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Chapter 476

Chapter 476

After leaving the office, Dana promptly dialed Maya’s number.

“Ms. Lane, there’s an issue at the university. My anonymous report was uncovered, and it’s been

revealed that Mia and Mr. Barrett are married. Why wasn’t I informed of this sooner?”

Hearing Dana’s words, Maya realized that Timothy had personally gone to the campus to publicly

reveal his marital relationship with Mia.

She gritted her teeth in frustration. “How could you mess up so badly that you were caught this


To make matters worse, Timothy ended up publicly revealing his relationship with Mia, which ultimately

worked in Mia’s favor.

It seemed that Dana was less competent than Shelly.

“Ms. Lane, what am I supposed to do


Chapter 476


now? The university will surely take disciplinary action against me. You assured me of your assistance

and my safety, didn’t you?”

“Alright, it’s not a major issue anyway. Just wait calmly for further updates, okay?” Maya simply

dismissed her.

With that, Maya ended the call. She turned to Blake and asked, “When will Dominic arrive in Bern


“He’ll be arriving on tomorrow’s flight.”

“Set up a schedule. I’ll handle the pickup.


“Should we also communicate with Dana

beforehand to ensure she doesn’t accidentally disclose anything?”

Feeling a bit exasperated, Maya

remarked, “We don’t need to give her any advance notice. It would just make her suspicious. Besides,

considering Dana’s egotistical nature, she will surely take the


“It’s similar to the last time I mentioned


Chapter 476

wanting to find a childhood friend, and Dana immediately volunteered to

substitute for Mia.”

As long as Dana assumed Mia’s identity, Maya’s position would remain secure.

After Mia left Kennedy’s office, she strolled down a secluded campus. pathway, her emotions in turmoil.

While she had entertained suspicions. about Shelly or Maya’s potential involvement, the idea of Dana’s

culpability never crossed her mind.

The revelation was deeply painful.

As she continued her walk, two unfamiliar young men suddenly appeared

beside her. They didn’t fit the typical student profile.

Spotting Mia alone, they approached her

and initiated a conversation.

“Hey, you seem to be upset.”

“Yeah, if you’re feeling low, why don’t


Chapter 476

you join us for a drink and chat about it?”

Mia couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t right. Just as she prepared to leave, the two men

obstructed her way.

Raising her voice, she insisted, “Let me through! This is a university, and if you engage in any

inappropriate behavior, there will be consequences!”

“Wow, do all college girls have this much. attitude?” one of the men quipped, reaching out to touch Mia.

Suddenly, a commanding voice echoed from the alley. “Take your filthy hands. off her!”

Mia turned toward the source of the voice and saw a figure emerging from the darkness, striding into

the light.

Though his face was partially obscured,

his piercing, intense eyes were


It was Timothy!

Mia’s face lit up in surprise. She called



Chapter 476

out affectionately, “Sweetheart, I’m here!

Upon hearing Mia address him as

sweetheart,” the two men paused, feeling

apprehensive. Certainly, causing a

disturbance on university grounds

wouldn’t be tolerated.

Exchanging a glance, they swiftly retreated in the opposite direction.

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Timothy wrapped his arms around Mia, softly patting her back. “It’s okay, I’m here.”

Tears welled up in Mia’s eyes instantly.

She struggled to speak through her



Chapter 476

emotions. “What made you decide to follow me?”

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