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Chapter 875

Seeing this difference, the onlookers were surprised and said, "how could this happen? It's colorful. Isthere anything in the silver needle? "

Di Lao these judges, is the facial expression big change, once realized what, one by one looked up toCao Huangqi, sternly questioned: "you mixed the medicine on the silver needle?"

As soon as Cao Huangqi's face changed, he hesitated and did not know how to answer.

"Yes, yes, there is such a man. The other is a middle-aged woman, like the man's mother. "

When Chen Fei heard the speech, he frowned and thought of something. He immediately said, "is oneof the two men a young man in his twenties with curly yellow hair?"

"Now, the security has them under control. But they stay where they are and still scold you. Moreover,one of them also mentioned Mr. Chen you -- "speaking of this, Xiao Ying was afraid to go on.

Xiaoying's tone was a little worried and said: "Mr. Chen, it's like this. Just now two people came outsidethe company. They said they were relatives of sister Xiaoting. They came to the company to see her.As a result, after the security guards put them in, as soon as they entered the medical room, theyyelled at Xiaoting and even started beating people. "

"Xiaoying, I know you. What can I do for you, Xiao Ying? " Chen Fei asked.

On the other end of the phone, there was a nervous voice, "Chen, Mr. Chen? I'm Xiaoying, a nurse inthe medical room of Qiuqiu group

Chen Fei immediately got through and said, "Hello, this is Chen Fei."

As a result, a strange number called.

On Chen Fei's side, he just had some free time these two days.

Worried that the other party would cheat, Mr. Du immediately began to rearrange the work and plan ofthe Du medical school, preparing to squeeze out time as soon as possible to go to Nan'an City tosupervise the Cao family to fulfill their promise of the competition.

What they really care about is master's ancestral grave and Cao Liqiu's public announcement of thetruth.novelbin

One is the signboard of the "king of needles" of the Cao family. Du Lao and Du Cang don't care muchabout this. They don't care much about whether the Cao family is willing to take off the signboard.

Such a situation makes Du Lao and Du Cang a little angry. At the same time, they are worried aboutwhether the Cao family will fulfill the promise in the competition.

To be sure, Nan'an City, as the headquarters of the Cao family, they must have done the correspondingblocking work, so that the relevant news did not appear in Nan'an City.

However, after asking for information, Mr. Du found that in Nan'an City, there were very few relevantreports. It can even be said that there were few reports that could really enter the public eye.

For a time, the name of Du medical school and Du Sanzhen was pushed higher. At the same time, italso made the reputation of the Cao family, the king of needles, decline a lot in Longjiang city.

In the next day or two, it began to spread on the media network. It's all covered in local newspapers,local magazines, and the whole thing.

Next, Chen Fei and Mr. Du personally checked and treated the ten patients treated by Cao Huangqi,and eliminated the side effects of drugs in their bodies.

Chen Fei and Du Lao immediately good advice and persuasion, and finally Di Lao and their party tosend away.

With Dillard taking the lead, other referees also apologized.

Dilao arched his hand, shook his head and said, "we are arrogant. We didn't listen to Mr. Chen, so wealmost made this huge mistake? Here, I apologize to Mr. Chen and Mr. Du. I'm sorry! "

Chen Fei's polite attitude immediately changed their faces.

Seeing this, Chen Fei said with a smile, "Dear elders, what I said just now is just a moment of anger,which collided with you. Please forgive me."

Di Lao and his group of referees are standing in the same place one by one, looking at Chen Feiawkwardly. Their mouths move and they want to say something, but they can't open their mouths for amoment.

After Cao Huangqi left, the reporters immediately dispersed. At the door of the hospital, there was a lotof silence.

"Go away!" Chen Fei waved his hand, Cao Huangqi immediately left.

Cao Huangqi nodded his head like a chicken pecking rice and said, "yes, yes!"

Du was also very excited and said: "you cao family, absolutely don't move the ancestral grave ofmaster. Cao Liqiu, let your own things come out

"That's good. Don't forget the terms you promised." Chen Fei cold voice reminds a way.

Cao Huangqi at the moment which dare not admit, can only nod, way: "I admit, I admit."

Then Chen Fei, Du Lao and Du Cang walked up to Cao Huangqi and said, "Cao Huangqi, you cheatedin the competition. You are the loser in this written test. Do you agree? "

Finally, after Cao Huangqi was beaten black and blue, Chen Fei waved his hand and let people pullaway the angry patients and their families.

All of a sudden, the scene directly fried pot. In particular, the ten patients who had just been treated byCao Huangqi were very angry one by one. They rushed up and beat Cao Huangqi violently.Thesewords of doctors confirm Chen Feigang's words.


"And meteor vine, which is a kind of herbal medicine used in traditional Chinese medicine surgery withanesthetic effect, can also paralyze nerves. The symptoms of those patients just now can't be used atall! "

"This, this is the smell of nettle grass. The side effect of nettle grass is very big, how can you usecasually

For a moment, the voices of the referees rang out one after another.

There are also directly with the tip of the tongue gently tasted, suddenly changed color.

Some people use the work site for testing and comparison.

The referee came over, some dipped in the water in the bowl, sniffed gently, and suddenly his facesank down.

"You are all professionals. You can see for yourself what effect these drugs have. " Chen Fei said toseveral referees.

Cao Huangqi quickly denied it, waved his hand and said: "no, I didn't doping doping. He's talkingnonsense. Don't believe him

On hearing this, the whole audience was in an uproar, and all the doctors and patients were surprised.

"If it's only adulterated with common drugs, it's just unfair in this competition, but it's good for patientsand can cure diseases. But this time, in order to win, Cao Huangqi had no choice but to dope the silverneedle with stimulants with strong side effects. "

And at this time, Chen Fei cold hum a, way: "he is not just doping drugs so simple."

Hearing this, Chen Fei has thought of who that person is. To be sure, he is Qi Peng, Xu Xiaoting'scousin, who was driven out of Chengyao by Chen Fei two days ago.

Unexpectedly, after that guy was driven away, he didn't realize his mistake and didn't know how torepent. Instead, he came to the company to recruit Xu Xiaoting to make trouble.

Think of this, Chen Fei suddenly face a heavy, cold voice way: "Xiaoying, you let the security controlthem, I come right away."

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