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Chapter 575

Chapter 575

After the exam concluded, Mia exited the classroom feeling utterly exhausted.

She had been fully immersed throughout the day, and now she felt completely drained.

The discomfort of sitting for long hours, especially with her pregnancy, had been challenging to endure.Fortunately, her pregnancy wasn’t too far along, so she managed to persevere through it.

“Mia,” Connor and Claude called out as they approached her.

Connor promptly supported her arm, asking, “Are you alright? If you’re feeling unwell, you need to let meknow immediately.”

“I'm alright, just a bit fatigued and hungry,” Mia replied.

She understood Connor's concern for her pregnancy. Nonetheless, the babies inside seemed torecognize the importance of her examination, maintaining good behavior and not being overly restless.Claude breathed a sigh of relief. “Now that your exams are over, let’s grab a bite to eat. How about we goout for a nice dinner tonight?”

“Sounds good,” Mia agreed.

Walking out of campus with her brothers, Mia spotted Nicholas‘ car. She greeted him politely. “Hi Nick.”=

She knew that Connor had asked Nicholas to wait for her during the exam because he was concernedabout the babies growing inside her belly.

Despite Nicholas‘ typically stoic demeanor, his expression visibly softened upon hearing Mia calling himNick” affectionately.

The four of them then got into the car and left the university.

Nearby, someone captured this moment and sent the photo to his higher—ups.


thy wast

a break after a meeting when Heath approached him with a phone. “Mr.

Barrett, there’s news from the university.”

Timothy glanced at the crystal-clear photo on his phone. It showed Mia, surrounded by her brothers,getting into the car with a radiant smile on her face.

In the presence of her family, Mia’s smile appeared even more endearing.

However, as Timothy observed the man in the driver’s seat, his eyes narrowed slightly. Wasn't that theobstetrician?

With a grim expression, Timothy placed the phone down.

Mia’s family seemed to have considered every detail, going as far as arranging for the obstetrician to wait outside. What elsewas there for Timothy to concern himself with?

Although Mia had already booked a flight to Nord City for next week, she didn’t bring it up when Timothy visited her yesterday.

Suddenly, Timothy found himself unable to concentrate on his work.

He rose from his desk and exited his office, pacing anxiously. Unable to resist, he eventually called Caleb. “Hey, are you freeright now? How about grabbing a drink together?”

Caleb was surprised by the suddencall. “This is unexpected; you'reinviting me for a drink out of the blue.Last time, it was because of Mia,wasn't it? Is it the same reason thistime?” Visit NovelDrama.Org to readthe latest chapter of this novel

“Don't be ridiculous. Are you joining me or not?”“Sure thing. Send me the address. Since you’re the one extending the invitation, I've got to make anappearance, don’t |?”

Upon Caleb’s arrival at their usual meeting spot, he observed Timothy casually discarding his suit jacket,his shirt hanging loosely on him.


He appeared completely disheveled, exuding an air of melancholy.

“Listen, Tim, you don’t just pull me out for a drink without reason. Come on, spill it. What's on your mind?”Timothy emptied his glass of red wine, fixing his bloodshot eyes on Caleb “Mia is leaving.next week.”“Next week? But isn’t Grandma Laura’s banquet this weekend? Are you telling me she'll leave right afterattending it?”

Observing Timothy's despondent

state, Caleb pressed on. “So, what'snovelbin

your point here? | recall advising you

to try winning her back before, but

despite that, you ended up divorced. |

thought you had moved on!” Visit

NovelDrama.Org to read the latest

chapter of this novel

“| thought | could move on too, but | don’t want her to leave!”Timothy's gaze solidified with determination. Now more than ever, he was resolute in his feelings. Hewas unwilling to let Mia slip away!

Taking a seat beside Timothy. Calebspoke sincerely. “Let's be honest. Ifyou had pushed a bit harder.splurged a bit more, and been moreromantic before Mia found herfamily, you might have had a chanceat winning her back. VisitNovelDrama.Org to read the latestchapter of this novel

“As the wealthiest man in Bern City and a genuine heartthrob, who could resist your allure? But you let the opportunity slipaway!”

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