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Chapter 47

Chapter 47 Lola “I need to confront my mother somehow, but how?” Daisy paces back and forth in my kitchen. “Should Itell her that I know I’m adopted and demand an explanation for why my dad chose to bring me into ourfamily? Where did he even find me? Or wait, what if my dad is still my dad? He could have cheated onmy mother…well….Margaret…” I sit comfortably at the kitchen table. My injuries completely healed. But while my body is whole, mymind is not. Caleb never showed up when he was supposed to, and I haven’t heard from him in twodays. It’s making me paranoid. What if something happened to him after he refused to kill me? Did the vampire queen murder himalready? Dread settles in the pit of my stomach, something which Daisy immediately notices. “Lola?” she asks.“Are you okay? You look like you’re about to throw up.” “I’m fine, Daisy,” I say, forcing a smile onto my lips. “Just thinking about Caleb.” The name tastes bitterin my mouth, and I struggle to swallow. Daisy’s eyes spark with understanding. “Sorry, your mate is missing, and here I am, talking about myown petty problems.” “They aren’t petty. You have a lot on your plate right now, and I’m especially interested in finding outwhich brother you’re going to choose, but I can’t shake off the feeling something terrible has happenedto Caleb.” My words hang heavy in the air, my heart pounding like a drum in my chest. Daisy sits down and reaches across the table to take my hand, her grip warm and reassuring. “We willfind him, Lola,” she says firmly. “He is a pack member, no?” Right after speaking, she furrows hereyebrows. “What?” I ask, knowing she’s onto something. “Caleb..” Her face is full of hesitation before she finally asks, “Do you think he could be a vampire?” I fall silent at that. I’ve never lied to Daisy before, but is it wise to tell her the truth about Caleb?

Alpha Xavier is Daisy’s mate….well, he was her mate before he rejected her. Either way, they are closefriends now and she i also close with his brother, Yato. If I tell her the truth, will she tell them about Caleb? Shit. I don’t know what to do. If Alpha Yato andAlpha Xavier knew my mate was a vampire and not a werewolf like us, could I still count on theirsupport? Will they continue guarding my cottage out here in the woods, or will they banish me from thepack and let me fend for myself?

“Lola?” Daisy prods, her gaze searching mine. I can see the wheels turning i I give her an answer. her head, and I know she won’t let it drop until “…” I start, my breath hitching in my throat before I close my eyes and blurt out, “Can I trust you?!” “Absolutely.” Daisy’s response is immediate and unquestionable. “You’re my friend before anythingelse.” I want to trust her since she is my best friend, but I’m still not sure if I should. I look down at our handsintertwined on the own shaking slightly. Daisy, noticing this, gives my hand a gentle squeeze. table, my “What you tell me stays between us, Lola.” Her eyes speak of her loyalty, and I take a deep breath, my heart hammering against my ribcage.“Caleb…” I begin, 1/2 Get the App. Get All of XM XO ||| XMDOWNLOAD NOW Chapter 47

swallowing hard, “is a vampire, I didn’t let him inside the house when I found out, but we….we spenthours watching movies on my laptop. He seems nice and…I don’t know, but I think something mayhave happened to him.” Tears drip down my lap, and Daisy releases my hand with a horrified expression before she whispers,“Shit…” I look up at her. “Shit, what?” “I forgot to tell you, but there was a blonde vampire who didn’t fight back a few days ago. He was foundin the woods, and after we captured him, he told me to keep you safe through telepathy. I didn’t tell youbecause I thought he was messing with me. And after that other vampire attacked you, I just.. I didn’twant to scare you even more.”1 stare at Daisy, my heart pounding even harder now. “That that was probably Caleb,” I say softly, myvoice hardly a whisper. “He can change his appearance, but when he was here, he was blonde andbeautiful, and it basically looked like he was in a boyband.” It hurts to speak about him. I mean, if the pack found him I bet he is already dead. But… shouldn’t Ihave felt that through the mate bond? “Da*n. I’m such an idiot.” Daisy rubs her forehead, looking truly sorry. “I should have told you rightaway, but I didn’t want you getting scared or worried. Especially not after everything that happened.”Her hand finds its way back to mine, gripping it tightly. “But I can take you to him. I gasp: “You can?” Daisy nods, her lips pressed into a thin line. “Yeah. We didn’t kill him, Lola. Alpha Xavier decided it wasbetter to lock him up in the pack dungeons.”A smile breaks across my tear-streaked face, relief washing over me like a tidal wave. “Oh, thank themoon goddess,” I whisper, clutching Daisy’s hand tighter. “I never thought I would say this, but I’m gladAlpha Xavier doesn’t see the world in just black and white. If he did, I might have lost Caleb forever.” Daisy looks taken aback, and I know I must have said something that surprised her. Maybe she isseeing her mate in a different light? I can see the wheels turning in her mind before she stands up from the table. “Caleb is in the pack

dungeons. Let me just call Xavier and see if we can visit him now,” she says, pulling her phone fromher pocket. “One minute.” I don’t mind waiting a minute. Not when I’ve waited for so many years to find my mate. And sure, Ihaven’t been in the same room with Caleb since discovering he is a vampire, but…I don’t think he willhurt me. Still, I’m nervous about seeing Caleb again. Is he in bad condition? Does he need my blood to heal?Why didn’t he fight back when my pack had him surrounded? D*mn, I still can’t believe he didn’t kill anyone. I don’t know whether to admire his bravery or lament hisrecklessness. But as I wait for Daisy’s return, I can’t help but be filled with a flicker of hope, MaybeAlpha Xavier will be accepting of us being fated mates? 2/2 SEND GIFT Get the App. Get All of XM XO O COMMENT XMDOWNLOAD NOW 自novelbin

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