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Chapter 57

Chapter 57 Daisy“Deep breaths,” Yato murmurs from behind me while gripping my outstretched arm. We are training outin the field, and he is trying to teach me how to summon a ball of light. “Now focus on the powercoursing through your veins.” I close my eyes and try to become one with nature, but Caleb interrupts me. “You can do this, Alpha!”he shouts. “I believe in you!” Irritation flares up inside me, and I open my eyes to glare at the grinning vampire. “Could you pleaseshut the f*ck up? I’m trying to concentrate!” “Right away, Alpha!” He gives me a determined salute and opens the huge bag he brought with him. “Iwill begin to prepare your sandwich and afternoon tea.” Yato is silent for a while before whispering, “Are you sure this is the third strongest vampire to exist?” “I’m sure,” I was training with Caleb earlier this morning, and even though he took it easy on me, I couldbarely keep up with him. He is a force to be reckoned with. “He is also the perfect Bea for me since hedoesn’t take offense to my vulgar language.” My words are met with a hearty laugh from Yato. “Well, in that case,” he manages between chuckles, “Itrust your judgment, Alpha The rest of the training session continues without another hitch Caleb – my Beta, I remind myself –stays dutifully silent as he prepares sandwiches and tea under the shade of a nearby tree His eyesnever stray from where Yato and I stand in the center of the field, hands outstretched as he tries toteach me how to summon my inner light. “Feel it,” Yato murmurs. “The power is there. You just h have to tame it.” Another deep breath. Another surge of concentration. Then success. A small orb of adorable lightflickers into existence above my palm. It feels like a tiny little heartbeat, and tears prickle behind my eyelids as I whisper, “Hello there.” novelbin

The light doesn’t fade away, and Yato ducks his head to study it with curious eyes. “So this is the lightAlpha’s power,” a grin stretches across his face. “Well done, Alpha. You’re one step closer to masteringyour magic.” Caleb’s cheer rings out from his spot beneath a tree. “I knew you could do it!” I turn around to flash him a triumphant grin. “Thanks for believing in me.” His answering smile is bright, his own triumph written in the depths of his red eyes. “I knew you coulddo it, Daisy,” he says, tapping the picnic blanket.” “I’m sure you guys are hungry, so I have preparedsandwiches for you both. Oh, and some other treats!” “Great, I’m starving!” Yato rubs his hands dramatically as he walks over to Caleb, “I don’t know whereto start. This looks amazing, Caleb.”

Caleb’s red eyes turn all watery. He gets really mushy whenever he is complimented. “Thank you,Alpha Yato. It means a lot coming from you.” Yato just grins. “I knew your new daylight ring would come in handy. I could never pull off a feast likethis… Daisy, are you coming to join us?” 1/3 Get the App. Get All of XM ||| O XMDOWNLOAD NOW 10:56 Fri, May 17 Chapter 57 I nod, closing my fist to douse the radiant ball of light. An unexpected wave of exhaustion hits me,causing my knees to buckle slightly. Caleb is instantly by my side, offering steady support as he guides me to the picnic blanket. “You didgreat,” he murmurs encouragingly, helping me settle on the blanket. “Rest up and enjoy the food.”

“Thank you, Caleb.” I lean back against the tree behind me, feeling the sun warm my face before I pick up a sandwich anddig in. It tastes wonderful-Lola is one lucky girl. After eating, the training continues until it turns dark. A car comes to pick me up while Caleb runs off tothe old pack house that has become his and Lola’s new home. Yato is living in the small village and soit’s just me walking up the stairs to my room alone. After I’ve walked up the last stairs, I see my door, but the corridor isn’t empty. Isabella is leaningagainst the wall with her delicate arms crossed over her chest. “There you are,” she says icily. “I’ve been waiting for you…sister..or is it Alpha now? I’m confused sinceyou announced to our mother that we are no longer family.” I’m not dumb enough not to realize she is trying to guilt trip me for the conversation I had with her mom.Unfortunately for Isabella, I don’t regret the things I said to Margaret. I’m done being bound to a familythat doesn’t love me. “That’s Alpha Daisy for you.” I say in a cold voice that matches her own. “And I’m no longer your sister.” Isabella gasps but quickly recovers. “You’re too good for us now, huh? Too busy being an Alpha andXavier’s favorite to care about the family you left behind?” Something snaps in me when I hear those words, and even though Isabella is taller than me, Iapproach her. And my eyes must be fiery and intense because, shockingly enough, she backs up astep. But I don’t let up “Yes, Isabella,” I hiss, nostrils flaring. “I am too good for you. I’m not like you and your mother and Lina.I’m not okay with treating those beneath me like bugs, something you and your family did to me for allthe years I’ve been alive. 1, unlike you, will never forget what it was like being an Omega. I will treatthose who respect me with the same respect, regardless of their rank. Something you’d do well tolearn.” Her eyes widen at my words, but I notice a twinge of hurt in them. “You have no idea what it’s like,Daisy,” she spits out. “You’re an Alpha now while I’m nothing. Xavier called off our marriage, and I’m nolonger the future Luna… I’m just—”

I interrupt her. “Together with Beta Kit, who is your fated mate-you should honestly be happy. Even ifyou’re not Luna, you’ll have a much happier life with someone who is meant for you,” I say, my voiceholding no remorse. “And as for Xavier, he was never really yours, was he?” Isabella scoffs, her eyes glaring daggers at me. “I f*cking knew it. You’re Xavier’s fated mate, aren’tyou? I’ve always suspected as much, but he never confirmed it.” Even though I want to keep this conversation respectful, I can’t stop myself from letting my bitternesstake over. “I am,” I smirk at her. “Xavier is my mate, and you know what? Ele wanted me even when I was just aweak little Omega, but you he wouldn’t even touch you. Does that sting? Being so much more beautifulthan I am, yet not good enough for Alpha Xavier?” The truth of my words hit her like a punch to the gut. Cold realization washes over her face, and Ialmost feel sorry for her. Almost. But this is Isabella-the girl who had everything handed to her on asilver platter and still managed to treat everyone around her like dirt. 2/3 Get the App. Get All of XM XMDOWNLOAD NOW 3/3 10:56 Fri, May 17 Chapter 57 “You’re just a……..” she stammers, trying to think of an insult that could knock me down. “A what, Isabella? An Omega? Yeah, I was…but now I’m an Alpha I say, holding my head high. “Andeven when I was at the very bottom, Xavier still chose me over you.” A single tear escapes her eye, but she quickly wipes it away. “You won’t be Alpha for long if I haveanything to do with it,” she hisses, storming off down the corridor. I watch her go, my heart pounding in my chest. Did I just win this argument? Behind me, I hear a familiar chuckle. “Well, that was intense. Why does drama always have a way of

finding you, Daisy?” It’s Yato. He is leaning against the frame of the door adjacent to mine. A grin is plastered on his face,but there’s an unmistakable glint of respect in his eyes. “I guess drama loves me,” I shrug offhandedly. “Or maybe it’s because I’ve finally found my voice, andI’m not afraid to use Yato slaps a hand over his heart as though physically moved by my words. “Alpha Daisy, defender ofOmegas, vanquisher of petty dramatics.” 1 chuckle arhis exaggeration. “I’m no vanquisher, Yato. Just someone tired of being pushed around.” There’s a brief silence before he says something that surprises me: “You know, Daisy…for what it’sworth, I think you’re a great Alpha.” blink at him in surprise. He’s never been this openly complimentary before. “Thank you, Yato,” I saysincerely. “Is that why you’re here?? His face immediately falters. “No… I’m actually here to ask you for a huge favor.”“” Dread settles in the pit of my gut. “What is it?” “It’s Xavier,” he exhales slowly. “Would you mind giving him your blood again? He is refusing to drinkmine and has locked himself up in his room. But maybe he will accept your help?” SEND GIFT COMMENT Get the App. Get All of XM XMDepout BornE DOWNLOAD NOW 三10:56 Fri, May 17

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