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Chapter 899

So, Chen Fei raised his eyebrows, reached out to the strong man, and said in a cold voice, "that's whatyou said. If I win, I can do whatever I want!"

"Yes, that's the promise of iron mountain." Iron mountain is very confident.

Chen Fei's tone sank and said in a cold voice, "that's good. If I win, I'll take your life! "

That time, after Norton and Jiang Lingyun failed to acquire their Mahuang oral liquid, Norton hired thekillers of blood blade killer to assassinate themselves, but they were killed by themselves in the end.Later, Chen Fei directly tracked down Jiang Lingyun and Norton and killed them all.

"Blood blade killers!" As soon as Chen Fei's face changed, he immediately thought of what happenedwith Jiang Jiang Hai pharmaceutical and Norton, the director of baitouying pharmaceutical.

Tieshan looked at Chen Fei and said in a loud voice, "you are dying, too. I might as well tell you. Myname is Tieshan. I'm the gold medal killer of bloodblade. Last time, the No.24 silver medal assassinwho failed to assassinate you was my apprentice. "

Chen Fei, who was hardly able to fight back, could not help but look at Tieshan and say, "No.24,apprentice! Who the hell are you? "

At the moment, Tieshan's eyes coagulated, and he said in a deep voice: "on the 24th, master hasavenged you. You can rest in peace."

Just looking at the pictures taken by the camera, many people took a cool breath, and a sense of fearrose from the bottom of their hearts.

Then, he gave a loud drink and swung his strong thigh up. With a strong wind, he kicked Chen Feihard. This foot is more fierce and terrifying than the fist just now.

"In that case, I won't waste my time. Let's have a good time!" Tieshan shook his head and seemed notinterested.

After successive bombardments, Tieshan shook his head and said in a voice, "I thought you would beso powerful. But that's all

In this way, in less than a minute, Tieshan has made more than ten punches in succession. Every time,they all hit Chen Fei's chest. Although they were blocked by Chen Fei, Chen Fei's body kept retreatingand his face looked ugly. It seemed that he was going to fall down at any time.

At this time, Chen Fei seems to be confused. There is no room to fight back, only passively block ironmountain's fist, the body constantly retreat.

"Give me another punch!" The iron mountain thundered like a tank, and the fist with big bowl mouthsmashed again.

Iron mountain's heavy footstep, one after another, seemed to shake the whole martial arts school.


Tieshan and some of his disciples were more and more proud. Yan Biao even got up and yelled,"master, give that boy a hard beating and make him so arrogant."

Such a situation, suddenly let the scene and network people scream louder. More and more people areworried about Chen Fei.

Chen Fei seemed to be caught off guard and was beaten back by Tieshan.

Iron mountain's fist, with the roaring wind, roaring gas, hard in Chen Fei's chest.

"Hoo Hoo

Many instructors and students in the Weitian martial arts school were all nervous. Some people evenwant to rush forward to help, but they are all stopped by Wei Tian.

For a moment, countless sighs and the sound of the scene camera click click shot rang up.


"Chen Fei is really defeated

"It's not sure whether it's true or not to defeat Mr. Yue. Besides, this big man is dozens of yearsyounger than senior Yue, and he is in much better health. I'm afraid the combat effectiveness of theprefecture level experts in this realm is even more powerful than that of the elder in law! "

But not long ago, Chen Qingfei defeated Yue? Now, even if the other side is a prefecture level expert,Chen Fei may not be defeated, right

"It's not good!"

"Now, Chen Fei is in danger."


"What's the origin of this guy?"

"Prefecture level realm! When did this kind of master suddenly appear? "

"This, this momentum, is too strong. There is absolutely no such strength in the later stage of Xuanji. Atleast it is the peak of Xuanji level, and even it may reach the level of prefecture level! "

Just this punch, immediately let the scene and network of many martial arts for one of the shock, eyessuddenly tightening up.

A bang, originally just a simple step of the iron mountain, suddenly burst out, fists like shells in general,with the whir of the wind, hard impact over.


Then, his eyes slightly narrowed, staring at the iron mountain, said in a voice: "it's a little interesting."

Countless people are talking about it. Chen Fei feels the oppression of iron mountain, and his eyestremble slightly. He feels a little surprised.


"Who is this man? It's so powerful. It can't have sprung up all of a sudden

"Look at his walking posture, it seems ordinary, but every step is tight and can attack at any time. Thisis the real experience from actual combat. ""The strength is at least in the later stage of Xuan level, orabove."

"This big guy is a master, a real master!"

The netizens in front of the live broadcast can't feel the pressure. But many of them are from themartial arts. We can see some clues from every move of Tieshan.

With the steps of iron mountain, he also burst out a strong momentum. The oppressive atmospheremade the people on the scene feel suffocated, and their faces became gloomy.

Tieshan also stood up and walked towards Chen Fei step by step with heavy steps.

"In that case, let's start!" Chen Fei's eyes sank and stepped forward to the center of the test field.

But at the moment, Tieshan, still confident, with a smile on his face, said directly: "yes! If I lose, youhave to kill or cut, at will. "

For a moment, people's eyes and lens, all shuasha cast to the iron mountain.

The original noisy scene, as if suddenly frozen in general, a bit stiff.

As soon as the words came out, people could not help but feel a chill gushing out, which was a kind ofspirit with awe inspiring killing intention.

Unexpectedly, now, the blood blade killer organization, even sent people to revenge themselves, "youkiller organization, dare to come out to revenge me?"

Tieshan said in a cold voice: "originally, our killer mission failed and died, we would not do it. But whatyou should not do is to force the killers of our organization to disclose the information of theiremployers, thus killing them. "

"To divulge the employer's information is a fatal word-of-mouth for our killer organization. In order torecover the reputation of our blood blade organization, we must kill you. "

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