Marrying the Ugly Heir for Truth and Wealth

Chapter 210 Looking For Design Drawings
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Chapter 210 Looking For Design Drawings

Linda looked so pretty that no matter where she went, she was the center of attention. Not only was

she in good shape, but she also had a beautiful smile. Besides, she looked very elegant because she

was a cultured woman.

However, she was nothing compared to Julia, a woman from a prestigious family.

That evening, Julia was wearing a graceful gown, and she was the embodiment of style and grace.

That was definitely something Linda could only wish to have.

It was a face–off between a wife and a mistress. The atmosphere was extremely tense.

“Come here, Christina!” Julia demanded coldly.

Linda crossed her arms and sneered, “Don’t go to her. She doesn’t even respect you, and she doesn’t

acknowledge you as her daughter–in–law. It would be shameless of you to do as she said!”

Linda was using Christina to provoke Julia.

Christina gave Linda a troubled look before making her way toward Julia.

Linda saw red when she looked at Christina’s back.

It was a class reunion event that evening, so their ex–classmates all swarmed over.)

In truth, the feud between Julia and Linda had started ever since they were in school. Now that the

women. were both adults, they somehow became love rivals.

Before that, Julia had never bothered to attend such events because she didn’t want to see Linda and

listen to others gossip about them.

That year, after enduring silently for so many years, Julia made an appearance as a victor.

“When you didn’t have money for food, I shared my lunchbox with you. I even lent you my skirt when

you ripped your school uniform. I treated you with kindness as though you were my sister, but you

ended up seducing my husband. And now you’re even trying to lure my daughter–in–law away from

me. Do you have no shame, Linda?” Julia roared.novelbin

Having endured years of getting badmouthed, Linda was unperturbed when she heard those words.

She glared at Julia and argued, “Julia, stop pretending to be high and mighty. I was very grateful to you

when you sponsored me financially back then. However, you promised you wouldn’t tell others about it.

You told me you wouldn’t embarrass me and let others make fun of me.” Linda’s eyes were brimmed

with tears. past. “In the end, you told our teacher about it! The teacher then told everyone how

generous and kind you were. From then on, I became the butt of everyone’s joke in school!”

when she recalled the

Linda could never forgive Julia for how Julia had humiliated her back then.

After thaj, Linda left school to work instead of finishing her studies. As time went by, she met Charlie,

learned that he was Julia’s husband, and everything was history.

Linda swore to ruin Julia’s life because she couldn’t bring herself to see Julia happy.

Julia’s gaze darkened immediately. Back then, that teacher read my diary, told the principal about it,and requested to commend me. I didn’t plan to humiliate her in public!

“Still, you shouldn’t have come after me. A petty person like you will always blame others for everything

that goes wrong in your life.”

Julia threw Linda a disdainful glance before leading Christina out of there.

Linda was left in a daze and staring into the void with a glint in her eyes.

In the car, Christina was sitting uneasily because she didn’t know if Julia was mad at her. “Mom, what

happened tonight was-”

With an elegant sitting posture, Julia interrupted in a casual yet stern tone, “Keep a close eye on your

husband. I don’t want my grandchild to grow up the same way Nathaniel did,”

It was dark in the car, so Christina couldn’t see the emotions in Julia’s eyes when Julia gave her


“I’ll keep that in mind, Mom,” Christina answered.

She acted like an obedient and respectful child, which was why Julia was fond of her.

After their conversation, silence filled the air once again as they made their way back to Scenic Garden


Before Christina got out of the car, Julia said, “I’m going to the church this weekend to pray. Come with


Christina was flattered because Julia had never invited her along before. “Sure, Mom. I’ll be on time.”

“I’ll get the butler to fetch you from Scenic Garden Manor.”

“Okay, then. I’ll go home now.” Christina alighted from the car and waved goodbye in the direction of



Helen, who was in the passenger seat, turned around and said to Julia, “It seems that Christina has

won your heart.”

Julia’s gaze darkened, and with a calm expression, she answered, “I’m not sure about that, but I know

she’s a nice girl.”

A nice girl? Christina has finally gotten Mrs. Hadley to like her. It’s so nice to see them living inharmony.

Helen was beaming within.

Christina was humming a tune as she sat on the couch and blew her hair dry, clearly in a good mood.

The hairdryer was loud, so she didn’t hear the door being pushed open.

Nathaniel grabbed her hairdryer from behind, and she turned around to smile at him.

“What are you so happy about?” Nathaniel asked. Sebastian told me Christina was robbed of her

position as lead

– designer at Radiant Corporation. What could possibly turn her mood around?

“Mom invited me to go to church with her on Sunday. Say, do you think she no longer hates me?”

Christina asked curiously.

Nathaniel was stunned for a while, but he returned to his senses almost instantaneously. “Most



Nathaniel knew Julia had the habit of going to church to pray, and she would only let the people closest

to her keep her company.

Since Mom is willing to bring Christina along, it’s highly likely that she’s starting to accept Christina.

“I think so, too!” Christina giggled adorably.

Once her hair was dried, Nathaniel carried her in his arms and walked toward the bed.

“It’s late. You should go to sleep.”

Christina felt Nathaniel’s hot breath on her forehead.

Why did that feel as though he was building a barrier to keep me safe and sound?

When Christina entered her office the next day, she saw someone flipping through her belongings.


The documents and design drawings had been flipped through, and her desk was in a mess.

With a chilly look in her eyes, Christina asked, “What are you doing?”

Shelley jumped in fright and gazed back at Christina anxiously. “I left a document in your office, so I

came to retrieve it.”

“Did you find what you were looking for?” Christina walked up to Shelley. It doesn’t look like she was

looking for a document. Instead, it seemed like she was looking for design drawings. She discoveredthat I kept my design drawings in my drawer when she was my assistant.

Shelley pretended to remain calm and answered in a slightly hostile tone, “No. Forget about it.”

Upon leaving Christina’s office, Shelley returned to her office, shut the door, and vented her frustration.

Prior to this, I told Zachary I would give him my design drawings in a week! One week has gone by,

and I still haven’t started drafting my design drawings!

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