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Chapter 621

Chapter 621

Timothy confronted Tanner Kimmel, the lord of Xanier Island, with a direct request. “Sell me the reishi mushroom.”Tanner cleared his throat before responding. “Mr. Barrett, you'll have to wait until the auction to make a purchase.”Timothy narrowed his eyes slightly and inquired, “What are the terms?”

“Mr. Barrett, this isn’t a matter of conditions.” Tanner replied.

Caleb interjected, “There’s nothing in this world that can’t be bought; it’s just a matter of whether one can meet that price. XanierIsland has always been open to business opportunities. Are you really going to pass up this opportunity?”

Tanner hesitated before responding. “The main issue is that the reishi mushroom isn’t a product of Xanier Island; so it’s beingprivately auctioned. That's why it’s not listed in any auction catalogs.”

Timothy intervened. “Provide me with the contact details.”

“Mr. Barrett, it’s important for you to understand our policy here at Xanier Island. We are unable to disclose client information,”Tanner replied.

Timothy fixed his gaze on Tanner. “How do you plan to explain to me the fact that your sister tried to abduct a little girl today?”

Tanner immediately grew uneasy. “Mr. Barrett, this is all a misunderstanding. We would never abduct a little girl, especially notyour child.”

“She’s not my daughter. To be exact, she belongs to Caleb,” Timothy clarified. “Your hotel needs to offer us an explanation forthis incident.” Though he remained composed, his tone carried an undertone of urgency.

Caleb's surprise was evident as he responded, “Someone from the hotel kidnapped Ginger? Tim, are you serious?”“| wouldn't joke about something like this.” Timothy asserted.Caleb swiftly turned to Tanner, demanding. “How dare your hotel staff abduct my child? Is there some issue between us?”

Regardless of whether Ginger was his daughter, the series of events—where she mentioned Caleb’s name only to be laterabducted by the hotel staff seemed to indicate a personal grudge against Cate

Tanner nervously took a sip of water and attempted to clarify. “Mr. Gomez, this is all a misunderstanda We have no conflicts, andthere’s no motive for us to abduct a child, right?

Timothy responded nonchalantly. “It appears your sister has taken an interest in Caleb There’s a turner that there isn’t a man shecan’t win over

“My assumption is that she overheard Ginger mentioning Calety’s name, leading the hotel staff to hide her.Caleb couldn't help but frown. “Targeting a child is unacceptable. It’s rather unfortunate that your sister has her eyes on me.”

Realizing there was no way out, Tanner forced a smile and proposed, “I sincerely apologize for this. My sister has a ratherforceful personality.

“How about this, Mr. Barrett? Whenit’s time for the reishi mae iD)auptigny| bride are My tearn helpsyou secure the bid. Does that soundgood to you?” Visit NovelDrama.Orgto read the latest chapter of thisnovel

Caleb responded casually, “Can't you just sell it to us now?”

“I'm afraid | can't do that. It’s theprivate selle ‘genes. and LomHave the Shere to interfere, Tannerresponded. Visit NovelDrama.Org toread the latest chapter of this novel

Timothy's tone grew cold, “Give me the seller’s contact details.”

In the end, Tanner relented and passed over the contact information, adding, “Please don’t mention that! gave this to you.”With the contact details in hand, Timothy exited the room and instructed Heath to reach out to the seller directly.

However, the seller declined private transactions and insisted on going through Xanier Island’s auction process.

Caleb let out a frustrated sigh. “ls thisseller out of their mi $5, Evercwith algeneroustter:t eye declining. It’snot like we're involved in any shadydealings.” Visit NovelDrama.Org toread the latest chapter of this novel

Heath added, “It looks like our only option now is to bid at the auction.”The reishi mushroom was the sole medicine with the potential to awaken Laura,

Timothy's expression turned grim, and he spoke with determination, “I refuse to give up.”novelbin

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