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Chapter 577

Chapter 577

Upon hearing this, Timothy’s gaze drifted downward to the glass of red wine in his hand, its rich hue and inviting aromamomentarily captivating him.

“| honestly don’t know,” he replied, his deep voice resonating with uncertainty.“Well, it sounds like you might be falling for her,” Caleb suggested.

He couldn't resist the urge to light a cigarette: the situation was undeniably complex. Mia’s pregnancy added another layer ofcomplication, especially considering the uncertainty surrounding the paternity of the babies.

Whoever claimed Timothy was cold—hearted?

Men of his caliber often kept their emotions guarded, but when they did fall in love, it was with a depth and sincerity that knew nobounds.

“Pass me one.” Timothy requested, reaching for a cigarette.Once it was lit, he leaned back, releasing puffs of smoke into the air.

His eyes, deep and intricate, betrayed a sense of turmoil. It was a novel sensation for him, experiencing such a complex mix ofemotions. He had never anticipated falling for a woman, much less someone like


If only he had anticipated this turn of events, he would have acted differently on their wedding day.Curious, Caleb interjected. “I’m struggling to understand, what is it about Mia that has captured yourheart?” 1

Timothy's response was laden with gravity. “It’s hard to articulate what sets her apart, but who else canstir such feelings within me?”

“Well, it seems you're in quite a predicament.” Caleb lamented. Timothy had unmistakably fallen hard!If Mia were still the orphan she once was, things would be far simpler.

However, now she’s the daughter of the affluent Lane family in Nord City. One wrong move from Timothy and her six formidablebrothers would step in without hesitation, showing no mercy.

Finally, Timothy broke the silence, “How can | convey my true feelings to her?”

With a sigh of frustration, Caleb extinguished his cigarette.novelbin

After completing her exams, Mia felt a wave of relief wash over her. All that remained now was toprepare for her graduation thesis.

Her spirits soared knowing that exams were finally behind her and she was on track to receive herdiploma.

Three years ago, after marrying Timothy, she had been pressured by Sharon to abandon her studies and become a full-timehousewife. Mia had always regretted not being able to continue her education.

Now, she could finally put that regret behind her.

Gina had arranged to go shopping with Mia, and they agreed to meet at the mall.“Mia, cengratulations on passing your exams today!”

“But the results aren’t out yet.”


“| have faith in your abilities. You'll pass the retake exam without any trouble.”

Mia smiled. “Let’s go, it’s time for some shopping.”

She had to attend Laura’s banquet at the Barrett residence this weekend.

Unfortunately, Eva was occupied in Nord City and couldn’t make it over. Despite this, she had beenincessantly urging Mia to visit the Vior store to try on their latest dresses.

She had taken the extra step of arranging for the brand to reserve some outfits specifically for Mia.

If Mia chose not to go, Eva would undoubtedly bombard her with endless calls.

Linking arms with Mia, Gina exclaimed. “I’m excited to accompany you. Finally, | get to join my bestie inshopping at luxury stores. I’m definitely going to post about it on social media later!”

After all they often joked about their desire for either best friend to strike it rich one day, so they couldride on the other's coattails.

Now, it seemed like that wish had finally come true.

The two of them arrived at the Vior store, chatting and laughing as they went.

Mia glanced at Gina and said, “You're welcome to try on any clothes or dresses you like. After all, | haveEva's membership card.”

Indeed, the card carried significant prestige..

“Alright, | won't restrain myself then.Even if | can’t afford to purchasethem, | can still indulge in trying themon,” Gina murmured, her voicesoftening. Visit NovelDrama.Org toread the latest chapter of this novel

Despite her financial limitations, Gina’s demeanor remained upbeat, showing no hint of envy.

However, their conversation wasinterrupted by a sharp voice. “Wow,has Vior lowered its standards somuch? It seems like any randomperson can just stroll in now.” VisitNovelDrama.Org to read the latestchapter of this novel

Mia turned to find Dahlia and Dixie,the mother and daughter duo shehad encountered at the Barrettresidence previously. VisitNovelDrama.Org to read the latestchapter of this novel

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