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Chapter 737

However, the reputation of reed pharmaceutical is not very good. The price of drugs is not high, evenworse than the similar drugs. Even make complaints about quality problems.

But over the years, the reed pharmacy has been standing still, but has developed more and more. LuQingHan, who even became the head of the delegation, may have great strength.

Thinking of this, Chen Fei looked at Lu QingHan again with a heavy face.

"Do you have to think about that?" Lu QingHan said, "this kind of state confidential information shouldbe transferred so that the state can master the relevant content."

Hearing this, Zheng Ruhui couldn't help changing his face. He thought of something and then said,"chief Lu, you said that you don't need to use the authorization contract. That's to consider using theassignment contract?"

"This level of information, such a secret thing. Can we use such a simple authorization contract? "

Lu QingHan said coldly, "this ephedra oral liquid is used by the state to save the country and lives, andit is a major event related to the safety of people's lives and property. It's important secret informationbelonging to our national health department. "

"Chief Lu, what you mean by mistake is --" Zheng Ruhui asked cautiously.

Lu QingHan said, "what do you know? If you know, you will make such fundamental mistakes. "

"We know, we know!" Zheng Ruhui was busy.

"You have to make it clear that our investigation team was sent by the upper departments to solve theproblem of Alstom antibiotics. We mean the state and the government. "

Lu QingHan slapped the table and said angrily, "normal authorization contract, this is not the problem.What is it?"

Zheng Ruhui asked carefully: "chief Lu, this is the contract. On the basis of principle and foundation, noproblem. It's just a normal licensing contract. "

What are the principles and basic things. Even Zheng Ruhui and others in his system are confused. Idon't know why Lu QingHan is angry.

"What's wrong?" Lu QingHan snorted coldly, then grabbed the document in front of him, threw it directlyon the desk, and yelled, "it's not a question of right or wrong. It's just that we don't understand the basisof the contract. How can the delegation investigate and sign? "

Zheng Ruhui was startled by Lu QingHan and quickly asked, "chief Lu, do you think there is anythingwrong with this contract?"

Lu QingHan suddenly became angry, which made the provincial health department and Chen Fei, theresearchers, confused. They didn't understand why Lu QingHan was angry. After all, this contract is anormal authorization contract. It's nothing special.

He clapped his hand heavily on the table and yelled: "what's your opinion? What do you think of thiskind of thing? "

Lu QingHan, who used to be quiet, suddenly seemed like a volcano that had been silent for a long timewhen he heard Zheng Ruhui's words.

Zheng Ruhui was also a little anxious at the moment. Seeing Chen Fei's eyes, he took a breath,approached Lu QingHan and said, "chief Lu, what do you think of this contract?"

This kind of attitude really makes people confused. Chen Fei took a look at director Zheng and gavehim a wink.

In this way, people almost read the contract two or three times, but Lu QingHan still had no words, hiseyes still fell on the last page, and did not speak for a long time.

Such a situation, so that the people around to see the end, had to take up the contract again,pretending to look at the words carefully.

But after everyone saw it, Lu QingHan, sitting in the main seat, kept his eyes on the last page of thecontract. His fingers were gently clasped on the table, and he didn't speak.

The content of the contract is very clear and simple. There are only four pages in total. Many peopleread it in less than a few minutes.

It can be said that on top of this contract, Chen Fei is completely talking about what interests he has.He only wants to produce Mahuang oral liquid with the fastest speed and the largest scale, so as tosolve the current situation of Alstom's shortage of antibiotics in China.

Chen Fei's chengyaoguan, as the owner of the patent right of Mahuang oral liquid, agreed to grant theright to produce Mahuang oral liquid to the national health and pharmaceutical department free of

charge, so that they could coordinate the major pharmaceutical factories in China to jointly produceMahuang oral liquid.

In fact, the contract is very simple. Apart from the professional terms and legal provisions, the corecontent is actually an authorization contract.

Everyone sat down in the meeting room. Chen Fei asked the staff in the store to help him to issue thecontract to you in advance. Everyone looked through it.

Zheng Ruhui and Chen Fei also got up and went to a conference room behind the Chengyao hall.

"All right!" Lu QingHan nodded and got up immediately.

However, he responded immediately and nodded: "we have worked out some points for thecorresponding contract. Head Lu, why don't we sit down and talk about it."

Zheng Ruhui obviously didn't expect that Lu QingHan didn't check the drugs. Instead, he directly talkedabout the contract and was stunned.Lu QingHan turned his eyes a few times, thought about it for awhile, and then said, "we have tested the samples you sent to the capital, but the effect of the drug isstill OK. Therefore, it's not urgent to test the efficacy, let professional people take the machine to test.Let's talk about signing a contract if the test is passed. "

"Where do you want to start from now?" Zheng Ruhui asked.

When Zheng Ruhui heard the speech, he could only nod his head and say, "chief Lu is right."

Lu QingHan said slowly: "don't be in such a hurry. The more critical it is, the more calm it is. Otherwise,it's easy to make mistakes in a hurry, but the gain is not worth the loss. "

Immediately, Zheng Ruhui explained to Lu QingHan and made his face better. Then he said with asmile, "chief Lu, can we start the inspection now?"novelbin

Chen Fei's face sank and he was about to get angry. Zheng Ruhui quickly winked at him. Chen Fei canonly endure it for a while.

Lu QingHan looked at Chen feichao himself, but he didn't take the initiative to say hello. His face sankand his expression was not good-looking. He snorted: "there are no rules at all."

Hearing this, Chen Fei felt more and more wrong, and his face sank directly.

The Mahuang oral liquid developed by ourselves, which is directly authorized for free, has been aconcession. But now, Lu QingHan is not satisfied. He even wants Chen Fei to transfer the patent rightdirectly. This is an advance in an inch.

Thinking of this, Chen Fei couldn't help but look a little gloomy.

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