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Chapter 680

Chapter 680

Caleb found himself speechless and turned to Timothy, urging, “Tim, please say something.

Observing Luna’s distress in the seawater, Timothy responded coldly, “Apologize to her. Didn’t you hear me?”“But Tim, | didn’t do anything wrong!”

Timothy couldn’t help but frown. “Then why did you intentionally splash water on her?”

“Because she’s a fraud, she’s not Mia at all. | just didn’t want you to be deceived!”

Noticing Luna’s pallid face, Caleb quickly stepped in, saying, “Tim, Luna was just concerned about you. That’s why she acted thisway.

Despite Luna’s somewhat extreme actions, Caleb couldn't believe that Monalize would throw Luna into a shark cage. It was justtoo horrific.

Timothy's gaze turned cold as he addressed Luna, “I never asked for your pointless gestures. If you believe you're not at fault,then I have no reason to intervene. You’re on your own.” With that, Timothy turned on his heel and walked away, showing nointention of lingering. Caleb wasn’t the only one taken aback; even Mia displayed a hint of surprise. “When Timothy becomesruthless, it seems no woman can sway him,” she remarked sarcastically.

sarmCaleb rushed to catch up with Timothy, grabbing to stop him. “Tim, are you really going to leave like this?”Mia glanced back at Luna in the seawater and remarked, “What’s your plan now? Your savior seems to have left.

“Anyway, you're just wasting oxygen by being alive. | might as well feed you to the sharks. Go ahead, open the cage door; mylittle pet has been waiting eagerly.”

Upon Mia’s command, the bodyguards immediately loosened the chains holding the cage. Instantly, Luna plunged into theseawater. She sobbed loudly, as tears and mucus streamed down her face.

Seeing that Timothy had truly left, she desperately begged for help, “I was wrong, I’m sorry, | shouldn’t have splashed water onyou. It’s all my fault, Ms. Monalize!”

1/2+15 BONUS

Luna was on the brink of a breakdown; she truly didn’t want to die, let alone suffer the horrific fate of being eaten alive by ashark!

Upon hearing Luma’s pleas, Mia's face twisted into a mocking expression. “Seems like you’re only remorseful when it's too late!”

Turning around, Mia’s gaze landed on the two men standing in the cabin, ultimately settling on Timothy. It was clear that he haddeliberately pushed Luna to apologize.

Caleb interjected, “Now that Luna has apologized, Ms. Monalize, could you please calm down and release her?”

Ignoring Caleb, Mia walked over casually and turned to Timothy, saying, “Could you please keep your girlfriend in check? Makesure she doesn’t come across my path again.

“Otherwise, | won’t hesitate to throw her to the sharks, and you'll be left to collect her remains.”Timothy furrowed his brow and began, “She’s not my girlfriend, she’s my

“I'm not interested in that, and | don'twant to hear it,” Mia intedectedsyptly leavlitig pehrying yacht.ter all, it was Luna who had causedall this trouble in the first place! VisitNovelDrama.Org to read the latestchapter of this novel

Witnessing Luna’s apologetic breakdown, Mia finally managed to let go of her pent-up


On the yacht, it didn’t take much time for the bodyguard to pull Luna out of the water and rescue her.

Caleb voiced his concern, asking, “Luna, are you okay?”

Distressed, Luna shook her head and turned to Timothy, saying, “Tim, | seriously thought you didn’t care about me.”

“Luna, you and Tim are family. Howcould he fe care a bout youcTiatwedneaninais| si Xe too arrogant,”Caleb comforted her. VisitNovelDrama.Org to read the latestchapter of this novel

Timothy gazed down at Luna andasserted, Ry easton 90 ‘toecthel |one to ale@nl ur mistakes.Remember your place!” VisitNovelDrama.Org to read the latestchapter of this novel

afterFeeling a surge of indignation, Luna retorted, “But Tim, Mia is dead. That woman is merely an imposter.”novelbin

Without hesitation, Timothy turned around and grabbed Luna’s neck, his gaze growing cold.

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