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Chapter 919

After talking to Wei Ling on the phone, Chen Fei returns home. Not long after, he receives a call fromhis wife, Lin Qiuhan.

"Wife, did you get off the plane?" Chen Fei gets on the phone.

Lin Qiuhan said faintly: "we have arrived. Wei Ling and I are on our way back to the hotel."

Chen Fei and Sun Xi came to the back of the mountain, stood on a flat stone and looked down from ahigh position.

Other descendants also spread out and stood around to form a circle, protecting the tomb in the mostcentral position. At the same time, it was also a kind of handle to prevent people from entering bymistake and disturbing sun Fengqin.

"Well, that's right. Then let's go. " Chen Fei nods and walks away with Sun Xi.

Sun Xi pointed to sun Fengqin, who was still standing in front of the tomb, and said, "grandma wants totalk to grandfather alone. We, the younger generation, are generally waiting by the side."

"What's the matter?" Chen Fei asked.

Sun Xi gently pulls Chen Fei aside and says in a voice, "brother Chen, let's go to the side."

After everyone saluted, they withdrew.

Chen Fei, on behalf of Lin Qiuhan, was not a descendant of the sun family, so he didn't kneel down andsalute. He just bowed deeply and presented a bunch of flowers to show his heart.

Incense, paper money, flowers and fruits were all put on the table, and then the descendants of thefamily took turns to kneel down and salute.

After the tomb is cleaned, the next step is to worship.

As a younger generation, Chen Fei also went forward to pull up a weed, which is a sign of his heart.

Immediately, the descendants of the sun family gathered around and began to be busy. All of usworked together to clean up the garbage around the tomb, pull out all the weeds, and clean thetombstone with a rag and water.

At this time, sun Fengqin stretched out her hand and gently wiped it on the corner of her eyes. Thenshe reached out and fell on the tombstone and gently brushed away the dust. Then he turned to theyounger generation behind him and said, "let's go."

Chen Fei nodded gently. He didn't say much, but he could understand the old man's mind.

Sun Xi was also tearful at the moment and said softly, "this is where my grandfather met mygrandmother. Before his old man died, he had been told that after his death, he would be buried here.He wants to keep the scene in his heart forever

Seeing this picture of sun Fengqin, Chen Fei can't help feeling some emotion.

At this moment, she seems to have become a frail old man, and no longer a martial arts master at thebeginning of prefecture level.

However, after sun Fengqin saw the stone tablet, the strong man who killed decisively on weekdays,his eyes softened, his eyes twinkled, and there were a few more crystal tears.

Different from the luxurious tomb in Chen Fei's imagination, this tomb is very common, even verysimple. A shallow soil bag, in front of which is a stone tablet with cracks and mottled handwriting.

Twenty minutes later, the group came to a three meter high stone near the top of the mountain. Aroundthe stone, you can see a gentle grave.

Fortunately, the sun family is a martial arts family, and their children have some martial arts skills. Soit's easy to go all the way up the mountain.

Because it's winter, many of the plants on the mountain have turned yellow. Weeds are all over theplace. Some of them submerge the paths. They must be cut with sharp tools before they can walk.

A group of people get off, and then along the winding mountain path, toward the mountains.

An hour later, the sun family's motorcade drove to the bottom of a low hillside.

For the old man he had never met, Chen Fei had a little more respect in his heart.

It's the reason why he insisted on visiting his wife every year.

However, Sun Xi tells Chen Fei that in the eyes of ordinary people in the sun family, his grandfatherand grandmother sun Fengqin treat him very well and even respect him very much. Because, for somany years, the old man has been enduring all kinds of rumors, even the opposition within the family,quietly supporting sun Fengqin.

Therefore, grandfather Sun Xi's sense of existence in the sun family has always been very low, and fewpeople really revere the husband, the nominal owner of the family.

Sun Fengqin came back from her martial arts studies and had a very high position in the family. SunXi's grandfather was a member of the sun family. It was a shame for a man in that era decades ago.

Along the way, Sun Xi also introduced some information about her grandfather to Chen Fei.

Chen Fei and Sun Xi took a car together and drove to the suburbs.

The location of the old man's cemetery is a bit off side. It's on a mountain in the rural suburb ofLongjiang City, so a group of people have to drive there.

Then, sun Fengqin told some things in public, and then the whole family went out.

Sun Fengqin arched his hand to Chen Fei and said, "that's a slight to Mr. Chen."

Chen Fei waved his hand and said, "Mr. Sun, today I'm here in place of Qiu Han as a youngergeneration of the old man. Don't be so polite. Your activities are the main thing. Don't worry aboutme."As for Chen Fei's arrival, sun Fengqin was very respectful and came down to greet him, "Mr. Chenis here. Our Sun family is full of glory. Please take a seat

On this day, the sun family, almost all the people who can come back, are here. All the people, alldressed in plain clothes, stood in the lobby with a serious face.novelbin

Soon, the day of sacrifice came. Chen Fei got up early in the morning and came to the sun family.

The next morning, Sun Xi, the little girl, called and told Chen Fei in detail about her grandfather's visit.She settled the matter.

His wife's cold temper hardly wants to say one more word, which makes Chen Fei, who wants to saymore warm words, swallow the rest of his words.

Lin Qiuhan said, "well, that's OK. I'll hang up."

"Well, this kind of little thing is, I have time, and it will be over then." Chen Fei immediately nodded andagreed.

Lin Qiuhan said: "well, three days later, it's the death day of Sun Xi's grandfather. As a junior, I shouldhave gone to see it. But I can't get there now. You can go instead of me in three days

"What's the matter?" Chen Fei is a little curious.

Lin Qiuhan said softly, and then said, "I know. It's just that I just remembered one thing. If it'sconvenient for you, go instead of me. "

"Well, wife, you must be very tired after such a long flight. Go back to the hotel and have a good rest."Chen Fei is concerned.

The villagers live near the lush pines, and there is a forest under the pines.

In the house, smoke curled up. There are children playing around the scarecrow in the harvestedfarmland.

What a peaceful and natural picture of life in a mountain village. Unconsciously, it makes Chen Fei feelrelaxed and happy, with a sense of inexplicable comfort in his heart.

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