”

As Mia was heading back to the hospital, she suddenly sneezed.

While rubbing her nose, Mia wondered if someone was talking about her behind her back, feeling uneasy.

She carefully reflected on the events of the past few days, pondering whether

there had been any slip—ups on her part along the way. Everything appeared to be progressing smoothly on Timothy's end.As the evening drew near, Timothy’s test results arrived, indicating that everything was normal.

Asmile lit up Mia’s face upon seeing the results. It seemed there was hope for Sage’s recovery.

Without delay, she called Nicholas. “Timothy's test results came back normal. You can start preparing for the bone marrowdonation on your end. It’s anticipated to take about a week.”

“lll also begin arranging for Sage’s entry into the vacuum chamber. However, Mia, you’re aware that once they’re inside, ifTimothy changes his mind halfway through, Sage will be left in the vacuum chamber, facing certain death, right?”

“I understand,” Mia affirmed.

After all, she was well-versed in the bone marrow donation process. She certainly. wouldn't let Timothy back out.

After ending the call, Mia attempted to reach Timothy but received no response.She found it strange. Wasn’t it already after working hours? Could he possibly -still be at work?

She sent Timothy a WhatsApp message saying, “The hospital has released the test results, confirming that everything isnormal.”

Even after some time passed, there was still no response from Timothy.Recalling Nicholas’ cautionary words, Mia started to feel uneasy. Was it possible that Timothy was considering backing out?“Mommy, what's the matter?” Ginger asked, noticing Mia’s solemn expression.Mia managed a smile. “It's nothing. I'm just feeling a bit anxious about the2/3upcoming surgery.”

Ginger extended her chubby handand gently touched Mia’ s Jace, omaking in har dBifels tone,“Mommy, don’t worry, everything willturn out fine.” Visit NovelDrama.Orgto read the latest chapter of thisnovel

As Mia gazed at Ginger’s round face,she couldn't help but smile. mMIon neared a

allenges, Ginger was always thereto offer comfort. VisitNovelDrama.Org to read the latestchapter of this novel

Indeed, Ginger was her reliable confidante.

Just then, Mia's phone rang. Uponseeing that it w sastele mothy calling! \\she promptly Ven ered, “Hello, Mr.Barrett, have you finished your work?”Visit NovelDrama.Org to read thelatest chapter of this novelnovelbin

“Ms. Monalize, Mr. Barrett is currently intoxicated,” came the reply.

Mia paused, asking, “Why is he drunk? And may | know who I’m speaking to?”

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