Married At First Sight

Chapter 2645
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Chapter 2645

Kathryn put the ice cubes she had brought into Holden’s hand and asked him to go back to the room andapply ice cubes on his face.

Holden took the ice cubes and climbed upstairs.

There were only Matriarch Farrell and Kathryn in the hall.

Kathryn sat back next to Matriarch Farrell and comforted her: “Mom, my dad knows he was wrong. Hewill definitely not dare to do that in the future, so don’t feel bad.”

Matriarch Farrell sighed and said to Kathryn, “Your dad is very dissatisfied with me. He is just afraid ofmy power and methods and does not dare to resist. In the eyes of outsiders, we are a loving couple, but Iknow better than anyone what’s going on inside.”

Kathryn: “Mom, since you know, why do you still want to live with Dad?”

After Matriarch Farrell was silent, she said, “Because your dad is very fickle, he has no future, but hisfamily depends on our Farrell family for their livelihood. He has to consider the future of his Janzenfamily.”

Kathryn: “Mom, you and your four brothers and sisters should also consider it for you. As long as hemakes no big mistakes, you will not divorce him.”

Matriarch Farrell: “I think that if you don’t give him money, even if he has evil intentions, he won’t havethe ability. He ignores your brother, and they will respect him.”

Kathryn said, “Mom, now you have warned my three brothers that they will not dare honor my dad in thefuture. My dad will be even more dissatisfied with you.”

Matriarch Farrell: “So what? The day he chooses glory and wealth and becomes the son-in-law of myFarrell family, he should be mentally prepared. In this family, he can’t even think of being the master ofthe family. Kathryn, in the future, if you recruit a son-in-law, it’s better to recruit a weak man like yourfather with weak points.

Don’t expect to find a powerful man like Mr. Hayden Queen. That kind of man will not become a son-in-law for a woman from our Farrell family.

A man like your dad is easy to control. Your dad always hopes that his daughter will come to power andthat he can dominate. Oh, just wait. As long as I’m alive, there will be no chance of him turning over.Before leaving this world, I will kill him first, and I will never let him act like a father and dictate to you.”

Kathryn guessed that the previous matriarch, Farrell, died at the hands of her own mother. She knew thather mother was a cruel and ruthless person, but she was still shocked when she heard what her mothersaid with her own ears.

She said, “Mom, I’m not Shiloh. Dad can’t tell me what to do.”novelbin

Matriarch Farrell looked at Kathryn for a while, then suddenly smiled and said, “That’s right, you have myblood in your body, so you are not that easy to control. I know that I can live for another ten years withoutany problems. By then, your dad might be dead.

Even if I’m not dead, I will lose my teeth because of my old age, and I won’t be able to do anything if Iwant to do it.”

“Mom, don’t be sad. You already knew what kind of person my dad is. It’s not worth ruining your body forsomeone like him.” Kathryn comforted Matriarch Farrell: “How about I go out for a walk with you, mom?”

Matriarch Farrell took a few deep breaths and said, “No, I feel tired and want to be quiet. You can go doyour work. I’ll just be quiet for a while.”

Kathryn said, “I’ll go back to the company tomorrow. Mom, I’m worried about you being like this.”

Matriarch Farrell looked at Kathryn, raised her hand, and touched her face. Her sharp eyes softened abit, and she said, “Kathryn, I may be a loser. I’m not good at being a mother, and I’m not a good wifeeither. Sitting in the position of matriarch, I have not led the Farrell family back to its peak. It is worsethan when my sister was here.”

Matriarch Farrell suddenly felt that this might be her retribution.

Back then, she was frantic and plotted to harm her eldest sister’s family, and her younger sister also diedunder her plot.

She did not directly kill her sisters with a knife, but she planned their deaths and killed them.

Kathryn didn’t answer and didn’t know what to say.

Withdrawing the hand that touched Kathryn’s face, Matriarch Farrell suddenly said to Kathryn: “Kathryn,since you are not going back to the company, go and help me do something; go to the Fortress Hotel tofind Kevin and ask him to delete CCTV footage in the hotel; your dad booked a room with that b*tch inhis hotel.”

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