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Chapter 579

Chapter 579Gianna’s delayed revelation left Dahlia and Dixie in disbelief.Dixie’s voice grew louder. “What? Are you saying that Mia is a VIP member? That’s utterly absurd! She’s

an orphan, for heaven’s sake, and she was even kicked out of the Barrett family. How could she possibly have a VIPmembership card? It must be fake, right?”

Mia turned to Gianna for confirmation, “Is my membership card fake?”

Gianna responded promptly. “No, it’s genuine.”

Dixie persisted, “I’m sure of it! Mia must have stolen the card from the Barrett family.”

“Dixie, you’re onto something. This card must belong to them.”

Upon hearing this. Mia decided not to waste any more time arguing with Dahlia and Dixie.

She turned to Gianna and ordered, “Please, escort them out. | don’t want them in this store any longer.They're disrupting my shopping experience and damaging Vior’s reputation!”

Gianna nodded in understanding. “Certainly, I'll take care of it.”

Having said that, Gianna approached Dahlia and Dixie, her tone firm and devoid of pleasantries. “Thisestablishment prioritizes our VIP customers. Would you mind stepping aside?”

“Her card was stolen; she’s nothing but a thief. I'll inform the Barretts right away, and Mia will be exposedfor who she truly is.”

Gianna’s face twisted into an expression of mockery. “This VIP membership card doesn’t belong to theBarrett family. It seems like you’ve misunderstood the situation.

“What? It’s not from the Barrett family? How is that possible?”

Gina sneered in response. “This card was provided by Mia’s own family!”

“That’s ridiculous. Mia is just an orphan, and her adoptive parents are extremely poor. How could theypossibly afford to give her this card?”

“Exactly, it's definitely not from her family. Who knows where it actually came from.”novelbin

Mia couldn’t help but click her tongue. “It seems like Mrs. Barrett and Shelly haven’t disclosed everythingyet.”

Gina Interjected on her behalf, “You're oblivious, aren’t you? Mia is no longer an orphan. She’s now an heiress, having been lostfor years due to her heartless nanny.

“Thankfully, she’s been reunited with her family and is now their beloved treasure, with everything she could ever desire at herdisposal, What’s a mere membership card compared to that?”

Dixie was stunned. “This can’t be true. How is that even possible?”However, Gianna wasted no time and promptly summoned security to have Dahlia and Dixie escortedout of the store.

As they were being chased out,Dahlia and Dixie exchanged a look,both grappling with disbelief overwhat they had just heard—theycouldn't bring themselves to acceptthat Mia had transformed into thelong-lost heiress of a wealthy family.Visit NovelDrama.Org to read thelatest chapter of this novel

Dixie’s jealousy flared as she thought about Mia’s VIP membership card. “Mom, do you really believewhat Mia just said?” she asked.

“| have my doubts. If Mia were indeedthe missing heiress of an affluentfamily, why would the Barretts havekicked her out? This card could be agift from her sugar daddy, and theymight be fabricating this VisitNovelDrama.Org to read the latestchapter of this novel

narrative to cover up the truth.”

“Mom, I’m thinking the same thing. Isn’t Mrs. Barrett Senior hosting a banquet this weekend? We could use the opportunity topay a visit and have her expose Mia’s true intentions.”

Dahlia and Dixie exchanged a meaningful glance before nodding in unison.

Nevertheless, observing Vior shutting its doors solely to attend to Mia, they couldn't suppress thejealousy bubbling inside them.

Inside the store, upon Mia disclosing Dahlia and Dixie's identities to Gina, she couldn't help but burst outin laughter.

“They were caught red-handedpurchasing counterfeit goods andwere even expelled by Mrs. BarrettSenior, yet they have the audacity tobehave so arrogantly,” Mia saidbefore continuing. “After all, to them,Visit NovelDrama.Org to read thelatest chapter of this novel

I'm merely a powerless orphan.”

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