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Chapter 88

The hour after my somewhat feral s*x with Kade had gone by in an instant. His mom was back tenminutes later, fixing my hair and ignoring what had clearly gone on between me and her son. She put alight coating of make-up on my face, darkening my large eyes and making the two different colors morepronounced. The meeting before the High Table meeting wasn’t a formal event—it was more like business thananything else. Assessing potential enemies, seeking out weaker Alpha’s, and generally causing havocfor most of the lower ranked werewolves. Kade’s mom helped me into a slate grey dress, zipping up the low-neck back in a smooth motion. Thedress reached my knees and was tight around my curves. It showed just enough cleavage to lookclassy, and brought out the silver tones in my one blue eye.

It was best everyone viewed me as a capable adult, and not an emotional teenager. They needed tobelieve I wouldn’t use my abilities recklessly, or for my own vengeance. I found the whole thing to besomewhat absurd. Isn’t it my choice how to use the abilities I was gifted with? She left my hair down hoping to remind everyone that while I was a cool and collected adult, I was stillyoung and inexperienced to this world. I had to say—she did an incredible job. The dress made meseem mature and responsible, but my eyes looked larger with the makeup she had put on me—brighterand more vibrant.novelbin

“Alright, you’re ready.” She huffed, settling herself down after fussing over my hair for another half anhour. Her eyes went brittle and the faint lines around her mouth deepened, “You’re already late, but thatdoesn’t matter anymore—the news about Alec, it’s already spread.” “I thought it was being contained?” I scoffed, grinding my teeth against the thrashing beast that wasnow held on lock-down inside of me. Thalia couldn’t be trusted not to hunt Zayne Novak down and useour power on him without warrant. “It was.” She laughed dryly, her eyes disbelieving. “Why would they want to contain anything? Noweveryone believes they know how to control you. The smart ones are keeping their distance, waiting for

you to snap. When you use your abilities, they’ll most likely put you to d***h.”“It seems like you know a lot about the High Table.” I commented. “We all do.” She grunted, “They’ve k****d more of us than any other species.” As Kade and I were escorted through the twisting and turning halls of the hotel, we were debriefed onthe more important guests at today’s meeting. Marcus Novak sat number one at the High Table, holding the largest pack and influence in the country.Cunning and brutish, he believes in moves and counter moves. Perfection is what he and his packstrive for. Second was Desmond Deville, known for being the oldest unmated male. His reputation was oneearned through hard labor and copious amounts of—partners at his disposal. He doesn’t run thesecond largest pack in the country for nothing, the man is built like a submarine. Third was Brayton Cliff, probably the most studious and logical of the five. He’s less ruled by a darkneed for more power than the others, and can turn the tides of any ruling.

Fourth is Jaspar Fox, an enigma clad in tight leather, silver piercings, and cerulean eyes that wouldbring any woman to her knee’s. It’s rumored that Jaspar Fox had a bad upbringing, and was sold tosome rogues as a toddler. He has scars all over his body, but no one has the gall to ask whathappened. Sebastian Sable is last, and is one of the slimiest of the bunch. It’s rumored he works closely withMarcus Novak, though no one knows the exact details of the arrangement. Sebastian Sable is whatmost would classify as a sociopath. He’s much like Marcus, but without the cunning and subtly thatmakes for an incredible villain. The five Alpha’s of the High Table were in this room, mingling with the smaller Alpha’s of the country.Their votes were used in the process of coming to a decision, though the High Table had the final vote. The large events room of the luxurious hotel was the perfect business-casual background for themeeting. Thick c******s hung from tall windows, and sleek black tables sat around the back half of theroom. There were employees dressed in black, toting around large platters and offering flutes of

bubbling champagne. “It’s a lot to take in, isn’t it?” Kade grunted low. Our eyes remained forward, but I hoped he could see the slight twitch to my lips. He was making thiseasier on me, even though he believed he couldn’t. Having him by my side, it was all that kept me fromgoing feral. “Are you kidding me?” I scoffed quietly, “The only thing I remember is what she said about the HighTable, everything else was a blur.” “You are so incredibly responsible in the face of danger, sweetheart.” Kade chuckled incredulously,linking his arm in my own. We were escorted inside and were nearly bombarded with packs that wanted to talk. Most of theAlpha’s spoke with Kade—though their eyes would often stray and linger on me for far too long. Theyspoke of truces and alliances, potential partnerships that might benefit both packs. Kade noticed thosehungry glances, yearning for power—those men were lucky Kade had some form of restraint. Not allwere bad, though. There were two who seemed a little more than pissed an Alpha would be kidnappedto aid a feud between white wolves and other werewolves. Kade didn’t get along with any of them, buthe’s always been more abrasive than Alec. “That’s Marcus Novak.” Kade murmured quietly, squeezing my hand lightly. We had stopped for something to drink, and I stopped myself as the urge to guzzle the dry tastingchampagne fell over me. My mouth was horribly dry from speaking and smiling, laughing and chattinglike an innocent, beautiful, girl would. At Kade’s words, my head whipped around. I’m sure that’s not the reaction he wanted me to have, but Icouldn’t help it. I had heard so many bad things about this man. I expected a shaved head and thickface scars, something that identified him as an immediate villain. There was none of that. Marcus Novak was a conventionally attractive man, much like his son. Their faces were perfectlyangular and chiseled. Full lips, strong nose and cheekbones, and full eyebrows and lashes. Verymuscular but not overly bulky, and he even had a charming smile.

I felt a bit robbed that someone so supposedly evil looked so normal. You think I’d be used to monstershaving human faces, but I don’t think I am. “You’re disappointed?” Kade questioned, his head tilting to the side and his eyes burning with curiosity.“That emotion doesn’t make sense in this situation, Aurora.” I tried not to laugh at the confusion on his face, or the way his hair shifted from the movement and fellover his forehead. “He looks…normal.” I elaborated with a frown, “So yeah, I’m disappointed. I expected this big badAlpha, but he doesn’t look like a bad guy.” “Of course he doesn’t look like one.” Kade grunted, “Marcus Novak is all charm and smiles. He lies sowell that I think he truly believes them, eventually.” “So, how do we beat a liar?” I mused, tapping my chin with a freshly painted fingernail. They were theonly thing I had a choice on. The twin’s mom wanted to paint them white, for purity and protection—Iscrapped that idea. I picked ruby red—the color of fresh blood. It was foreshadowing, you see. I knew that sooner or later I’d have the blood of Alec and Tori’skidnappers on my hands, and I welcomed my fate. “We lie better.” Kade replied, an eyebrow cocked in Marcus Novak’s direction. Zayne Novak chose that moment to make his appearance, swooping into the room and headingstraight for his father. I could feel my heartbeat halt when I locked eyes with Zayne Novak. I felt no guilt pouring from him,nothing that would indicate he had a hand in taking my mate and friend, but I knew what the twin’smom had said. He could’ve simply felt justified in what he had done—that would explain the lack ofguilt. What he did feel was pissed, thoroughly irritated and even a little bit hurt. I wanted to laugh, someonehad hurt his feelings and wounded his ego. Kade was the rock that got me through the storm, and effectively, kept me from ripping Zayne’sstrangely symmetrical face off. We made it through the entirety of the gathering without an issue. The entire debacle was easily three

hours long. What I found most entertaining; I hadn’t spoken to a single member of the High Table. Don’t get mewrong, they all saw me, but none stepped forward to speak. Marcus Novak gave me a subtle nod, and a twitch of his lips. Desmond Deville winked at me andlaughed at Kade’s snarl. Brayden Cliff made no indication that he had noticed me, but I could feel hisassessing eyes on me more than any of the others. I had taken one look into Jaspar Fox’s eyes andknew that man had seen bloodshed and darkness. It was written into every puckered scar on his body.Sebastian Sable gave me an oily smile, one that promised many dark things to come. We had just a brief break to prepare ourselves for the High Table meeting, not nearly long enough tosettle the swarm of poisonous wasps in my stomach. Kade and I, along with our baton of guards, headed back to the room for dinner. We hadn’t eaten at thegathering, for fear of being p******d. Apparently, it had actually happened before. As we slipped into the dark hotel room, I smelled something that made me stiffen. Kade whippedaround with a snarl, turning on the light in the room within seconds. My eyes ached just a hint as theyadjusted, but the feeling was smothered by overwhelming relief and just a bit of fear. Sitting on the edge of the bed, unharmed and blushing furiously, was Tori. Jane Doe Hello everyone! I am currently moving into my new house, but I’m taking every single spare moment Ican to write for you all! I’m getting back into the groove of things and will hopefully be updating evenmore!

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