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Chapter 50

Chapter 50 Caleb I have no idea why I accepted the guest room upstairs. Do I need a room? Yes. Do vampires need tosleep? No. I’m just lying on the bed and staring up at the ceiling. It’s pretty da&n boring if you ask me. A sigh leaves my lips as I fold my arms underneath my head. I’m not listening to music but focusing onthe rain. It’s soothing wait are those footsteps outside the house? With careful footsteps, I maneuver to the window. It’s dark outside if you don’t count the moonlight.There’s no sun in sight, just a strange, mysterious figure. Hmm? I’m so confused. Who is this person, and what are they doing dressed in a robe in Lola’sgarden? It almost looks like Daisy, but this girl is a lot taller than her though. Another sister? Weird. Idon’t think the vampire queen mentioned another sister to me. I keep watching the bandit in silence. They try the door handle, and that’s when I jump down from thewindow like a shadow in the dark. They immediately lift their head and raise their arm as if to punchme, but I easily grab it while blinking down at the woman in surprise. “Who are you?” I ask. Her eyes narrow. “A vampire? What the hell are you doing here? thought I was the only one sent to spyon Lola. Don’t they trustine to finish the mission?” “Finish the mission?” I blink at the woman until I finally understand. She smells like a werewolf, but sheis definitely working for the vampire. “You’re a mole, aren’t you?” The woman’s eyes widen. “Y… you’re not with the vampires? Who are you?!” Before I get a chance to silence her, she scr screams in such a loud voice that the lights go on inside Lola’s room. I swear under my breath andplace my palm over the girl’s mouth. How the hell do I explain this to Lola? Now I’m the one who lookslike the bad guy! The woman whose fist I’m holding is struggling against me, but it’s like she isn’t even trying. Are all

werewolves as weak as this one? I tilt my head and grin sheepishly when the door opens behind me. Lola is standing there in shock, glancing between us with furrowed eyebrows. “Lina? Caleb? What thehell are you guys doing out here?” “This vampire is trying to kill me!” Lina cries, causing me to glare at her.

“What?” I snap. “I haven’t tried anything! Believe me, if I wanted you dead, you wouldn’t be breathing ri right now.” “Caleb is right,” Lola says, and my heart swells-my mate trusts me. I’ve never been happier! I look ather with heart-shaped eyes as she continues talking, “What I want to know is what you’re doing here,Lina.” Without thinking, I blurt out exactly what’s on my mind, “I think she is a spy and working for the vampirequeen. She was sneaking around your garden, probably looking for a way in. Maybe she was sent tokill you?” Lola’s eyes widen as she takes in my words. She glances at Lina, who is squirming under my grip, herface going pale. “A spy? For the vampire queen?” Lola repeats slowly, her gaze calculating “Yes,” I insist, tightening my grip on the traitorous werewolf. “She mentioned something about amission. I believe she 1/3 Get the App. Get All of XM DXM DOWNLOAD NOW Chapter 50 intended to infiltrate your house for whatever nefarious plans the vampire queen has.” I see a hint of flicker in Lola’s gaze before she regains her composure. “Is that true, Lina?” She asks, her voice steely. Lina jerks away from me in an attempt to free herself. “I-I don’t know what he’s talking about,” shestammers, feigning innocence. But her nervous gaze and trembling hands give her away. novelbin

“Oh really?” I raise an eyebrow, not buying her act for a second. Then why were you trying the doorhandle?” Lina stutters and stammers, unable to answer my question. “I think we should take this inside,” Lola finally states, a determined gleam in her eyes. “We need to callAlpha Xavier and maybe even Daisy. They are sisters.” Ah, so I was right in assuming as much. Daisy and Lina look similar.. well, not THAT similar. Lina ismuch taller, and her eyes are brown. If I were to guess, Lina has Spanish roots while Daisy doesn’t.Daisy is much too pale. Their hair color, however, is similar, and so are their clothes. It’s like Daisy iswearing hand-me-downs from Lina. Without wasting a moment, Lina tries to flee, but I quickly grab her and throw her over my shoulder.She kicks with her legs, but I’m not bothered. Lola, however, is staring at me with eyes the size ofsaucers. “What?” Task. “N-nothing!” She shrieks. I’ve never taken her for the nervous type, but she is acting weird. I’m just…surprised by how strong you are. You’re so pretty that it’s easy to forget that you’re a deadly predator.” Her words catch me off guard, and my heart skips a beat. “Pretty?” I echo incredulously. I’m not blind-Iknow that I’m good-looking even among vampires, but to hear Lola admit that I’m “pretty” makes mehappy. “You are.” she mumbles. Anyway, let’s get Lina inside, okay? You can tie her to a chair while I callAlpha Xavier, Chances are he is sleeping, and we will be forced to hold her hostage until morning.” “Hostage?!” Lina yells. “I’m not a vampire-I’m a werewolf and innocent! I haven’t done anything!” “Oh, save it for Alpha Xavier, sweetheart,” Lola retorts, her voice laced with a sharp sarcasm that I’mbeginning to associate with her. “We really don’t care about your drama right now! I stop in my tracks. “You know, if you allow me to look inside her mind, I could uncover the truth rightaway,” I propose, looking at Lola for approval. “You can do that?” “Yeah?”

I hope I’m not scaring her by revealing more of my powers, but the truth is that I’m like the 3’rdstrongest vampire in my clan. The only two vampires that are stronger than me are the queen and theprince. Don’t ask me how, but even if I’m not a pureblood, I have abilities some vampires can’t evendream of. They call me a “gifted” vampire. Lola wet her lips. “LI don’t know. Maybe we should wait until Alpha Xavier gets here?” “Sure,” I smile. “I won’t invade Lina’s mind without your Alpha’s consent.” “Good,” she seems nervous and keeps glancing up at Lina, who is still trying to escape. “Do you readpeople’s minds often?” *Not really. It can destroy people if I’m not careful. They get paranoid and begin thinking I’m alwayslistening to their inner, most secret thoughts.” 2/3 Get the App. Get All of XM XMDOWNLOAD NOW XO 川Chapter 50 “Ah,” she casts her eyes aside, “Well, tie up, Lina.” “Will do.” Lola leaves me alone to call her Alpha while I enter the kitchen. I find some rope under the sink and tiewaiting for the verdict. up Lina while But even though I’m doing everything my mate asked of me, I can’t shake off the feeling that Lola iseven more afraid of me. How do I win her over? 3/3 SEND GIFT COMMENT

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