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Chapter 671

Chapter 671

Mia casually rested her chin on her hand, tilting her head as she regarded Timothy with a smile. “Mr. Barrett, it seems like you'rea bit nervous, aren’t you?”

While talking, she deliberately moved her feet under the table.

With a swift motion, Timothy reached over and placed his hand on top of her foot.

With the table draped in a white cloth, nothing transpiring underneath was visible from theoutside.

As a result, Mia grew even bolder. She removed the nude lipstick from her lips and replaced it with a bold red shade, instantlyelevating her appearance.

She smirked. “Mr. Barrett, you haven’t touched your steak yet. Is it not to your liking?”

As Timothy observed Mia before him, he couldn’t help but notice a distinct transformation

in her demeanor.

His Adam's apple moved slightly. “It’s been four years, and it would seem that your audacity has grown considerably.”

Mia casually undid the top button of her shirt, purposefully exposing her collarbone. Perhaps more than just my audacity,” sheplayfully remarked.

Timothy's gaze followed her hand, settling on her collarbone before he quickly averted his eyes, a frown creasing his expression.“Mia, please button up your shirt!” His tone carried a hint of displeasure.

Mia couldn’t contain her laughter. Instead of complying, she continued to unbutton her shirt, revealing the garment she woreunderneath.

Unable to sit still any longer, Timothy reached out to grab her hand, his eyes narrowing. What are you trying to do, exactly?”“I'm flirting with you, Mr. Barrett!”

Mia’s hand trailed along Timothy's arm, attempting to tilt his chin, but this time he evaded


Timothy seized her wrist. His tone was urgent and stern as he warned, “Are you done playing around?”

Mia disregarded him and swiftly extended her foot, pressing it against his crotch. “Stay still!

Otherwise, | can’t guarantee that this dick won't incapacitate you!”

Timothy's body tensed, his Intense gaze fixed on her. “What do you want?”

“| have a question for you.”

“Go ahead,” Timothy replied, maintaining a firm grip that prevented Mia from breaking fred

With a smirk, Mia inquired, “Mr. Barrett, after all this time, how have you been satisfying your sexual urges?”Timothy met her gaze, his voice husky. “Are you curious?”

“A bit” Mia replied.

Timothy looked at her with a hint of surprise. “You’ve certainly changed.”

The old Mia wasn’t so audacious!

Timothy tenderly touched her face,his intense stare penetrating. “For allthese years, I've abstained fromphysical ine Shaultio't Vwiterowubkillher marital obligations?”Mia evaded his hand. “Mr. Barrett, doyou truly expect anyone to believeyou've remained celibate? As awealthy, attractive man with a goodphysique, how could you possiblylack female companionship?” VisitNovelDrama.Org to read the latestchapter of this novel

Timothy's hand reached out, lightly grazing her ear. “Why don’t you believe me? Let's give it a shot, shall we?”

Witnessing Timothy's sudden shift indemeanor, Mia couldn't help butsmile. “Very well Shecfokcefullly ueaise)pdskedaltthe plates on the table tothe ground, then propped herselfagainst the table and sat directly infront of Timothy. VisitNovelDrama.Org to read the latestchapter of this novel

Peering down at him, Mia reached out to tug on his tie. “Mr. Barrett, how would you like to proceed?”Timothy's breath quickened noticeably; he hadn’t expected her boldness.

A subtle tightness crept intoTimothy's throat as he | ked at his\| ring exc Wife Bebtel opposite him.ears of suppressed emotionssurged forth, engulfing his senses.Visit NovelDrama.Org to read thelatest chapter of this novel

Timothy's eyes were bloodshot as he tugged at his tie, feeling a wave of heat sweep over him.

However, at that moment, Mia grabbed Timothy's hand and glanced toward the door. “Mr. Barrett, shouldn’t you handle thepeeping tom outside?”

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