Married At First Sight

Chapter 2661
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Chapter 2661

Jensburg Airport.

Kevin arrived at the airport early and waited for Liberty’s arrival.

He didn’t refuse to come when his eldest brother, Zachary, assigned him a task, but even if his eldestbrother didn’t assign him a task, he would still come to pick Liberty up when he knew she was comingbecause she was his sister-in-law’s biological sister and Sonny’s biological mother.

They were relatives of the York family.

Kevin checked the time from time to time.

The sky outside became darker and darker until the earth was completely covered in black, and Libertydid not arrive at Jensburg.

After the plane landed safely, Liberty turned off the flight mode of her mobile phone and then sent avoice message to her sister: “Seren, I arrived in Jensburg, and the plane just landed at the airport. I willget off the plane in a while, and when I return to the Fortress Hotel, call you again.”

The last time she came here with Audrey, they stayed at the Fortress Hotel.

When she came this time, Audrey told her to look at houses and buy a house if she found one that wassuitable. It was convenient, and she didn’t have to stay in a hotel all the time. She also asked her tochoose a good house and pay for it.

Zachary offered to sell Liberty’s house in Wiltspoon for the cheapest possible price. She didn’t want itas a gift, so Zachary had no choice but to ask for some symbolic money.

Even so, Liberty almost emptied all her personal savings.

She was asked to buy a house in Jensburg. She did not have the ability for the time being. Audrey saidthat she would be allowed to look at houses in Jensburg. She would look at them and buy them. Thenher name would be written on the real estate certificate.

She and Audrey would come to Jensburg often in the future, and it would be much more convenient tobuy a house.

In fact, Audrey also wanted to come this time. Since Alice was in confinement, she could only letLiberty come over first.

She also told Serenity and Elisa that Liberty was the one who took over the Farrell family. Now Libertyhas the heaviest burden on her shoulders.

Serenity quickly replied to Liberty: “Sister, you can eat first when you get to the hotel as long as you’rethere. You can call me when you have time.”

Liberty replied with a hmm expression. Then she asked, “Have you eaten? Did Sonny cry after I left?How is your brother Duncan? Have you and Zachary visited him?”

Serenity smiled and replied, “Sister, we have eaten and drunk enough and went out for a walk. Sonnydidn’t cry. He followed us to Lewis’s house in the afternoon. He coaxed brother Duncan. BrotherDuncan is fine. I think he will call you later; see if he has sent you a message?”

Liberty replied, “Yes, he replied to me a lot of messages. I’ll read them later. Now I’m getting off theplane.”

Serenity hummed and did not send any more voice messages, asking Liberty to get off the plane first.

Liberty got off the plane and took a few bodyguards to get her suitcase before walking outside.

Ten minutes later,

“Sister.” Kevin saw Liberty pulling out the suitcase and waved to her.

Liberty also saw Kevin and walked towards him with a smile.novelbin

Liberty asked, “Kevin, have you been waiting here for a long time?”

Kevin said, “No, I just arrived not long ago. After my elder brother sent me your flight information, Ichecked the time.”

Jim and Milan respectfully called ‘Third Young Master York’.

Duncan and Audrey arranged for the people who followed Liberty to greet Kevin politely.

Kevin took the suitcase from Liberty’s hand and said, “Sister, let me help you get the suitcase. Comeon, the car is parked outside. You guys can take a taxi there. Jim, you can take a taxi with us.”

Jim: “Okay, Third Young Master York.”

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