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Chapter 806

Seeing that Chen Fei was ready to start, Yue Qiaoxi didn't look flustered. Instead, he was smiling.

He looked at Chen Fei with a long tone and said in a voice, "Mr. Chen, what do you mean? Are yougoing to rob my wife's things by force?"

Chen Fei said in a cold voice: "I just started, so what?"

But Kang and her sister-in-law pleaded with each other. Qingmei is innocent. Please help to persuadethem! "

However, Yue Qiaoyu, who was furious at the moment, obviously couldn't listen to her words.

On Yu's side, Yu Qingmei's mother Ren Rong's face changed greatly, so she hurried forward andbegged to stop: "Mr. Yue, don't, my Qingmei --"

the servants of Yue's family listened to the order, and immediately walked to Yu Qingmei's side, readyto arrest people.

For a moment, Yue Qiaoyu's face was ferocious and roared: "bring this cheap woman to me. I'm goingto kill her now, kill her!"

He is proud of himself. He always boasts that he is romantic and graceful. Otherwise, he would nothave thought of marrying Yu Qingmei. Such a character of him, it can be said that the most can notstand others say that he is incompetent nausea.

"What are you talking about?" Yue Qiaoyu's expression was ferocious, and his face was full of anger.

Hearing the speech, Yu Qingmei glared at Yue Qiaoyu and said firmly, "you disgusting and incompetenttrash, I will not marry you even if I die."

With that, Yue Qiaoyu looked aside at Yu Qingmei, who was worried. His eyes were cold and he said,"You cheap woman, you are going to be my man right now, and you are not clear with other men.When you come through, I'll have something for you. "

Yue Qiaoyu, sitting in a wheelchair, was even more fierce. He gritted his teeth and glared at Chen Fei,saying: "Chen Fei, you abandoned me. Now, my wife's family is going to get everything back. You justwait to die

Behind Yue Qiaoxi, Yue Zihui looked excited and said in a voice: "Dad, don't kill that guy. Take yourtime and torture him a little bit."

In the voice, Yue Qiaoxi's face became more confident. He manipulated the cyclone with both handsand approached Chen Fei.


"Chen Fei, after all, is still too young to fight directly with his wife's family. Now, it's lost. "

"The family of Yue is worthy of being the family of Yue. It's a hundred year old martial family. It reallydeserves its reputation."

"I'm afraid it's not too far away from the prefecture level."

"Yue Qiaoxi's move is so powerful that he deserves to be a top level master of Xuan level."

The attack was amazing.

The air force around the whirlwind, whistling, is to form a sharp blade, cutting open all the things in frontof the whirlwind.

The strong wind whirled and roared, forming a huge whirlpool, which involved everything along theway, whether it was tables, chairs, benches, or flowers and stones, and smashed into countless piecesand scattered into the air.

While he was talking, Yue Qiaoxi gave a cold Snort and made a move with both hands. The majesticmomentum behind him immediately spread out and turned into a roaring wind, whistling towards ChenFei.

But at the moment, opposite Yue Qiao Xi, smell speech on the face show a touch of disdain of color,voice way: "win? It's good for young people to have ideas, but if ideas are too whimsical, it's arrogance."

Yu Qingmei smelled the speech, with a look on her face. Then she nodded her head seriously and saidin a soft voice, "I believe you."

Chen Fei looked at Yu Qingmei with a smile, then said with a smile, "sister Qingmei, don't worry. I willwin

Yu Qingmei was also worried and could not help crying out, "Chen Fei!"

At this time, there are many people with similar ideas to Mr. you.novelbin

If there is a real fight, Mr. you doesn't think Chen Fei can win. He may even have his own life in danger.

He doesn't believe that Chen Fei and the Yue family can win by fighting. After all, Yue Qiaoxi is the toplevel master of Xuan. Besides him, the legendary old man of the Yue family is more likely to be aprefecture level master.

On hearing this, Mr. you looked even more gloomy. He sighed and shook his head.

Seeing Mr. you like this, the smile on the boss's face became stronger. Now he said in a voice: "Mr.you, don't be so frustrated. Isn't Chen Fei the first master of Longjiang city? Perhaps there is a chanceof victory in the battle? "

Now, with Chen Fei's initiative to fight, the situation has turned upside down and becomeuncontrollable.

Originally, just a series of actions down, Chen Fei has the upper hand, but also occupy a reason word.Next, as long as you slowly grind with the Yue family, even if you can't get the bet for a while, you canforce the Yue family to give in and get good benefits.

Mr. You's expression became more gloomy when he heard the speech. Although he didn't want toadmit it, he had to admit that fighting with his wife's family was not a good choice.

Ten days boss was relieved, his face involuntarily appeared a smile, shook his head, said: "and thewar, Mr. Chen this approach, it is not wise!"Seeing such a scene, Mr. You's face sank down, and hisexpression turned black. He looked into the field and said nothing.

Even the ten day boss and Mr. you who are sitting in front of us have to stay away from the edge andmove to a far place.

This posture suddenly surprised everyone and changed their face. Some people were worried that thebattle would affect them and hid in the corner.

When Yue Qiaoxi saw this, his momentum burst out. In a flash, the two momentum confrontation infront of the house of the master in law, momentum, people's heart was trembling.

But at the moment, Chen Fei didn't mean to have a water fight with him. His eyes were cold, and hismomentum burst out, and his fighting spirit rose completely.

Yue Qiaoxi said this with a high sounding voice. It sounded a bit heroic, which made people move.

"If Mr. Chen forces me, I'm not afraid of the first World War!"

Yue Qiaoxi's tone was heavy at the moment, and he snapped: "although Mr. Chen is a red man in theeyes of director Qi, he is also a special instructor of Linglong organization. But my wife's family is noteasy to bully. "

Kang Bihua and Yu Qin want to talk, but at this time, Yue Qiaoyu yells: "who dares to stop me, I'veeven done it with her."

The gloomy words scared Kang Bihua and Yu Qin, and they didn't dare to step forward. They couldonly watch the servants of the Yue family step forward and take Yu Qingmei away.

Seeing this, Yue Qiaoyu laughed very happily, "Chen Fei, don't you want to protect this cheap woman?Now, I will insult her in front of you! Ha ha

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