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Chapter 989

"It's just a means of a senior warrior. When your strength reaches this level, you will understand." ChenFei said with a smile. In fact, the way to make the two security guards invisible is very simple.

It's Chen Fei who uses his powerful power to oppress them and make them dull. Naturally, he won'tfind the people in the past.

This kind of situation, and the martial arts against ordinary people, the feeling of oppression has thesame wonderful. That kind of pressure makes people feel difficult to breathe and tight.

At this time, sister Ling called, a little worried, "Chen Fei, where are you? There's something wrong withthe company. Can you come back? "

The collection of evidence is finished, but Chen Fei is furious. He wants to rush to Jiang's house andbeat them up.

After explaining what happened in the factory to Director Xu, director Xu was shocked. He immediatelycontacted the high-level government of Xiangjiang and quickly held a meeting to make a resolution toseal up and search all the industries of the Jiang family.

Then, in the same way, Chen Fei and WAN Lei quickly left the factory and rushed back to Xiangjiangpolice station.

Such things must not be tolerated. Chen Fei resisted the impulse of his fury at the scene and collectedthe evidence at the scene.

It's not just about raising drug prices and making money. It's a major issue related to personal safety.

If the former Jiang family, in Chen Fei's mind, is just a typical greedy business. Now the Jiang familyhas become a cannibal devil.

"It's really recyclable!" Chen Fei's eyes are scarlet, and his eyes are full of anger.

"These are the sewage from pharmaceutical factories. The pollution is more serious than ordinarysewage. They let it out without any treatment, and it's also used to breed aquatic products. "

Wan Lei is also hate teeth itch, "they not only use sewage aquaculture seafood, pharmaceuticalfactories are also suspected of illegal sewage."

"It's not just a factory in Jianghai aquaculture base. It's inextricably connected with the whole lake andlake pharmaceutical industry. " Chen Fei gritted his teeth.

"Yes, the packaging bags and boxes of jianghuhai pharmaceutical." Chen Fei's face was black and hisexpression was gloomy. "This shows that the sewage is not ordinary sewage, but comes from thejianghuhai pharmaceutical factory."

Wan Lei doubts, immediately fix one's eyes. Soon, he also found the abnormality, can't help but hate toshow his teeth, "these garbage, are all the packing materials of jianghuhai pharmaceutical."

Chen Fei pointed to the garbage in the sewage and said, "look at the garbage carefully."

"Mr. Chen, what's the matter?" Wan Lei said.

And when Chen Fei took the sewage, he suddenly saw something, suddenly his face sank, and hisexpression became more and more gloomy, "Jiang family, it's too much."

Chen Fei is also very gloomy. He records the condition of the sewage pool with his camera. At thesame time, he leans down, takes out some sewage with a sampling bottle, and is ready to take it backfor detection as evidence.

Wan Lei gritted his teeth and said, "they even use sewage as feed to breed seafood. Is that too much?"novelbin

As a result, Chen Fei and WAN Lei are darkened.

Chen Fei and WAN Lei, who are already very clear about the layout of the factory, clearly know that thepipe leads to the sea water, which is the water area where seafood is cultivated.

The sewage in the pool is constantly surging, through one by one equipment, remove the garbage, adda variety of different chemicals, and finally flow out from a pipe.

The fat worker who came in at the beginning, now wearing protective clothing, inserted into the sewagewith something similar to a detector, recorded all kinds of data, and then conducted correspondingmediation.

Because, below them, there is a huge sewage pool. In the pool, the black sewage emits a strong odor,and all kinds of garbage and debris are flying and surging in the pool.

The next scene made them look heavy and serious.

Endure the vomit feeling in the heart, two people go forward.

Without this bad smell, people can't come in at all.

At the moment, they finally understood why the fat worker had to wear protective clothing to enter here.Finally, I know why the sealing of the building is so good, and the necessity of the exhaust fan.

After that, Wan Lei didn't get better.

"Run Zhenyuan breath, seal mouth and nose!" Chen Fei reminds a way.

Even Chen Fei, smelling this smell, could not help but roll his eyes at the moment. He quickly sealedhis breath and maintained his body function with Zhenyuan breath.

It's like the smell of countless garbage mixed together after fermentation. It's hard to rush into the noseand mouth, making Wan Lei almost spew it out.

Because when they came, they felt a strong pungent impact, which was an indescribable taste.

Two people immediately went ahead to understand why."What's the matter? There is a huge exhaustfan here. What kind of laboratory is it really? " Wan Lei was puzzled.

As soon as the door opened, a strong wind blew in. Let Chen Fei and WAN Lei can't help but besurprised, then quickly rushed in, closed the door.

At this time, Chen Fei has opened the door.

"Did they set up a special laboratory here, using illegal drugs or something?" Seeing this, Wan Lei can'thelp guessing.

Two people appeared in front of a narrow aisle. The door is not big, and it's tightly sealed, almost like ahigh-tech laboratory.

Immediately, they walked through the passageway and into the building.

"Don't get excited about the task now." Chen Fei reminds Wan Lei.

After hearing Chen Fei's explanation, Wan Lei can't help yearning for the improvement of his strength.For a moment, I felt that my heart was full of motivation.

Therefore, this kind of situation is rare. After all, those who have the ability to use it will not use suchmeans at all. You can't use what you don't have the ability to use.

Of course, this kind of coercion needs deep cultivation of martial arts as the foundation. What's more, ifwe don't grasp the degree carefully, accidents may happen.

If this kind of pressure is strong to a certain extent, it can produce the effect of Chen Feigang, directlyoppressing the two security guards to be dull and absent-minded, unable to find the people in front ofthem.

"Sister Ling, what's wrong with the company? I'll be right back." Chen Fei's heart is surprised, evenbusy way.

Wei Ling said: "just now, Jiang Chuan came to our branch with a group of reporters to find fault andhang on."

"Jiangchuan, he dares to come and find fault!" Now, referring to the people of the Jiang family, ChenFei is furious, "sister Ling, you protect yourself, I'll be right back!"

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