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Chapter 181 So What

Miranda’s face contorted in rage as she yelled, “How dare you speak to me in that tone?”

Christina merely let out a snort in response. I don’t get it. She used to abuse me all the time. Why doesshe have the cheek to lecture me?

Miranda’s voice was trembling when she fumed, “Is that how you should talk to me? I raised you! You

ungrateful brat!”

Miranda’s eyes widened, and she looked as scary as a witch.

With that scary look, Miranda walked up to Christina and warned, “You’d better give the endorsement

deal back to Emilia, or I’m coming after you!”

Evidently, Miranda was there to get Emilia the endorsement deal.

Amused, Christina mocked, “Do you think the Steele family owns Radiant Corporation? What makes

you think you can decide who gets the endorsement deal?”

Christina couldn’t help but think Miranda was out of her mind. Does she think the earth revolves around


“Leave now, or I’m calling the security.” Christina went back to her seat. I don’t have the time toentertain this

insane woman.

Seeing that Christina had picked up her phone, Miranda snatched it away and thundered, “Since you’re

not giving the endorsement deal back to Emilia, I’m going to make your life in Radiant Corporation a

living hell!”

Christina didn’t know how Miranda would achieve that, but she knew the outcome would be bad.

Before Christina could react, Miranda stormed out of Christina’s office and yelled, “Listen up and judge

for yourselves, everyone! Don’t you guys think Christina is an evil woman? She doesn’t care about her

own- sister!”

Baffled and shocked, the employees lifted their heads and stared at Miranda. Why is this well–dressedwoman acting like a maniac?

Miranda was determined to humiliate Christina, so she pointed at Christina’s office and continued,

“Despite not being Christina’s birth mother, I was the one who raised her! I even paid for her education

back then. Now that she’s rich, she disregards me! She doesn’t even acknowledge her sister, Emilia!”novelbin

What? Ms. Steele’s sister! We thought it was just a coincidence they both share the same surname! Itturns out


The employees started murmuring among themselves.

Right then, Christina came out of her office with a grim expression. Why is she telling everyone that?She’s out to make me look bad! So this is how she plans to make my life in Radiant Corporation a living


Needless to say, Miranda knew nothing was more embarrassing than public shaming.

“That’s enough, Miranda. Leave!” Christina warned softly.

“You’re scared, aren’t you? I’m not someone you can afford to mess with!” Miranda was pleased to see

Christina getting anxious.

Christina didn’t want to explain herself because she knew that would only make things worse.

All of a sudden, the situation in the office turned chaotic.

Some of the employees were calling Christina ungrateful, while some said she hadn’t done anything


As for those who were closer to Christina and those who were present during the photo shoot, they

couldn’t help backing Christina up.

“We were present during the photo shoot. Emilia was being very uncooperative, and she left the scene

after she threw a tantrum. Ma’am, perhaps you should get a clarification from Emilia.”

“Ms. Steele is a nice person. She’s nothing like what you’ve just said.”

“Ms. Steele always shares her interactions with her grandmother and mother on her Instagram. She’s a

filial daughter and granddaughter!”

Miranda panicked when those employees showed their support for Christina. “You guys have no idea-”

Christina held her hand over Miranda’s mouth before Miranda could finish her sentence. Just then, the

security guards arrived to drag Miranda out.

Miranda was unwilling to leave, and it took the security guards a huge deal of effort to drag her toward

the alley behind the building through the back door.

“Christina, I’ll ruin your reputation if you ever dare to harm me!” Miranda roared. This brat is out of line!How dare she do this to me?

Christina suppressed her anger and ordered coldly, “You’d better leave before I get angry.”

Despite the humiliation Miranda had brought upon her, Christina didn’t want things to spiral out of


Seeing that Christina was about to leave, Miranda grabbed Christina’s hand. “You’re not getting rid of

me so easily, Christina! I’ll be waiting for you outside the building every day! You won’t be able to work

in peace!”

As soon as she finished her sentence, a slap rang out.

A clear handprint could be seen on Miranda’s cheek.

Stumped, Miranda stared at Christina blankly and stammered, “D–Did you just slap me?”

“So what if I slap you?” Christina’s eyes looked vicious. She took me for a weakling because I had

been going easy on her! How dare she keep challenging my patience? I bet she’s only like thisbecause no one has ever stood up to her before!

Christina was livid. I’ve worked so hard to achieve a stable life. Why do they keep coming back tohaunt me?

“Stop provoking me! Otherwise, I’m going to slap you every time I see you here. Let’s see if you ever

dare to show your face here again! I can also ask Nathaniel to cut off all of Emilia’s resources, and

she’ll never get to film ever again!” Christina shouted and left.

After that, the back entrance was locked from the inside.

Still shocked, Miranda almost collapsed to the ground as her knees went weak.

She stood rooted to the spot, and her expression was utterly grim.

Somehow, she made her way back to the Steele residence with a stinging sensation on her cheek.

She only snapped out of her reverie when she heard someone approaching. She burst out crying and

threw herself into Gideon’s arms.

“Darling, Christina has gone way out of line! I went to see her to talk to her about Emilia sincerely. Not

only did she refuse to help, but she also delivered a tight slap across my face!”

Gideon furrowed his brows when he heard those words. Recently, the company hasn’t been doing well

financially. I was going to ask Miranda to be nice to Christina and ask Christina if she could get

Nathaniel to lend us a hand. Who would’ve known that Christina could be so cruel? Ever since theprevious fight, she has never been home once. Now, Emilia isn’t even capable of helping me. Did Iplace the wrong bet back then?

“Did she sound determined?” Gideon asked.

Miranda nodded aggrievedly. “Christina also said she would never help the Steele family. That brat

thinks she has already made it in life, so she’s disregarding all of us!”

I must find a way to save the company. Otherwise, the Steele family is doomed.

Gideon’s gaze darkened. He was thinking about something else when Miranda was talking to him, so

he didn’t hear a word she said after that.

That weekend, Christina was free, so she went to see Sharon.

Sharon had been recuperating in the hospital for quite some time, and the medical fees had finally

been lowered. In fact, she had been transferred from the high–risk ward to the ordinary ward.

When Christina arrived, she saw someone else next to Sharon’s bed.

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