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Chapter 904

At the same time, Chen Fei, who was thousands of miles away in the Du medical center of LongjiangCity, suddenly felt a palpitation. He couldn't help looking up at the distance and whispered to himself, "itseems that Songkan has received the gift I gave him."

"This time, it's just a warning. If the blood blade doesn't stop, I don't mind going to the Asia branch ofthe blood blade. " Chen Fei looks at the distance and says in his heart.

At the moment, Du Cang's voice came from behind, "brother Fei, people have brought it."

Chen Fei nodded and said, "punishment, I will definitely punish you."

Dong Hao's eyes sank, he nodded, his mouth murmured and said in a low voice, "I'm wrong. I'm willingto be punished."

After a pause, Chen Fei sighed, looked at Dong Hao and said, "I know the whole thing. Althoughsubjectively, you don't mean to harm people. But objectively, you did help Zhou to do evil. "

He didn't mean any harm, but because he was fascinated by Yao Yu and seduced by rhetoric, he wasfinally used by others and almost made a big mistake.

Chen Fei looks at the dejected Dong Hao and doesn't know what to say for a moment.

Because of this, Dong Hao was hit hard. He stayed at home for two days without eating, drinking andsleeping. He became what he is now until he was brought over by Mr. Du.

Until that day, the picture of Huo Dongwei being kidnapped was broadcast live on the Internet. DongHao knew that he had made a big disaster. Yao Yu's identity was not ordinary people at all. Her so-called love for him was just a false lie. He was used by Yao Yu.

However, Dong Hao did not know about the kidnapping. He just knows that Yao Yu wants him to collectinformation about people close to Chen Fei.

Therefore, they retreat to second place and kidnap Huo Dongwei, who has a good relationship withChen Fei. This is the scene of Yao Yu threatening Chen Fei with Huo Dongwei in the martial artsschool.

However, because Chen Fei arranged for Xie Yuan to protect them secretly, Yao Yu's kidnapping of LinQiuhan failed in the end.

After Dong Hao told Yao Yu the information he had investigated. Yao Yu immediately arranges thehuman resources, prepares to kidnap Lin Qiuhan, uses to threaten Chen Fei. This is the scene of LinQiuhan's car breaking down on his way home.

Originally, by the time of these things, Dong Hao had some doubts in his mind. But under the influenceof Yao Yu's constant obsession, he didn't think so much, so he directly used his identity to enter theautumn group and found out Lin Qiuhan's whereabouts.

And using this dissatisfaction, Yao Yu continued to provoke and hint at Dong Hao. Let Dong Hao helpto investigate the whereabouts of Lin Qiuhan and several people close to Chen Fei.

As a result, Dong Hao was naturally dissatisfied with Chen Fei.

However, for Dong Hao, who is completely fascinated by Yao Yu, he can't tell the difference at all. Inaddition, Yao Yu's crying in front of him makes Dong Hao's body and heart soften. There was no doubtin my heart. I immediately believed Yao Yu's words.novelbin

Yao Yu knew that she was wrong. She said that if Dong Hao cared, she would leave and never meetDong Hao again.

Yao Yu said that at that time, Chen Fei took the initiative to take advantage of her. She's just a primaryschool teacher. She doesn't dare to fight against Chen Fei. That's why she's helpless. In fact, theperson she really loves in her heart is Dong Hao.

Unexpectedly, after Chen Fei left, Yao Yu immediately called Dong Hao back. In the private room, YaoYu explains the whole thing to Dong Hao.

At that time, Chen Fei wanted to find a chance to explain to him.

It was when Yao Yu had dinner in the hotel last time that he took the initiative to gather together withChen Fei. Dong Hao, who was pursuing Yao Yu, misunderstood him and left immediately jealous.

Dong Hao goes on talking, and Chen Fei quickly finds out what happened.

There was a flash in Dong Hao's eyes, and then he spoke slowly, saying: "in fact, things have to startfrom the last time I had dinner with Fei, Mr. Chen, and Yao Yu at haihao hotel. I..."


"Younger martial brother, what's going on this time

"Xiao Chen is asking you something. What are you doing? Say it!"

Du Lao and Du Cang were angry and anxious, and they came to drink in a hurry.

"I -" Dong Hao looked up at Chen Fei, then immediately lowered his head again, not daring to look atChen Fei's eyes. I don't know how to open my mouth.

After a while of silence, Chen Fei said, "tell me for yourself, what happened to the whole thing?"

This kind of thing, Chen Fei how can not angry, solved the snake and iron mountain, immediately letpeople at home to find the paralytic Dong Hao, brought him back.

But I didn't expect that this time because of Yao Yu. Dong Hao is involved in the kidnapping of HuoDongwei.

Originally, Chen Fei was quite fond of Dong Hao. This young man has a very good medical talent, a lotof intelligence, and an outgoing and lively personality. He likes it very much. If he studies hard, ChenFei doesn't mind passing on his medical skills to him.Then, Chen Fei walks up to Dong Hao and looksdown at Dong Hao who is in a mess at the moment. There is a moment of silence, and his mood isconstantly surging up.

"Mr. Du, it's not your fault this time." Chen Fei reaches out his hand and holds old Du, who is going tosalute him.

Chen Fei and Du Cang came in. Du quickly welcomed them, bowed to Chen Fei, and said, "Xiao Chen,this time, I can't teach you anything. Let the villain do such a thing. I really don't know how to expressmy apology. I can only give it to you - "

Mr. Du and other members of Du's medical school stood on both sides, their eyes all fell on Dong Hao.With anger and indignation in his eyes, he constantly sighs and shakes his head.

At the moment, Dong Hao's hair is in a mess, staring at a pair of black circles under his eyes, and hisclothes are wrinkled, which makes him look ugly. The whole person has completely become a tramp,can't see his kind of self-confidence and high spirited before.

Entering, Chen Fei sees Dong Hao kneeling on the ground.

Chen Fei nodded, turned and walked into the Du medical center.

Smell speech, Du Lao, Du Cang and other people of Du medical school, can't help but look at ChenFei.

Of course, they knew that Dong Hao could not escape punishment. But they can't guess how muchpunishment will be.

If the punishment is too light, Chen Fei may not be satisfied. The punishment was too heavy. If DongHao was really abolished, they felt a pity again. After all, Dong Hao is good.

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