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Chapter 449 One Night

Christina’s heart sank to the bottom of her stomach. She had thought about reuniting with her family,

but that didn’t mean she planned on leaving this city to move to Hallsbay.

If I leave, the kids will have to come with me. What about Nathaniel? Will Nathaniel agree to us movingto another city?

She snapped back to reality, realizing she had subconsciously dug her nails into her palms. “I need to

take some time to think this through.”

Deciding to relocate to another city on such short notice was a decision that she was unable to make


Timothy nodded, acknowledging and respecting her decision. “I understand. Take your time to think it

through. However, your grandma and I genuinely want to live with you. As for the shares, I’ve made a

decision to transfer half of my shares to you. It’s time for you to learn how to manage Gibson


Christina towered her gaze wordlessly. Yerek mentioned that Dad had always desired to reclaim hisposition at Gibson Corporation. Accepting his shares isn’t that simple a matter. Personally, I’m not

particularly interested in managing the family business.

At the same time, Anya stood outside the door and listened attentively, catching every word of their


With Grandma and Uncle Timothy’s shares combined, even without the shares her mother left her,Christina will become the largest shareholder of Gibson Corporation. That means she’ll have controlover the company. But she’s just a designer and doesn’t know how to run a company. I’ve worked hardfor the company, and I can’t let her have power

over me!

With that thought in mind, she dug her nails deep into her palms.

Without hesitation, Anya made her way downstairs and drove to a nearby bar.

It was a popular spot in the city, located on a bustling street next to a luxurious condominium. The

vibrant nightlife in the area added to the lively atmosphere.

Anya strode into the bar and scanned her surroundings. Soon, she found the person she came here


She went straight to the table. “Ms. Taggart, are you drinking out of frustration as you couldn’t win the

heart of your beloved man?”

Madison glanced at the newcomer, a young lady in her twenties clad in a suit. “Who are you? I don’t

think I know you.”

“Who I am isn’t important. What’s more important is that we have a common enemy, Christina Steele!”

Anya managed between gritted teeth.

Madison’s eyes lit up. “Do you have a way to get rid of her?”

“Of course. It depends on whether you’re willing to cooperate, though,” Anya told her firmly.

A cold glint appeared in Madison’s gaze. “I’ll say yes to anything as long as you can make sure

Christina leaves Nathaniel.”

“Good.” Anya beckoned her to come closer. They huddled together as Anya revealed her plan, ““We

can do



After leaving the mansion, Christina returned to the condominium.

She still wasn’t ready to face Nathaniel and wanted to be alone.

Christina walked out of the elevator to see a tall figure standing at the door.

It was Francis, dressed in a black cap, black shirt, and casual pants. He appeared to have deliberately

concealed himself, blending into the darkness of the surroundings.

As Christina approached, her footsteps triggered the lights to illuminate the area. She locked eyes with

Francis and noticed a fleeting expression of panic in his gaze. “You startled me there. I thought I had

an obsessed fan sneaking up on me,” he remarked, letting out a relieved sigh.

Christina chuckled aloud at how flustered he seemed. It was funny to see a popular celebrity shaking in


She was exhausted after today’s events and didn’t feel like arguing with Francis. Unlocking the door,

she went in, and Francis followed her inside.

Francis took off his shoes and entered her house like it was his home. “I’m starving. Can you cook

something for me?”

“Do you think this is a hotel?” Christina snapped.

Francis harrumphed and said, “You’re my sister–in–law. Just assume you’re taking care of your

younger brother.”

“Stop it. I don’t have a younger brother who is as old as you.” Christina went to the dining table to pour

herself a glass of water. “You can do whatever you like as long as you don’t disturb me. Otherwise, I’ll

kick you out.”

She went into the master bedroom and locked the door behind her.

After taking a shower and blow–drying her hair, Christina sat in front of the mirror to put on her skincare

products. That was when she discovered a love bite left by Nathaniel on her collarbone.

Her skin glistened under the lights, accentuating the love bite that adorned her neck like a blossoming

flower. Its allure was impossible to miss, drawing attention to its captivating presence.

Christina let out an icy snort. Is he a dog? Why does he love to bite me?

After completing her skincare procedures, she stretched lazily and collapsed into bed. Pulling the

covers up, she fell asleep.

The next morning, sunlight streamed through the window, bathing the room in its warm glow.

After waking up, Christina walked out of her room to discover that the living room was empty. There

was no sign indicating that Francis had spent the night here.novelbin

Christina had no idea when he left, nor was she interested in when he left.

She enjoyed a simple breakfast before leaving for work. While waiting for the elevator, she encountered

some colleagues who gave her curious glances, making her feel uneasy.

Ignoring their stares, Christina tried to maintain her composure and focused on getting into the elevator

as quickly as possible. However, her efforts were disrupted by a sudden commotion behind her.

A swarm of reporters had gathered, their cameras clicking away, capturing her every move.

“Mrs. Hadley, recent reports suggest you were in the company of Francis Fernando last night. How do

respond to these claims?”

“Mrs. Hadley, there have been photographs circulating of you and Francis Fernando together. Can you

clarify the nature of your relationship with him?”


“Are there any issues in your marriage with Mr. Hadley that led you to find solace in another man?”

Unpleasant questions were hurled at her, and her colleagues grew so curious that they forgot to enter

the elevator.

Christina was baffled. She pulled out her phone and realized the trending headline reported that

Francis Fernando spent a night in her condominium and that their relationship was now revealed to the


As she clicked on the link, a flood of photos greeted her. There were images of Francis entering her

condominium, followed by pictures of them separately entering and Francis leaving in the early morning


The article also included past photos of them together in public.

The content was sensationalized, portraying their relationship as mysterious and ambiguous.

In the past, reporters had tiptoed around their connection due to Hadley Corporation’s influence. Any

mentions of their appearances together were brief and vague. However, this time, the article was filled

with malicious slander and unfounded accusations.

The reporters were about to continue questioning Christina when the elevator doors slid open.

Nathaniel stood there with an air of indifference and intimidation. His features appeared cold and

impassive, resembling that of a statue.

Behind him were a few bodyguards and his lawyer.

Marching out of the elevator, he halted beside Christina and pulled her into his arms. His voice was icy

as he questioned, “Since when did Hadley Corporation become a source of gossip for reporters?”

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