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Chapter 50

Alec and I drove the hour to the airport in comfortable silence. It gave me plenty of time to stew in myanxiety. Not only had I ran away from Alec and Kade, but I had left Tori. Part of me desperately hopedshe would forgive me, but I wouldn’t blame her if she couldn’t. After all, she had done nothing butsupport me, and I had still left. Alec and Kade seemed to understand my reasons for leaving, though the pain still echoed in the backof their minds. I hoped Tori would understand as well. It was a reunion I was both anticipating anddreading. I hadn’t given much thought to Garrett and how he would feel about my leaving, nor did Icare. He had gone about everything completely wrong. From using me for my future position, to breaking thenews that I wasn’t human. From the very beginning, he had never been a father figure in my life. Hehad never wanted to see me, just me as I am. He wanted the werewolf version of me, the versionwhere I stepped up and took control of his pack. I couldn’t–I wouldn’t go back to that, to beingcontrolled and used.novelbin

“I have one condition if I’m to return.” I cleared my throat. Alec’s head snapped over, his eyes searching my own. I had his full undivided attention, which I wouldhave appreciated if it weren’t for the fact that he was driving down the interstate. The intense look in hiseyes made my stomach flutter. I had never captured someone’s full attention before, renderingeverything else useless.

“Name it.” Alec nodded, his eyes flickering back to the road for just a second. I could feel a slight twinge of worry that bounced around in his head. He was worried he couldn’t fulfillmy condition, that I would make him turn around and bring me back to Beth and Jake. He would, Iknew that much. If I asked, he would turn right around and take me back. “I’m not living with Garrett.” I shook my head, “Or Melissa and Frank. I’m not going to be used byanyone ever again.” “We never planned on bringing you back to them.” Alec shook his head, the corner of his lip turning up

in a smile. A single dimple appeared on his left side, and I basked in the sight. His eyes had a sly glint in them,one that made me curious. I could feel his relief at what I said. It swirled around his mind and soothedthe jagged edges of the worry he had been feeling. “I assume Garrett won’t like that.” I snorted, “Melissa and Frank won’t care. They probably haven’t evennoticed I left.” “Melissa noticed.” Alec replied in a tight voice, the muscles in his jaw working. His irritation scratched atthe back of my throat, and I wondered what had happened while I was gone. “I’d be surprised if Franknoticed much of anything. Garrett will not be happy, but his happiness is irrelevant.” “She noticed? That’s a surprise.” I chuckled dryly. “I do have some things at Garrett’s house that I’llneed to get back.”

“Kade and I will come with you.” Alec nodded, his eyes softening. “We won’t let you go there alone.” “Isn’t there any way I could–I don’t know, refuse taking over his pack?” I frowned, “He has anotherdaughter, she can have the pack.” “Unfortunately, you can’t.” Alec frowned, “As strange as it sounds, you’re bound to his pack throughblood. You’re bound to our pack through the mate-bond.” “I don’t want to rule a pack.” I sighed, “I never wanted to.” “You won’t rule alone, Aurora.” Alec smiled softly, “Kade and I will be there every step of the way. We’llhelp you with it all. That’s what mates are for. I think you’ll surprise yourself. Ruling is in your blood; itwould come naturally to you.” “You’ll both help me?” I asked. Somehow the prospect of ruling an entire pack sounded morereasonable with Alec and Kade. I wouldn’t be expected to do everything alone, to learn everything onmy own whilst being a pawn to Garrett. Alec and Kade had experience, had parents who had oncedone the same. If anyone could help me without using me as a pawn, it was Alec and Kade. “Of course.” Alec smiled; a genuine smile that made the dimple on his left cheek appear. “Our parentsruled the pack long before Kade and I were born. We grew up learning how to handle it all.”

The words unspoken drifted between Alec and I, bouncing around my head. Any children we mighthave, they would also be raised learning how to run a pack. The thought made my stomach twist,though it wasn’t a bad feeling. “If you want, we could combine the two packs.” Alec continued, “It would be completely up to you.Instead of watching over two separate packs, they would become one. Our territory would mix with his,his people would become our people.” I thought over what he said for a few moments. Out of all the people in my life who tried to manipulateand control me, I had never gotten that feeling from Alec or Kade. My instincts were telling me to trustthem, to rely on them for whatever I needed. Even in the midst of all the confusion in my head, that onething was clear. I could trust Alec and Kade with absolutely anything. “I would like that.” I nodded, giving him a genuine smile. “Usually the female would become Luna, while the male becomes Alpha. You’re the sole heir to yourfather’s pack, which makes your future mate the Alpha.” Alec explained, “We wouldn’t take total controlof the pack, it would be the three of us making decisions.” “I trust you both.” I nodded, and no words had ever felt more right. Relief washed through Alec like a cool tidal wave, and I smiled to myself as his hand found my own.His hand was warm as it grasped my own, and I could feel the comfort the touch brought to both of us. We arrived at the airport within the hour, and Alec booked us the earliest flight back home. Back home–it had never been a home before, but that had changed without my knowledge. I was sure Alec andKade could take me to Antarctica and that would quickly become home. Anywhere with Alec and Kadewas home, regardless of who else waited. “So, you know about my family. Tell me about yours.” I questioned, settling into the comfortable seat ofthe plane. Where I had just enough money to book a flight out of town, Alec had paid extra for better seats. I didn’twant to know how much first-class tickets were, and I hadn’t asked. I wondered how being an Alpha ofa pack made you wealthy, and I added it to the long list of questions I already had. A television was bolted into the far wall, playing some soundless talk show. There weren’t many people

in this wing of the plane, just a few lounging back in their own seats. A woman pushing a cart hadstopped at our seats, and I happily took a bottle of soda from her hands. Alec took one for himself,flashing me a smile that made my toes curl. “We have no other siblings, but we do have quite a few cousins on my Mom’s side.” Alec shrugged,“Mom and Dad ruled the pack until Kade and I stepped up. Usually, you wait until eighteen to take over,but Kade and I were ambitious. We took over around a year ago. For the longest time, our parentsdidn’t know what to do. Twins are highly unusual for werewolves, even more so for an Alpha and Luna.They weren’t sure who was going to take over.” “Werewolves don’t usually have twins?” I asked. It wasn’t a common occurrence for human’s, butsometimes it happened. “No, never.” Alec chuckled, “Kade and I are the first set of twins born from a Luna and Alpha. Kade’solder by a minute, so they assumed he would take over as Alpha.” “Why didn’t he?” I asked, my tone curious. “Kade and I have always been inseparable. We’ve never fought, and always shared everything–exceptfor women. ” Alec grinned, “It’s hard to explain, but we were both meant to take over the pack. The factthat you’re both of our mate’s proves that even further.” “Do your parents know?” I cleared my throat uncomfortably, “Do they know about me?” “No, not yet.” Alec shook his head, a gentle smile playing at his lips. “We’ll have to tell them once wearrive home. Kade and I will not hide you from anyone. You’re their Luna, they will love you regardless.” Anxiety churned in my gut as I had yet another reason to worry about coming home. Tori wouldinevitably be angry with me, Garrett would continue trying to control me, and I had to meet Alec andKade’s parents. Would they react the same way? It was unheard of for two men to share a mate, andhere I was. “They will love you, Aurora.” Alec smiled softly, his rough hand grasping my chin as he brought mygaze to his own. “You’re family now. Melissa, Frank, and Garrett can’t reach you anymore.” Family. That word reverberated in my mind, warming my insides and soothing my fear. Family hadbeen something I always wanted. My Grandma was family, though my time with her was brief. Melissa

and Frank were the farthest thing from family. Even Sage, in a way, felt like family. I held a connectionwith her that went far beyond blood ties or friendship. Sage and I were the same, and my soulrecognized that as much as it recognized Alec and Kade. I could feel the truth of Alec’s words circling my heart, and felt a sense of relief I hadn’t experienced inmany years. I was no longer stuck in a miserable, inescapable situation. I didn’t have to run or hidemyself from anyone. High on the sense of freedom I never had before, I leaned over and placed my lips against Alec’s. Hissurprise was tart like a lemon, followed by happiness so sweet, I pressed myself closer. This time Alectook control, his lips moving against my own with such tenderness. His hands cupped my face, drawingme closer. I smiled as his teeth nipped at my lip, gasping when his tongue followed suit. We pulledaway when our lungs burned, begging for oxygen. Alec’s eyes were blown wide, awe bleeding through his gaze as he looked at my flushed cheeks andswollen lips. His hands remained on my face, tracing gentle circles along my cheeks and jaw. “Now you owe Kade two.” Alec chuckled, earning a genuine smile in return.

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