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Chapter 66

I could hear the light trickle of water all around us and smell the fresh scent of damp earth. On the coolbreeze, I could make out the gentle and sweet aroma of wildflowers. My attention was quickly captured by the twins, who were both running their hands along my body. Icould tell who was who from touch alone. Their scents covered me like a warm blanket, mixing togetherto form a new and equally intoxicating smell. Warm and just a little spicy. Hands were soon replaced with lips, and teeth nipped at my skin. My body was lit with sensation, and Istruggled against my own impatience. The two of them would slowly drive me mad. If the caressesdidn’t do it first, the teasing bites would. When Alec’s hands moved down to the waistband of mysweatpants, I nearly cried out in relief.

“Impatient little mate.” Kade scoffed, his voice mere inches from my ear. “This is torture.” I mumbled under my breath.novelbin

I squirmed in impatience as Alec slid the sweatpants from my body. His deep chuckle only infuriatedme more. I could feel Kade toying with the neck of my shirt. A deafening sound filled the air, the soundof torn clothing. Cool air lapped at my chest and stomach. My n*****s hardened beneath the soft cottonof my bra. It shouldn’t have come as a surprise, but I hadn’t been expecting Kade to rip my entire shirtoff. “Better get used to it, doll.” Alec snickered, “We’re going to be doing this for a very, very long time.” Alec’s words helped ease some of my self-consciousness. It was only natural to be aware of one’sflaws, especially in the presence of two equally perfect men. I seemed to have to remind myself thatthey were both my mates–that this was permanent. They would never tire of me, never abandon me forsomething better. For them, there was nothing better than me. I felt the same about them, but still foundit hard to accept their unmoving presence in my life. After being left to fend for myself for so long,having a support system of my own was entirely new. Regardless, I savored every gentle andconsuming emotion that radiated from the twins. “Don’t you dare ruin this bra.” I warned him, sounding as stern as one could when she had a male’s

hand dipping down into her pants. “Your Mom got it for me, and I’d hate to tell her what happened to it.” “We have money for more bras, sweetheart.” Kade chuckled in my ear. I stuck my lower lip out in a pout, “I like this bra, Kade.” “I like it as well.” Kade grunted, toying with one of the little satin bows above the swell of my breast. A set of teeth clamped down on my pouty lower lip, and I let out a quiet whine. Alec’s fingers werealmost where I wanted them. They were grazing over the soft material of my underwear, adding a littlepressure when he ran over my covered c**t. My back arched under his touch, and with a low growl, hecupped my heated flesh.

“I told you I’d bite it for you.” Alec snickered, running his tongue along my lower lip. Kade managed to undo the clasp on my bra while my back was arched, and I shook as the cool airlapped at my exposed b*****s. I could feel my n*****s harden into points. Kade’s rough fingers toyedwith the rigid skin, letting out a low growl of approval. I shook and whimpered as he palmed my b*****s,and his brother slipped the sweatpants from my body. As Alec pulled my damp underwear off, Iwhimpered from the loss of his touch. “Look how wet you are.” Alec murmured in appreciation. He ran the length of his finger down my slit, and I was sure I could hear the quiet sounds of him lickinghis fingers clean. His large hands gripped my thighs and opened them; his hot breath fanned acrossmy most sensitive spot. “Hold her arms down, Kade.” Alec murmured, “I’m not stopping until she begs.” With my sight gone, all of my other senses were heightened. I could smell the mint gum on Kade’sbreath, just as I could feel the way Alec’s light stubble tickled my thighs. I could smell the earth aroundus and knew we were in a clearing of some kind. Excitement bubbled in my gut along with just a hint ofanxiety. I was completely naked, sprawled out in the middle of a clearing, with Alec and Kade marvelingat every part of my body. I felt horribly exposed, but completely lost under their heated touches. Kade’s hands gripped my wrists, pinning them up by my head. I could feel my b*****s squish together,and tried not to thrash as Alec’s tongue darted out to taste me.

“Sweet, like honeydew.” Alec murmured against my p***y, making my very core clench painfully. While Kade pinned my wrists down, Alec held my thighs in an iron-clad grip. I was completely unable tomove, unable to do anything but be consumed by the pleasure washing over me in waves. My legsshook and twitched as Alec sucked on the small bundle of nerves between my legs, washing me insensation after sensation. “You like my brother’s tongue between your legs, sweetheart?” Kade growled low in my ear, and Icouldn’t stifle the echo of pure bliss that rolled over me. “Yes!” I gasped, feeling the pressure between my legs grow with every lick, s**k, and nip. “It feels sogood!” “Come for us, Aurora.” Alec murmured against my t***h, planting a light kiss on the smooth skin. “Let ushear those pretty screams.” Alec had been a man of his word. He brought me to the edge countless times, only to back off before Icould plummet. Soon, his fingers joined his tongue. Even Kade used his spare hand to toy with myb*****s, teasing my n*****s into painful points. My body was lit with pleasure under their hands. Not asingle part of my body hadn’t been touched, kissed, or licked. My p***y throbbed painfully with each prolonged lick from Alec, begging for something more–somethingfilling. Tears burned in the corners of my eyes, and I found myself begging the two of them in silent,whimpered pleas. “Please–please, I can’t take anymore.” I whimpered, unable to stop the trembling of my legs. “I needyou inside of me, Alec.” Alec had more patience than his brother–but, not by much. After a few more blissful licks and nips, I feltAlec pull away. He chuckled and ran a finger over my trembling legs. The sound of his zipper comingundone was maddening, and my p***y throbbed with pent-up anticipation. “Relax, and take my brothers c**k.” Kade murmured, flicking a thumb over my nipple. As the head of Alec’s c**k grazed against my opening, my hips bucked on their own. He ran his lengthover my throbbing c**t more times than I could count. The pleasure that coursed through me was so

severe, my head fell back and a soundless gasp left my lips. I swore I’d come undone if he kept up hisactions, teasing me to near pain. A flash of stinging pain ran through me as Alec slid half of his length inside of me. The pain was shortlived, replaced by the satisfaction of feeling completely full. I could feel how deep he was seated insideof me, and basked in the pleasure of it all. There was nothing better than this, I told myself. Nothingbetter than to be at the complete mercy of the twins, to let them take control of my body and pleasure. Ihad never been out of control before, but savored every second of it with the twins. They were the twopeople I trusted more than anything. The only people I trusted to take complete control from my grasp. “F**k–so f*****g tight.” Alec groaned, his mouth devouring my heavy b*****s. I was lost in a sea of agonizing pleasure as Alec continued thrusting inside of me. His feral noises filledthe night, and I found myself meeting his fervor and volume. I felt completely dominated by these twomen, and marveled at how much my body seemed to enjoy it. The twins could both be gentle, soft andloving. At their core, they were brute, animalistic men. The things they said to me lit my skin aflame andbrought me that much closer to release. “Flip her over.” Kade grunted, running his finger along my lower lip. “I want to feel her mouth around myc**k.” I whined at the feeling of emptiness between my legs, and yelped when Alec gripped my waist in hishands. I was spun around, placed on all fours in front of Alec. I shivered at how exposed I felt, at how Iwas completely under the twin’s control. Out here in the forest, who knows who could be watching.That fact only added to the perverse danger and thrill of it all. A hand swiped at my bottom, leaving a stinging pain radiating over my skin. I poked my bottom furtherin the air, whimpering at the mixture of pain and pleasure. I could hear the little wrapper unfurl as Alecslipped a condom onto his c**k. “If I get too rough, tap on my leg three times.” Kade spoke close to my ear, “Understood?” My reply was muffled by a long moan, courtesy of Alec sliding his c**k through my folds. Myenthusiastic nod seemed to be an answer enough, and I felt the thick head of Kade’s c**k brush mylips. His precum smeared over my lips, and my tongue darted out for a taste. Sweet, a little salty, and

pure male. I managed to take half of Kade’s c**k in my mouth with ease. Each moan that left my lips vibrated uphis shaft. As Alec thrusted inside of me, I was pushed forward into Kade’s c**k. His large hand grippedmy head, and I felt him gently thrust through my lips. The sound of flesh against flesh was maddening,and the pressure that had been building in my core grew to newfound heights. I tapped three times on Kade’s t***h and licked my lips when he pulled out. “Are you alright, sweetheart?” Kade asked, his hand roaming down my face to cup my jaw. “Stop holding back.” I muttered breathlessly, “Both of you–stop holding back. I want it all, exactly howyou are. I won’t break, I promise.”

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