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Chapter 618

Chapter 618

Timothy turned to Heath and instructed. “Take him to the bathroom and get him cleaned up.”Despite his initial inclination to step in, Heath hesitated out of fear of becoming Ginger’s next target.Upon receiving Timothy’s order, he promptly escorted the disheveled Caleb to the bathroom.Seeing Caleb being led away. Ginger felt a twinge of frustration.

She turned to Timothy, exclaiming. “Tim, put me down first! | want to teach that jerk a lesson!”Timothy complied, but he confiscated her backpack.

He stood up and peered inside the backpack, hoping to find some information about Ginger’s family.

“Timothy, give me back my backpack!” Ginger cried out, jumping up and down on the floor. Despite her efforts, she was too shortto reach even his thighs.

Frustrated, she climbed onto the sofa, attempting to tiptoe and stretch her chubby little hands to grab her backpack.But she still couldn’t reach it!On the verge of tears, Ginger exclaimed, “Tim, you're being unfair!”

Timothy rummaged through her backpack and eventually found an Apple watch. He gently shook it and remarked, “You couldhave contacted your family with this, couldn’t you?”

This explained how Ginger had managed to contact him earlier.At first, Timothy assumed she had a phone, but upon searching, he didn’t find one and nearly.overlooked her Apple watch.

Ginger suddenly became quiet, pouting. “Anyway, my mommy is always busy with work. I’m just a pitiful little soul that nobodycares about. If my mommy finds out that | sneaked out to find my dad, I'll be in big trouble!”

Looking into Ginger’s teary, big eyes. Timothy realized that he too had been momentarily swayed by her pitiful appearance.Raising an eyebrow, he asked, “Which one is your mommy’s phone number?”

Ginger lowered her head and remained silent.

“If you won't tell me, then I'll just dial them one by one,” he threatened.

“Please don't! I'll tell you,” Ginger replied, looking somewhat reluctant.

She couldn't believe Timothy had taken her Apple watch; the thought of him dialing each number was utterly intimidating.What if he called Uncle Dominic, Uncle Nathan, Uncle Connor, Uncle Claude, Uncle Jason, or Uncle Liam?

She'd be exposed immediately!

Seeing the mischievous Ginger finallybehaving, Timothy settle ontathen

qand pulldd SuthiSp one,glancing over at her. “So, what's herphone number?” he asked. VisitNovelDrama.Org to read the latestchapter of this novel


Ginger paused for a moment,contemplating her next move.Nonetheless, Tirnotby win coughton. ‘Pyou give me a fake numberagain, I'll have to take you to thepolice station.” Visit NovelDrama.Orgto read the latest chapter of thisnovel

Reluctantly, Ginger complied and recited her mom’s phone number.

Timothy punched in the numbers, and the caller ID displayed Nord City. Seeing this, he was momentarily taken aback.“Sorry, the number you've dialed is currently unavailable

Timothy's brow furrowed as he regarded her. “Unavailable?”

“Mommy's probably busy with work again, so | took the chance to sneak out,” Ginger explained.

“Don’t you have someone at home looking after you?”

“We've got a nanny.” And Sage as well!

Timothy narrowed his gaze. “Are you sure you didn’t give me a fake number?

Ginger raised her little hand and vowed, “No, | didn’t. If | lied, I'd end up with cavities from eating too much candy.”Timothy was taken aback, finding himself genuinely intrigued by Ginger’s upbringing.

Just then, Caleb stepped out of thebathroom, leaning paella! the d99mframes and-gtiimbihd, “ve got aquestion. Doesn't eating candyalways end up causing cavities?” VisitNovelDrama.Org to read the latestchapter of this novel

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