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Chapter 677

Chapter 677

Glancing down at Timothy, Mia couldn’t help but notice the shift in his expression. Instinctively, she remarked, “What’s wrong?Can’t you comply with this?”

Without hesitation, Timothy pushed her aside and rose to his feet.

Mia nearly stumbled but managed to steady herself just in time.

Observing Timothy by the bedside, Mia remarked, “Mr. Barrett, my proposition seems quite reasonable, wouldn’t you agree?”In the depths of her eyes, there was a glimmer of complexity. It dawned on her that she had mistaken him for someone else.Timothy was, in fact, her ex-husband, the scoundrel she had once been married to!

Yet, Mia refused to acknowledge it, preferring instead to taunt Timothy before her.

Timothy stood by the bed, calmly adjusting his shirt, his heart weighed down by Mia’s.


If she truly were Mia, wouldn’t she ask about their past instead of making such a proposition at this critical moment?Perhaps it was becoming evident-she might not be Mia after all, just someone bearing a striking resemblance.

After adjusting his attire, Timothy turned to Mia on the bed, his gaze penetrating. “Indeed, it’s an enticing offer, but I’m sorry, |must decline.”

“And why is that?” Mia inquired, somewhat unwilling to accept Timothy's rejection and eager to understand his reasoning.

Mia doubted that Timothy’s refusal was due to lingering feelings for her, which might explain his reluctance to pursue arelationship with another woman.

If that were the case, Mia wouldn’t have endured such hardship in the past.

Locked in a silent exchange, Timothy stared deeply into her eyes, his gaze carrying a hint of scrutiny. “I’m not interested in otherwomen,” he declared before exiting the bedroom.

Left alone, Mia watched his departing figure, a sense of exasperation creeping over her. She couldn’t help but wonder whyTimothy insisted he wasn't interested in other women.



It seemed that men often failed to value what they had until they lost it, only then realizing their regrets.

Mia wasted no time in summoning Wade. “Has Timothy been involved with other women during these years?”

Wade promptly responded, “There’s a woman named Luna Maynard, and she has a son who appears to be around the sameage as Ms. Ginger.”

“Damn, he even has a child,” Mia muttered as realization sank in.

Given that both Luna’s son and Ginger were similar in age, it became apparent that Timothy had indeed been unfaithful to Miaback then.



Aglint of coldness flickered in as she realized that everything she had endured back then was because of Luna.Well, it seemed that merely slapping her was too lenient a form of retribution.

Wade cautiously suggested, “Ms. Mia, considering the despicable nature of the Barretts, perhaps it’s best to refrain frominvesting any more time in them.”

Wade feared that any further interaction could lead to unforeseen consequences, and he dreaded the prospect of bearing theresponsibility.

After all, Timothy was someone Mia had once loved!

Mia rose from the bed. “You're right. I've wasted far too much time on the Barrett family.”

Indeed, Timothy was nothing more than a scoundrel, not deserving of her time or energy.

Glancing at the time, Mia realized it was late; she might as well return to accompany Ginger to sleep.

She casually draped herself in abathrobe and stepped o

sh¢ exited BanseProom, asomeone suddenly hurled a bucket ofwater at her, drenching hercompletely! Visit NovelDrama.Org toread the latest chapter of this novel

In that instant, the silence was so deafening that Mia could hear a pin drop.


With a composed demeanor, shewiped the water from nena angilifted fey gardidade (dna standingbeside her, her lips forming a coldsmile. “Seems like you're asking fortrouble!” Visit NovelDrama.Org to

read the latest chapter of this novel

Luna was furious. “You ian swicked woman, give Tim back 8 Fit

ie make (Edtean LO A Fastons ig you will never marry into

the Barrett family, nor will Tim'smother ever accept you!” VisitNovelDrama.Org to read the latestchapter of this novel

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